
127. Taxonomy

On the other hand, in a semi-industrial concept room. The man who fell asleep on the keyboard woke up like a person who just got a stun. He quickly realized after the cellphone that was not far from his face roared.

The man quickly tidied himself up, his head moving up almost dropping the object he had become a sleeping pedestal.

Haven't had time to pick up an important call on the other end. The phone has stopped ringing.

The man who was trying to gather awareness lowered his face for a moment. he was soon caught ruffling his hair.

_how is this? Do I need to tell my findings to elder Wiryo? he put his head on the table. The tapping motion of the edge of the table using his forehead was visible.

His tongue clenched at the thought of telling the truth. Oma Sukma, who is friendly, graceful, and always filled with expressions of kindness must be declared as the perpetrator of the kidnapping.