
Mr Playboy betrothed to Mrs Tomboy

"Get the fuck away from me!" She yelled In Anger and Slammed the guy's head on the counter and Zane's eyes almost bulged out What the hell? How could a girl did this? Gosh this is Crazy * * * * Yeah Crazy, unknown to him that's she is his betrothed... She is the Craziest woman he had ever met While he is the most Arrogant billionaire she had ever seen They are the craziest couples you will ever read about * * * " Mom there's no way I'm getting married to that asshole" she rejected.... She is ROXIE KATZ, she is one of Mexico's Billionaires daughter, Surprised right? Why would a billionaire daughter be a tomboy but that's who she is she is crazy, doesn't take shit, but one thing she hates the most is her life is being controlled * * " Mom I preferred being single than getting married to that crazy tomboy woman" he rejected but can he avoids it? He is ZANE CARTER, the CEO of MALI COMPANY, he is a damn god with his handsomeness but he is a Playboy, How would they coped? Will they ever love each other?Ready for the craziest couples ever?

Ifeoluwa_Olosunde · Ciudad
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11 Chs

Episode 5


I walked out of my room with my hand inserted into my pocket

I was surprised to see mom standing by my door side folding her arm and I Know something is up to her

She was staring at me differently also

" Mom goodmorning, what's it?" I asked with a shrugged and she shook her head

" Must you go after a slut huh? If only you're Married you will stop all that shit Already" she said And I scoffed

" What do you mean mom?"I asked

" I saw the bitch coming out of your room last night, must you? After I told you, you're getting married" she said and I Huffed

So that was it, she saw her

So what?

" Mom ,I told you already I don't want this Marriage of a thing, I hate it, this is my life and I want it this way" I said raising my voice and she scoffed

" I don't care, you're getting married and that's final, in fact you're meeting her today so go get ready, you know what I can do, right?" With that she Walked away


I clenched my fist in anger,mom is a pain in my neck

Must she? I know what she can do, she can just lie to dad and He will took everything from me

Damnit everything! Damn the fucking Marriage!

I'm sure the girl will be ugly,


I keep stomping my leg on the ground in anger

Mom is just .... I gritted my teeth in anger

Does she have to sedate me?

I knew it something was off with her given me the juice last night

I Never thought we actually wanted to sedate me and now what I'm Stucked in here

I can't even escaped there are guards Downstairs

Fucking shit! Husband my foot!

I folded my arm looking at the door in anger, I should just break it door but that's impossible

" Mom just opened the door" I shouted but no response

" Mom" I whine but no response

Must she do this

My phone suddenly rang and it's Ryan

" Hey, what's up? You Said you're coming early in the morning" he said and I slumped on the bed almost crying

" Ryan, shit is Happening to me right" I said and I could sense him tensed

" What shit? What Happened?" He asked and I turned to the locked door

" I'm locked in my room" I said

" What? Who locked you? Why?" He asked and I shrugged

" Mom of course" I muttered with a roll of eyeball

" So why? Did you get Into fight again?" Tyler's voice chipped in and I scoffed

" Shut your trash, I didn't got into a fight" I defend myself and he Huffed

" So what Happened?" Ryan asked and I sighed

" I'm getting married" there is a long silent at first

I know they will be shocked

" Yeah, I know you will be shocked but I have a fucking betrothed husband the hell I didn't even know him" I said palming my face all thank to mom

I'm getting married to someone I didn't know

" Wait,Rox are you joking?" Tyler asked and I scoffed

"Does it look like I am?" I aked

" The hell Like You Roxie is getting married, Oh damnit" he cussed

" Yeah, I can't believe it Also" I muttered

" Like who is the betrothed husband, he must be ready" Ryan said with a chuckle and I Huffed

" For what?" I asked, are they mocking me?

"For you, you will be one Crazy wiffey" he said and I wish I'm There to knock his head

" Seriously, you want me to beat blue out of you?" I scoffed and they laughed

" Anyway congratulations baby, so we won't be tight friend like before, I guess" I heard Tyler said and I rolled my eyes

" Why not? Of course we are, we can see anytime" I said

" Are you dumb? You are a married woman now, so no playing around" Ryan said and I rolled my eyes

" Well that doesn't stopped me from living my life"I said and I heard them chuckled

"Silly, you need to learn to be woman now, not tomboy" He said and almost rolled my eyes

" Shut your crap okay, gotta go" i said when i heard a movement at the door

" Okay, Later" the hang up

The door opened and one of the maids entered

" Miss, ma'am said you get dressed" she bows and I folded my arm and scoffed

" Why?" I questioned and she gulped down

" There are Visitors downstairs" she said and I Cussed

They are here, like seriously

I'm meeting my husband, like betrothed, I'm not even ready yet

Gosh! Mom

" Just get out" I Said lying on the bed

The hell I'm not going downstairs, I don't care

" But miss...." The girl protested and I shouted at her

" Get the fuck out!" I shouted and she scurried out immediately

I hate my life being controlled,


I look around the house ticking my hand on the couch

I wish I'm not here maybe in my office working or fucking one of my employees

I'm here to see my betrothed, funny Enough it's Mrs Katz

Though she is popular tycoon just like Dad

I never know she has a daughter, I'm sure her daughter is ugly that's why she is not known

And that I'm getting married to that ugly ass is Making angry

" So where is She?" Mom asked and Mrs Katz smile

I Never listen to what they have been saying, shit I just wanna get out of here

" Oh she will be here soon" Mrs Katz said with a smile

One of the maid came down shortly and whispered something into her ear and I noticed her countenance Changed but we covered up with a smile

" Hmm please give me a short moment, I will just get her" she said and walked upstairs

" Mom this is a waste of time" I said and she glare at me

" We are meeting your bride to be, so shut up" she said and shortly Mrs Katz came down

" She is on her way" she said and I Huffed

Is she a snail? Or what?

Shortly, we started hearing her footsteps, I look at her from down

She is wearing leather trouser, what the hell?

I look up and my eyes dimmed, she also stopped walking immediately our eyes met

Not because she is beautiful but she is the same crazy tomboy

" You....!" We both pointed out.......