
Mr Capsicum love me again

Since being madly in love with her childhood sweetheart she ignored her friends, family, studies just to please him, and to have a bright future with him but in the end she lost everything and everybody she ruined happiness of every one in her family leaving them heartbroken And after all of this what she got to hear from his sweetheart was ‘’After all this you are still willing to live happy life with me after being the reason for death of your whole family’’ Vance, laughed hysterically . A women in dark room tied to chains ,’pale in complexion malnourished replied ‘But I did this all for you for our future you can’t abandon me now , I LOVE YOU please give me a chance ‘ but all her pleas were in vain when the person left her alone in dark room with her loneliness and guilt. For past few months this is the only room where Riley cried ,complained she tolerated all of the humiliation till now for a single change in his heart for a small place in this heart but this was the end of everything every hope every wish .

Dazzling_Vitz · Fantasía
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5 Chs


She is dead finally she will pay for her sins but why this awful feeling as if her head is going to blast and her body is numb, and why the hell is underworld is looking like a hospital room, does Yama(king of hell) has updated his castle to keep up with the modern world and give familiarity to souls, not bad when she was immerse in her thoughts a nurse walked in the room with tray full of medicines and bandages seeing Riely seating up on her bed nurse exclaimed ''Miss you are finally awake after whole week''. When Riely heard this she was still in daze when the door opened again and all her family and skylar came inside all looking worried .

when she saw the familiar faces her eyes welled up and all she was thinking was why the fuck her family was with her in hell but wait the nurse said I finally woke up what does that even mean and why skylar is there too, he was still alive when she committed suicide he was one of the top ten wealthiest person in the world, on top of that he was the most eligible bachelor why he is here what's happening. Her mother was crying and was asking "how are you felling baby any pain, you are finally awake".

In this whole chaotic hospital ward the doctor was struggling to reach patient as everyone attention was on Riley who was in daze and was not replying to anyone who was still struggling is it real world or hell and finally doctor managed to reach near Riley bed and than again he was pushed away by skylar, and the doctor was again standing on the entrance and he was praying to god ' please god help me create path for me' when he was praying somebody suddenly shouted doctor is here, doctor is here finally doctor thanked god and everyone gave him space now he was standing near Riley bed , asking her "Miss how are you feeling ,any pain anywhere" riley finally came out of her daze and replied to doctor "no but did angel also went through changes, now they have also started wearing doctor's clothes, wow impressive" after hearing this doctor and everyone was worried is something wrong with her brain.

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