

InTone_Novelist · Real
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Titititi , Titititi , Titititi , the sound of an alarm clock ticking before richie smacked it with his left hand while still on the bed.

Richie : argghhhhhhh (burying his face in his pillow)

He puts a paste on his toothbrush and started brushing, admiring his reflections in the mirror, he smirked at the mirror. the door opens.

Richie : Oh my God Billy, I told you several times , knock the damn door before coming in.

Billy : Stop whining , We both got wieners, You know‽. ( billy is much younger and skinny, Richie is handsome and taller)

Richie : still, please knock first.

Billy : why? ( he asks Richie while applying the paste to his toothbrush without remorse)

Richie stirs at him with a very frustrating and disgustful look.

Richie : I hate when you make that face during our conversation, billy. (still stirring at billy who didn't show remorse)

Billy : C'mon bro , All you do is hate my looks and stir at the mirror for 3hrs.

Richie : What? I don't do that!

Billy : Yes you do!

Richie : No I don't .

Billy : C'mon bro , take a look at you! (says billy crossing his arm to Richie's shoulder as they both stir at the mirror) your reflections look good but not in a broken mirror.

Richie : whatchu say? ( billy withdraws his arm slowly and runs out the bathroom) I'm done keeping mom's promise , now I'm going to kill you (Richie runs after billy)

fade out.

A plate placed on the table , scorched bread along with a scorched omelette , Richie stirs at his plate for a while, then stirs at Billy's plate , who immediately used his arm to hide away the perfect meal he made for himself.

Richie : What is this?

Billy : Food‽

Richie : hand me yours now!

Billy : C'mon bro , I accidentally burnt your meal, it wasn't my intention so please don't take mine.

Richie : you definitely suck at cooking.

Billy : no I don't.

Richie : yes you do!

Billy : You know what? you right , I only suck at cooking when am preparing your own meals. (says billy with a smug on his face)

Richie : Aiit , I'm taking your meal by force ( he stood up and starts dragging Billy's plate while they struggle and chuckle)

Ting tong , the door bell rings , their facial expressions despaired but they still seem calmed.

Richie : You didn't invite anyone over did you? ( Richie asks as billy quickly shakes his head here and there ) I swear I'll kill you if this knock ever involves a house party (says Richie who then walks away slowly to get the door)

Two females at the door.

"Hello" Says a beautiful middle aged young woman , who didn't even let Richie finish opening the door.

"whooo.... you are quite a handsome fella, mate" says the lady with a grinning smile.

Richie : And you have quite a beautiful smile ( says Richie sarcastically )

"Oh ! really?" Said the lady whose face got blemish from blushing. ( She was stirring at Richie in lust, her eyes and smiles gave the obvious away leaving Richie uncomfortable )

"Ahem! , mom" said the other female who was pretty much younger and elegant, clearing her throat sarcastically to jolt her mom back to present world.

"Oh dear , I totally forgot to introduce myself, I'm Mrs Lance but feel free to call me Lance" said the mom still smiling in lust.

"Mom..." the younger girl called out again (stirring at her mom with an inpatient look )

Mrs Lance : Argh right, My daughter , Jess..... ( She was saying before richie butt in )

Richie : ( *In Awe* His mouth wide open ) Oh my god please don't tell me my little brother got her impregnate ( leaving the two females in confusion while he blabs and murmurs to himself ) that lil shit beats me to it now he gets to be father before me?

Mrs Lance : I believe you have it all wrong handsome ( She butts in to stop Richie from his judgie belief )

Richie : Oh !

Jess : I do wish it was true though ( she said smiling to herself while she looked away )

Mrs Lance : You don't mind us coming in?

Richie : Sure. ( he pulls the door wide open )

Fade out.

Two brothers sitting on one of the couch while the two females sat on the other couch , horizontally facing each other. there was a long silence as both mother and daughter were lost in their lust.

Jess hurriedly jumped on billy , who immediately grabbed her and stood up , her hands cupped his curly hairs while they kissed , his hands caressing her thighs, their lips glued together while they hurriedly unfasten their wears....

Mrs Lance slowly unfasten her pink jacket suit till all Richie's eyes could feast on is her big attractive breast, she slowly crawled on her knees to where Richie sat, she chewed her lips in a sexy way while she slowly unzipped his trouser , she digs her hand right in the loosen zipped hole and slowly roams her hand inside it, she tries to pull out her hands out slowly..... Until Richie jolted both mother and daughter to the real world.

Richie : "Ahem" ( He sarcastically coughs , jolting back the perverted minds of these two females from their vivid imaginations )

Mrs Lance : My daughter, told me alot about you ( she said in lust while her daughter slams her lap with a little harsh tap ) mostly about your brother ( She said hastily as if she wanted to please her daughter )

Billy : Mrs Lance, I swear I haven't slept with your daughter ( he said hastily) at least not yet.

Mrs Lance : Oh no dear , she only begged me to come help support you.

Richie : Support? ( asked Richie with is eyes popping out )

Mrs Lance : Yes ( She replies , smiling with lust as she stirs at Richie )

Jess : Mom‽ ( called Jess again in whispers )

Mrs Lance : Yes dear ! ( she turns to Jess still In lust until she snapped out of it after seeing the frightening looks on her daughter's face ) Argghhhhhhh yes... Heard you got dropped from school , My daughter won't stop nagging me if I don't help, I can make a few calls and you will be back in school. ( she said to Billy then slowly turns to Richie with that lust look on her face again )

Richie : I hate school.

Billy : Me too.

Richie : See , it's a thing in our family.

Billy : Even our grandparents hated school.

Richie : pretty sure our generations will hate school too. (Said both brothers with a faint grinning smile on their face)

Fades out.

Mrs Lance : Just in case you do change your mind ( she said stretching out a business card to Richie, while Jess sits in the back sit of a luxurious car with a disappointed face ) call me. ( she said smiling and winked )

Then she slowly cat walks away majestically , hoping to steal Richie's heart with a few sexy step but the door was slammed on her. ( She groaned at her failed attempts and walks away normally )

Both brothers still standing next to the door lost in their situation.

Billy : That was weird.

Richie : You tell me. ( Says Richie walking away in exhaustion )