
Chapter Seven

got out of the bathroom at 5:30, I was contemplating if I should wear makeup or not, listening to my  mind I decided to go with a simple look but first I decided to go and eat before because I didn't want to ruin my makeup, I put on my undergarments and a robe with that I made my way to the living room.

Walking into the living room my sister and Sasha had already started eating the pizza,

"You guys could have waited on me you know...",I said with a little pout.

"Sorry sis but we were hungry", my sister answered and Sasha nodding in agreement.

I went for a plate in the kitchen and decided to just take two slices of pizza because I wasn't sure where we were going tonight and I don't want to come off as disrespectful if I don't finish my meal.

Looking at the it was some minutes to 6 so I decided to start putting myself together, Sasha said she'd take care of the dishes so with that I got up and made my way to my room.

I gathered the stuff I needed to do my makeup, I sat down in my mirror and got to work. By the time I was finished it was 6:45, with that I started to fix my hair but then I realized I had no style in mind.

"Sasha!!", I shouted hoping she heard me.

"You called??", she asked.

"Yeah, I need help with my hair, I have no idea what to do with it", I said blowing out a puff of air.

"I got you girl", and with that she went to work, Sasha ,my sister and myself had conversations back and forth and by 7:30 she was finished, looking in the mirror I'd honestly believe it was a different person that I was looking at but not spending a lot of time admiring her lovely work I hugged her and took of my robe, they left me so I could finish getting ready.

I was really nervous about the dress because what if it wasn't my size??

Hoping that it was I pulled down the little zip and stepped in, pulling it up I was truly shocked at the fact that it was the right size.

Ok this is not weird at all, I thought to myself, the dress stopped at mid-thigh, sexy yet classy, I love it!!

I slipped on a pair of nude heels that went perfectly with my outfit.

Looking in my body length mirror I was truly pleased with my transformation, smiling in accomplishment I picked up the jacket, sprayed on some perfume and took up my little clutch along with my phone I once again made my way to the living room.

As expected Sasha and my sister being themselves acted completely extra, I have no idea how many pictures were taken.

The photoshoot got interrupted by a honk and looking at the time it was 8 on the dot.

"Ah, a man of his word", Sasha said, nodding.

"Have fun tonight and don't do anything I'd do", my sister said as I made my way out the door.

I laughed and made my way towards Damian, and of course being a gentleman he greeted me before opening my door.

"Good night Miss Bella", he said, something about him calling me Miss Bella sat well with me.

I said my greetings before getting in the car, he closed my door and made his way to the driver's side.

"I must say, you look extremely beautiful tonight", he said as soon as he got in which caused me to blush a little.

"Thank you, you don't clean up bad yourself, thank you for the dress, how'd you even know my size?", I asked.

"A lucky guess, you don't have to thank me, a beautiful woman like you deserves nice things", he said.

He sure knows how to make a girl feel good about herself.

"Ok Sir, I hear you", he cleared his throat and I realized that the moment the word 'sir' left my mouth that his grip somewhat tightened on the wheel, not putting much thought to it I concentrated on where we were going.

A few minutes later and we pulled up at a prestigious restaurant, I began to wonder if I was a bit underdressed but then I remembered that Damian was the one that picked this outfit so I'd be dressed for the occasion.

Getting out of the car, Damian quickly made his way to my side of the car and opened my door.

"Such a gentleman", I said in my fake British accent which caused him to smirk but going along with the act he bowed and said,

"Milady", a small giggle escaped my lips to which made Damian look at me and smile a little.

Handing the valet the cars keys we made our way towards the restaurant, we were greeted by a stunning hostess which could not keep her eyes off of him, she gave us a private booth and talked to Damian and Damian alone but he cut her off midway into her next sentence.

"Miss..." he said looking at her name tag before continuing, "Miss Amanda, as you can clearly see I am on a date and we are both customers here which means we both should receive attention and since you cannot do so please can you kindly send in our waiter for the night, that will be all, thank you".

Red, that's the colour her cheeks turned before she scurried away to get our waiter, a few minutes later a handsome looking young man came to our table with two menus, he said his pleasantries, handed us our menus and said he'll be back in a few to take our orders.

"Now that is how you deal with customers" Damian said and I nodded in agreement.

I took up my menu and while going through it I realized Damian still hasn't taken up his.

"Not ordering??'", I asked him.

"I already know what I want" he said smiling slightly.

"Bring a lot of your weekly picks here I see", I said with a smirk, to my surprise he laughed.

"In this situation that is not the case, I own the place", of course he owns the place.

"Whew, wait, Am I your latest weekly pick Mr Montgomery??"

"Maybe you are Miss Greene"

For a second I swore it was the truth until he started to chuckle.

"Haha, real funny", I said with a lot of sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"Have you guys decided what you'd like to order??", our waiter asked once he reached our table.

Damian and I gave him our orders and we were told that our food will be brought to us in the next 15 minutes before he walked away once again.

Light conversation flowed between us and I was a bit surprised that the time went by so fast, the waiter placed our meals before us, wishing us a pleasant meal before leaving.

I put some of the contents in my plate onto my fork and oh my lord did my taste buds explode.

Mmmmmmmm, wait, wait, wait!! Did I just moan!!???