
Chapter 61: Great, Sharon, Just Great!

Sharon suddenly thought, "He's not going to hit me, is he?"

"Do you admit to your wrongdoings?" The man demanded icily. 

Sharon frowned and hung her head solemnly. 

Leonard looked ready to blow a fuse as he glared at her. "Answer me!"

Sharon jumped. Feeling sorry for herself, she mumbled, "I was only going to sleep over at a friend's house for one night. You're overreacting."

Leonard's face immediately darkened when he heard her response. 

"Great, Sharon, just great!" 

"Why, thank you!" Sharon choked out. 

Leonard's hands clenched into fists as he glared at Sharon, his chest rising and falling rapidly. "How dare you—" 

"What's the big deal? It was only going to be a sleepover at my friend's. It wasn't like I was getting into fights or drinking in bars! If you're that unhappy, I'll move out tomorrow and live with Grandpa, alright?" Sharon snapped unhappily, glaring at Leonard with reddened eyes. 



Leonard was taken aback by her violent reaction.