


Nya's Point Of View

I stood there in complete shock. Shane ran after Peyton. I wanted to coo but I couldn't because of the shock. Jake's hands were wrapped around my waist. Drake was standing in front of us looking guiltily. How could he? Anger boiled inside of me. He slept with Penny and he knew that Peyton hated her.

Without thinking, I walked to Drake and slapped him hard. Jake quickly pulled me backward. /"How could you do this to her, you piece of shit!/" I yelled as Jake wrapped his hand around my waist preventing me from launching myself at Drake. Drake looked at the floor not able to meet my eyes. I was pulled away as I struggled to get away from Jake's grip.

/"Stop struggling/" Jake ordered in my ear. His voice calmed me down. I closed my eyes and controlled my breathing. Slowly he eased his grip and turned me to face him.