
Mr Capsicum love me again

Since being madly in love with her childhood sweetheart she ignored her friends, family, studies just to please him, and to have a bright future with him but in the end she lost everything and everybody she ruined happiness of every one in her family leaving them heartbroken And after all of this what she got to hear from his sweetheart was ‘’After all this you are still willing to live happy life with me after being the reason for death of your whole family’’ Vance, laughed hysterically . A women in dark room tied to chains ,’pale in complexion malnourished replied ‘But I did this all for you for our future you can’t abandon me now , I LOVE YOU please give me a chance ‘ but all her pleas were in vain when the person left her alone in dark room with her loneliness and guilt. For past few months this is the only room where Riley cried ,complained she tolerated all of the humiliation till now for a single change in his heart for a small place in this heart but this was the end of everything every hope every wish .

Dazzling_Vitz · Fantasía
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5 Chs


She was confused what's happening, where is she,is she hallucinating tears welled up in her eyes why it's so painful watching them again,worried about me, it's a torture for her seeing them worried about her the person who took everything from them,and was the reason for their destruction and death, why it feels so real and why this scene is somewhat familier, wait no it can't be true is this what I am thinking, it is did I came back 5 years later.

''What, why, why god why again I have to live again but why this second chance, I don't deserve this after what I have done to them ,how will I face them''. Riley started crying how will I manage to live now on with this guilt but now god has given her second chance, to protect her loved one's and not to repeat same mistakes again. Riley started to plan what she will do now ''In this life I will protect ,my loved ones ,I don't want revenge ,but if somebody mess with my family I will bring him to hell, this time I will try to make up for past mistakes, and give my all love to my husband and my family this time ''.

This time she wanted to be loved, spoiled and to shower love on those who loved and always cared for her. But wait what to do how to ignore unwanted people what excuse should I make and most importantly how to change her behaviour.The most commonly used excuse is memory loss, yes my path to success. After resting for whole day at evening doctor again visited Riley with rest of her family members ''Miss are you feeling well are you feeling any pain anywhere'' .

Riley replied ''I am not feeling any pain ,but my head is heavy and I am feeling drowsy and by the way why there are so many people here ,who are they''.

Everyone was in shock the doctor signalled everyone to leave the room then the doctor checked her vitals prescribed medicines and finally left the room, the doctor explained the situation to everyone that many patients who woke up from coma may experience temporary memory loss . Everyone understood the situation but suddenly the nurse came running to doctors office "Miss is asking for someone called Skylar "everyone jaw dropped Riely will never call for him even if he is the only person left in the world what's happening everyone again rushed towards her ward .''Skylar I remember you are my husband,why you left me here alone,I missed you a lot''