


I walked back in the kitchen and sat next to Emma again. /"Dad wants me to return back there for a week/" I told them taking a bite of my food.

/"Why?/" my mom asked.

/"He wants me to meet his girlfriend/" I told her while chewing my food. My mother smiled. I knew that she was happy for my father. Even after their divorce they remained friends.

/"Nya! What did I tell you about talking and eating at the same time?/" my mom scolded making me stop chewing. I rolled my eyes and continued eating. /"What are you going to do?/" she asked.

/"I don't know/" I replied.

/"Don't go/" Emma told me with a frown.

/"You should go/" Tom interjected. /"Your father misses you. Only one week he's asking/" he told me. Tom was always the one to clear up my mind. I smiled and nodded.

/"Well, I'll be gone for one week then/" I told them.

/"Jake isn't going to like it/" Emma teased while chewing her food.