
Mr Playboy betrothed to Mrs Tomboy

"Get the fuck away from me!" She yelled In Anger and Slammed the guy's head on the counter and Zane's eyes almost bulged out What the hell? How could a girl did this? Gosh this is Crazy * * * * Yeah Crazy, unknown to him that's she is his betrothed... She is the Craziest woman he had ever met While he is the most Arrogant billionaire she had ever seen They are the craziest couples you will ever read about * * * " Mom there's no way I'm getting married to that asshole" she rejected.... She is ROXIE KATZ, she is one of Mexico's Billionaires daughter, Surprised right? Why would a billionaire daughter be a tomboy but that's who she is she is crazy, doesn't take shit, but one thing she hates the most is her life is being controlled * * " Mom I preferred being single than getting married to that crazy tomboy woman" he rejected but can he avoids it? He is ZANE CARTER, the CEO of MALI COMPANY, he is a damn god with his handsomeness but he is a Playboy, How would they coped? Will they ever love each other?Ready for the craziest couples ever?

Ifeoluwa_Olosunde · Ciudad
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11 Chs

Episode 3


"mom, I said I'm sorry" i said for the thousand times but she just won't response, she should just get used to me already

" Sorry, Roxie, you're a woman, how could you do such a thing?" She yelled and I scoffed

" He is harrasing me so I had to defend myself" I said and she glared at me

" And Do you have to run away from home too?did you know what you caused with your silly acts?" mother yelled but i rolled her eyes

" What is it? I told you I hate parties" I said and she scoffed

" It's not a party, you're to meet your future husband" she said and I stopped for while

" Future husband or what?" I had to asked for it to be clear to me

" You're betrothed to one of my friends son, so you are getting married" mom said with so much seriousness but silly me had to laugh

" Mom you must be joking, I'm getting married? You must be joking" I said and she snapped

" Does it look like I am?!" She snapped and I shook my head

" I don't know why you're planning but I'M NOT GETTING MARRIED!" With that I stomped upstairs

How could she thinks of controlling my life and who said she is ready to get married?


"Lucas,you won't believe me but the girl is somehow crazy, how could she bravely smashed a man's head on the table, she is not even scared" i narrated what Happened to my friend Lucas and he chuckled

" Well, I love that girl Already, She is fearless, it's rare to see girls who are so brave nowadays" he said making me scoffed

" You like what? So when you married that type of girl and she can smashed a bottle on your head right?" I said and he laughed

" Come on she won't, but I don't need her I have my jewel already" he said and I smile, well he is different from me

He is married To Sophia

I just don't have time for all that, you will have to be faithful to your wife, Only her

What kind of life is that? When there are tons of girls to taste out there?

" So how is mother?" He asked and I shrugged

" She is fine" considered our last discussion didn't end well

" She told me you're getting married" Lucas said and my eyes go widened

" What? She told you that?" I asked and he nods

I scoffed unbelievably, Mom is just so unbelievable

" And you believe that?" I asked and he nods

" Well I do, since that all we want for you" he said and I shook my head

" Hell no, I'm not getting married" I rejected and he Arches his brows

" What are you saying? Isn't it your idea" he asked and i shook my head

" I don't agree to it, it actually mom decision, she said I have a girl which I am betrothed to, how did she expect me to marry a girl I don't know?" I lashes out in anger and Lucas shrugged

" Well mom knows the best choice, " he replied and i huffed

" Not for me, I'm getting married, let not talk about it " I said getting more furious the more we talk about it

" So are you in for clubbing tonight?" I asked and he chuckled

" No way, you want Sophia to kull me" he said and i Chuckled

" Your wife Don't like it" I asked and he nods

" She said she will cut off my ball, if I do" he said and i don't know when I bursted into laughter, Gosh! So hilarious

" And you expect me to get married?" I said and he scoffed

" but I love her anyway" he said and I smirked

" And me I'm not ready to love" I muttered




Lucas and I decided to go shopping since he wanted to buy something things for his wife

" Wait, who is that for?" I asked as he took up a a lace panties

He scoffed and shrugged

" For my beautiful wife of course" he said and I scoffed finding it ridiculous

" Pant" I scoffed and he smiles

" That's because I like it for her, you should do that when you get married" he said and I laugh while he stare at me confusedm

" You know I will never do that, I hate that shit" I said inserted my hand into my pocket

" I hope you wake one day" he muttered and I smirked

My eyes run into a particular girl smiling at me and I scored

She is not bad, my tiger hasn't feed on anything today

I signal her to follow me and she nods

" Hmm Lucas I need to use the restroom" I said and he looked around before turning to me

" Another catch, right?" He said and I smirked

He already knows, Asshole

" Later" I Walked towards Restroom direction

I got there and the girl is already inside

" Sir Zane" she muttered fiddling with her fingers and I smirked

" Let get down to it" I said bringing out my rod to feed


" I'm getting my new dress today" Ryan giggling as we walked into the mall

I didn't say anything that is because i'm angry, so angry about the damn marriage mom told me earlier

Who the fuck is the betrothed husband? I don't even want to get married, not now

" Hey, Rox, what's up? You've not been saying anything since earlier" Tyler suddenly said and I scoffed

" Don't worry guys I'll be fine" I said and Ryan scoffed

" Are you Sure?" He asked and I nods

I'm pressed,

" Okay guys you can get whatever you want, I need to use the restroom" I said walking away

" What could be wrong with her?" I heard them muttered and I palmed my forehead

Mom just ruined my mood today,

I opened the first restroom and what I saw shocked me

What the gross!!

The Attendant quickly redressed and scurried out

I shook my head about walking again but his arm pulled me back

What the fuck!

He smirked and buckled up his trouser smiling

" Hey, Miss" she said and I scoffed

What the hell? Is the sex affecting him?

" You look so much like that miss Crazy" he muttered staring at me from head to toes smirking

Well maybe I should just get show him the craziness

" Get the fuck away from me!" I swatt his arm away but he stood in front of me

" Feisty right" he smirked moving closer

" Hey Mister, I think your Brain has been affected" I said walking away when he pulled me back and in anger I kicked him where the sun Never shine

" Damnit" he groaned clinching his leg together

" Asshole" I Said waking away.......