
The day we met

I woke up to find myself in a bed this bed was no normal bed only one person could own this bed this bed belong to the president of the hm group the most powerful group in the world but that can't be I am in no no no no no I have to get out of here I hurry and grab my clothes but as I open the door I hear him say stop after I heard that I sprinted down the hall way until I was safely out of the building and around the corner I guess I could tell you his name now his name is Stephan I know that might not sound like a bad name but you never want to be stuck in a room with him well let's get on with the story tomorrow I have to try out for work like a job I know it sounds boring but it's fine I go home and go to sleep from how wore out I am next thing I know it's 7:00am wait o no I am gonna be late gotta go fast I grab my clothes and head of to the interview the interview is at the cafe I wanted to work there because I'd just a simple job u know don't u well they ask me question for a while and finally say I have the job and I start now well better go get my outfit on I look in the mirror and see the out fit it is definitely to short but it will do first I start bye being at the cash register the day has been going good until I see Stephen welding towards the cafe will a deadly look on his face he walks in and comes to the register he says why r u here I ask him what he means he says well never mind I might of made a mistake I tell him to hurry up and order we have other customers he looks at me and smiles it is u he says then he says Darcy I know it's u I turn away to run then he grabs my wrist and pulls me towards him like he owns me I kick him and run I get outside and see he is following me he is gaining speed on me he grabs my wrist harder this time ow I scream he grips harder he picks me up and throws me in a car he gives me a drink and says calm down I drink it but suddenly I feel very sleepy when I wake up I find myself in the same bed as before