
Mr Billionaire, Please feel at ease

Mr Billionaire, Please feel at ease (.. Not so innocent) Theme: Dark secrets, Romance , Erotic, Mafia Pure love. ______________________________ " I don't want to ever see you again, we can't be together!! How many times do you want me to tell you that?" She said looking so frustrated. " I guess you have no choice, we're getting married, and you milady, is going to be the mistress of the Stuart family very soon. We're bound together Val " He said with his usual smirk plastered on his face. ________________________________ ***** Meet Valeria Valdez, an 18 year old high school girl who lives with her father, step sister and step mom. Her mother died when she was 7 years old, her father blamed her for her mother's death. Her father remarried her step mom who already had her step sis. Her step mom lured her father into sending her younger brother who she is only two years older than,outside the country. And then him . Stuart Robinson. The eldest son of the first noble family in country X. The youngest Billionaire in country X. A young eligible bachelor who's drop dead gorgeous. Almost all the women in the country were looking forward to get into his bed, but sadly, he never looked their way. Until she came. She didn't have to do anything to get his attention, to get him hard, to get his heart crazily beating for her. But she didn't want to have anything doing with him. What happens when the dark secrets of the past come knocking on their doors? What do you think is stopping Valeria from accepting Stuart? What do you think the secrets of the past are? Do you think Valeria's brother would return? Is Valeria's dad ever gonna come around the fact that his daughter wasn't at fault? And will Valeria even accept her father back even if he comes back to his senses? If you're eager to know, just join me on this rollercoaster as we uncover chapters together.

Sheila_Addo · Ciudad
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5 Chs

The surprises

💜❣️Mr Billionaire, Please feel at ease ❣️💜

( ..... Not so innocent)

Theme: Dark secrets, Romance , Erotic, Mafia

Pure love


" Weirdo" Stuart muttered to himself with a slight smile, remembering Valeria's funny dressing. "Yeah I am, let's go" he turned to Draven and they both made their way to their car.


Chapter 5 & 6

" Did you know who you just disrespected !!!!" Lena kept yelling as they sat in a private lounge to have their coffee. " Can you stop yelling already?" Valeria asked calmly as she took the menu and begun going through it. " That was Stuart Robinson and Draven Smith!! The heads of the first and second noblest families in country X!!!" Lena reprimanded. "So? Should I have layed a red carpet for them to walk on or something?" Valeria asked her friend nonchalantly . " You know what, nevermind, we'll end up fighting if we continue this conversation." Lena said. " By the way, don't tell me you're drinking your coffee through the nose mask? And take that glasses off, I'm tired of it already!!" Lena continued. Just as she finished speaking, the waiter brought in their orders and left.

Just after the waiter, had left, Valeria removed her glasses, revealing her perfectly shaped eyebrows and ocean blue eyes which are worth dying for. She proceeded to take of her mask and oh my!! She's the definition of beauty. Her pink almond shaped lips looked so appetizing , calling for attention. " Sometimes, I wonder if you were sculpted or something, your beauty is rare you know?" Lena asked. "I know so stop staring too much, I'm straight. " Valeria responded with a slight sarcasm in her voice. " See who's talking, my beauty is rare to you know?" Lena asked. " Yeah I do" Valeria said, and just like that, they burst into laughter. Their loud laughter echoing in the room.

** Next Day **

<< The Valdez's Residence >>

Valeria came downstairs just to meet the family having their breakfast, all eyes immediately turned to her.She was wearing a blue jeans which accentuated her perfect curves and flowed freely below the hips with a white long sleeve shirt and a jean inner coat on it. She let her black hair flow freely. Lorena couldn't help but feel jealous of Valeria's hair because her own her was short same as Mrs Valdez. Valeria actually decided to join since she wasn't in a rush today and also had a surprise for everyone. This would be her first time having breakfast with her family after three years, she always eat in her room and in restaurants.

" See who decided to join in breakfast today after three years , the nose mask freak. Don't tell me you're eating with your nose mask on? " Mr Valdez taunted. Valeria didn't even bother to spare him a glance as she was busy pouring her tea, this infuriated Mr Valdez the more. But obviously, she cared less. " Darling, today is your sister's birthday remember? We'll be throwing a party at the hotel this evening. You should come along with your friends." Mrs Valdez spoke up, faking the caring mother as possible as she can.

They actually owned hotels and real estates, they were a family of high class, but still can't be compared to other high class families. All this while, Valeria still had a nose mask on . " You all are going to get the shock of your lives today." Valeria thought inwardly. After serving herself, she reached out for her glasses and took it off, leaving her dad, his wife and step sister's mouths agape, staring keenly. No one talked, all cutleries went down as Valeria took of her mask. " Oh no!! This isn't happening!!" Lorena thought as she sat there awestruck by her step sister's beauty, jealousy surged through her blood that very moment . Mrs Valdez wasn't left out, she felt so jealous by Valeria's beauty, she had thought her daughter was a beauty queen, but Valeria's beauty shutter that thought of hers immediately.

By now, she wants nothing more than to destroy that face of Valeria's, she had a mixture of a foxlike beauty, villain beauty, classic beauty , angelic beauty and a model beauty. She knew Valeria's mom was beautiful, but Valeria's beauty is overdose. Her beauty is rare, she had a combination of several beauties, just the thought of it alone makes her blood boil. Lorena was so frustrated at the moment that she wanted badly to scratch Valeria's face. Mr Valdez wasn't left out, he knows his ex wife was beautiful, and Valeria had really taken over her mom. He sat there with a knowing smirk, "marrying her off wouldn't be that bad" he thought, he had delayed marrying her off before because he thought she might have a disfigured face that no man would love to be with her. But looking at his daughter now, any man would be willing to buy a country for her family as a bride's price.

Valeria wasn't anywhere concerned by their stares , she was elegantly sipping her tea. After she was done, she stood up and picked her bag before heading for the door. " You might be late for your usual routines if you keep on staring like dummies" those were the words she left behind before walking away. Her car was already waiting outside. She sat in her blue Lamborghini Revuelto which she bought herself ( you'll soon know how) and drove off, she surely knows mother and daughter will be fuming with anger by now. " Dummies" , she muttered under her breath. She can't wait for the next surprise today.

<< Robinson TECH & CO LTD ( East District)

This is the most frequented office by Stuart. Not as if he doesn't have offices in the other districts. He just goes to the other places if his presence or signature is needed. Stuart was busy working when a knock came on his door. " Come in" he said to the person on the other side . " Boss , please Ms Celestia Rodrigues is here to see you." Damien said as he walked in. Just as he ended his words, the clichés of a lady's heel on the tiled floor could be heard, making them divert their gaze towards the door. " So nice to see you again Stuart " , came a lady's voice. " May I take my leave boss?" Damien asked with a slight bow. Stuart raised his hands signalling him to leave. Stuart sat there unmoved " what do you want Yules?" Yules was Stuart's betrothed . She was the young miss of the Sanchez family. They are the fifth richest family. They were engaged to each other even before they were born. Yules is not the so innocent girl that could make a man's heart flutter. She was a real time bitch. A proud peacock at that. " Don't tell me you didn't miss me Stuart" she responded with a seductive smile. She was a beautiful though , but the heavy makeup she begun to wear has destroyed her pretty face, she can't do without makeup for a day. " If you're not ready to talk, I can let Damien here walk you out." Stuart said emotionlessly. " Let's have dinner tonight. " Yules said pleadingly , resting her hand on Stuart's which he gently took away. " You can leave, I'll contact you when I'm free." Stuart said calmly to the woman who was before him. " Are you sure?" Yules asked excitedly. She can't wait to be on a date with him. She came back from country F yesterday and couldn't wait to come see his handsome face. "Just his face alone makes me drip" , she thought. "Mmm Hmm" Stuart hummed and nodded, going back to his work again. "Yeeyyy!!" Yules squealed as she made to hug Stuart. Just a glare from him sent her moving back. " I'll take my leave now" , she said and catwalked out, making sure her butts bounced behind her . "Dummy" Stuart muttered under his breath.

<< << Imperial High >>

< School compound >

A white Lamborghini Revuelto pulled over in the school compound, followed by a black Cadillac celestiq which was owned by Lena. This two girls are freaking rich. The fact that Valeria had her own showbiz company and Lena owning a modelling agency made them freaking rich. Valeria just didn't like showing it, but at this point, she's done giving everyone their grace period. The door of the Lamborghini opened and Valeria stepped out elegantly. Followed by Lena who just got down from her own car. Their entrance immediately drawer attention to them as all the students stopped what they were doing, watching keenly at the two.

🗣️ "Who's that with Lena? I don't think I have seen her before"

🗣️ "She might be a new student"

🗣️ "God, she looks so beautiful. Just look at those eyebrows of hers."

🗣️ " And her plump lips."

🗣️ " Oh my God!! Just date me please!!"

🗣️" I can't believe I'm falling for a fellow woman!! Am I still straight!!"

🗣️ " Her beauty is out of this world, so rare!! How can she be this beautiful? Life is on fare!! ' wuwuwuw ( faking tears) "

Valeria smirked at the comments she was hearing, " this world is so funny, one minute they're bashing you, the next , they're all over you " . " Let's go Valeria, we'll be late for class." Lena said loud enough for everyone to hear.

🗣️ Valeria!!? They all exclaimed.

Love you Ambies 💜💜💜