
Chapter one A Bizarre mistake

"Push harder Elena you're almost there..." The midwife kept shouting.

"Arrrgh!! it hurts" Elena screamed in pain.

"I know. But, keep trying you're almost there".

Finally the cry of a baby was heard.Joy filled the room." It's a boy!!" the midwife shouted in joy. Every one was happy.Elena felt fulfilled. She has given birth to the heir to the oceanic oil and gas Ltd. All her pains disappeared and joy filled her heart. After many years of waiting for a child. He finally came.

* * * *

Elena Benson is the first wife of Mr Peter Benson,a super rich African-American entrepreneur who deals in oil and gas.They've been married for seven years, but Elena never conceived. After their fifth wedding anniversary,Mr Peter took in a second wife, Devina george.popularly called Miss D.

Before their one wedding anniversary, Devina had an issue. But,it was a girl.

Peter need a heir so badly,so he promised to give quarter of his wealth to any of his wife who gave him a heir.

* * * *

Elena happiness was short lived when the midwife told her that she was having another baby.There was panic and shock everyone.

"How can this be. This is not possible" Elena cried.

"Elena there's no time to cry. We have to bring this baby out first before thinking about that" The midwife said. She understood Elena perfectly. Her marriage was on the line as Mr Peter forbade any of his wife from having twin, reasons was best known to him.

The cry of the baby filled the room."Its a girl!!"The midwife announced.

* * * *

"What are you going to do now Elena?" The midwife asked.

" I don't know Maria.I'm confused but I can't let my marriage with peter get ruined because of the children. I must act wisely before Peter finds out" Elena answered

"Then I guess you have something in mind.can you relate it to me"

"Sell the girl to any woman looking for a child. I need the boy alone" Tears rolled down her eyes.

"Are you sure about this Elena remember what the doctor said.This is your first and last time of having children" Maria reminded

"My marriage is more important to me Maria.p

Please just sell the baby at any price at all".

" Okay ma'am "Maria left the ward.

* * * *

" Mrs Elena there's a big problem." A nurse ran

in crying .Elena was surprised "Nurse what problem " Elena asked.The nurse kept shivering.She opened her mouth but no word came out."Will you speak up"Nuina,Elena's handmaid shouted."Mrs....there was a mistake switch,and....and.....and...."

"And what...." Nuina asked again

" We sold the ....the..... boy instead Mrs Elena"The nursed cried.

Elena was shocked

"What!!! Who made such a mistake" She screamed

"The nurse is no where to be found.We are sorry ma'am" The nurse cried out on her knees.Maria entered the Ward.

"Why did you let such mistake happen maria" Elena cried.Her heart was beating rapidly.

"Calm down Elena.You could die from heart attack" Maria said calmly.

"Was this a mistake Maria" Elena asked with tears. Her eyes were already swollen and red."I think it was planned Elena because the nurse is nowhere to be found.I'm sorry Elena.But luckily for us Mr peter has already dropped by to see his son.He confirmed already that he has an heir."

"Where are you driving at Maria" Elena asked.

Maria dismissed the the nurse and stared at Nuina.

" She's trustworthy .Tell me your plans Maria" Elena said."We are tracking the woman now but we don't know when she'll be caught as she seem to be hiding her tracks well.So for the mean time the girl can be the boy until he's found"Maria answered.

Elena understood what Maria was trying to do.

It was a very risky game.If Peter finds out,Hell will be let loose.Still,she was ready to give it a try.

"Then let's do this" Maria said after few seconds .