
Chapter 1 Prologue

The thought of leaving my dad behind was hard because I've lived with my mum and dad for 10 years and now my mum is with another guy and we will be moving to Las Vegas tomorrow for her wedding.

As I pack my suitcase up with clothes and hygiene products for the trip, my phone rings with an incoming text from my boyfriend.

James: Your really moving?

Camelia: Yes, James

James: Well I guess we gotta break up

Camelia: What no?!

He sends me a sorry and a picture of him and my best friend Samantha kissing on a corner locker before we graduated.

I immediately delete his number from my phone after that and zip my suitcase up.

"What happened, honey?" my mother asks me as I hopped in the car.

"Don't ask" As I stare out the window as we drive from the driveway

She looks at me from the mirror and stops at a red light "Did James break up with you?"

I nod and tears regretfully fall from my eyes

She gives me a sad look "Maybe you'll find a man in Vegas"

She winks and I laugh

I look out the window as we drive by my old school that I recently graduated from.

"You miss school don't you?" she asks

"Nope" I lie

She smirks "You were a very good cheerleader so maybe you can see if any colleges offer scholarships for gymnastics"

I shake my head "Nah, I'll just enjoy traveling around the city looking at buildings"

The rest of the ride is silent as 2 hours later we arrive at the airport

She parks the car at a local restaurant parking lot and we walk to the airport entrance.

I wheel my suitcase behind me and she carries a backup backpack for extra stuff.

She pulls our tickets out and hand's them to the lady waiting at the ticket entrance. We step onto some stairs and then com into a huge seated area with so many people. My mother keeps going and we make it to a empty area with only 5 people sitting.

We sit down and I relax in the comfy seat as my mother puts our suitcases and stuff down beside the seats.

"We got VIP tickets so we have the special seats" she winks

I smile "Your man must be very rich"

She shrugs "I don't think you can call him rich but he does run a business that deals in cruises and planes"

I gape at her "Your saying he owns a very lard business!"

She glares "No"

She sits back as the plane takes off and eventually she falls asleep with her blindfold for sleeping and her ear muffs so it shuts out noise.

"Hey" a voice says beside me

I turn and notice a guy that looks like he's my age and he smiles.

"Do you want some money?" he asks

I shake my head "I'm fine thanks"

He continues "A million dollars a year"

I whip around to face him "Did you really just say a million dollars?"

He smirks "If you marry me and give me a child then I'll give you all the money you can dream of"

I laugh hard "No way, I am not getting pregnant just for some money"

My mother wakes up after he goes to his seat and wipes her eyes "We will have so much fun in Las Vegas"

I just nod

Meanwhile, the guy speaks with 2 other guys in the back and a blonde guy keeps snowing glances my way and I swear if I wasn't in this seat he would come over and kiss me. He is so hot with his blonde hair and blue eyes. I spot another guy with white hair and he's seems to have 2 colored eyes. He smiles and waves at me a little.

12 hours later we make it to Las Vegas and my mother's man picks us up from the airport.

He kisses my mom and she motions to me "This is my daughter, Camelia"

He hugs me but I stand awkwardly "Nice to meet you"

I smile

3 guys from earlier come over and the boy that tried bribing me almost trips over my mother's man's feet.

The man introduces them "Camelia, these are your 3 step brothers. Blondie is Carlos, Albino is Max, and Darky is Anthony" I nod.

My mother claps her hands to ease the silence "Where are we headed to now?!"

"Home" the man smiles.

Later, I figure out his name is Zachary Levi and the men are his 3 sons and they are all heirs to a very important line of ancestors.

About an hour later we arrive at a house that is larger than the older one and I am shown to my new room. I place my suitcase in the bed and fall in the bed. There is a knock at my bedroom door then and I go to open it.

A little boy stands there with brown hair and green eyes "Dinner time!"

He bounds back downstairs and I follow him and when I get to the kitchen I only see 2 of the boys there and the albino- I mean Max isn't there.

I take a seat next to my mother and she serves me some potatoes and rice and peppers.

Zack speaks up "Sorry about Max, he isn't too fond of new family members so soon. My youngest here is Alex but don't let his small size fool you" he pats Alex on the head

Alex spots me and hops up onto the seat next to me just as Max comes into the kitchen.

He looks over at me and my mother and scowls "Can't they just leave us alone? We were doing just fine without them in our life"

I gasp

His father stands up and gets in his sons face "You say sorry to your step mom and step sister right now!"

Meanwhile, my mother excuses herself from the table and heads to her room. Alex grabs my hand and I look down at him as he tugs.

"I think my brother Carlos told me to show you our rooms too!"

His tiny voice makes Zack and Max look over at me and as Alex tugs me with him the door opens and the wind makes my waist long hair float around my sides. A man stands there with a girl that is clinging to his arm.

"Please baby give us one last shot!" she begs the man

He pushes her outside and shuts the door and turns to us with a wide smile and just noticed me.

Zack comes over and gives him a huge hug and Zack motions to me "This is your new step sister, Camelia"

"Nice to meet you, Camelia. My name is Kodiak" he shakes my hand

I smile softly

Alex tugs on my hand and we go upstairs

"This is my room!" he opens a door that has his name on it

His room has lots of cars posters and pictures of him and his brothers at a campsite.

He takes my hand and brings me to another room that reads DANGER KEEP OUT. He opens it and I see Carlos playing a video game with racing cars and he doesn't look up at us.

Alex snickers "He is addicted to video games"

I follow him to a door that is white and when he opens it I smell a heavy scent of camomile and a bit of eucalyptus and I smile. This must be Max's room.

I soon find that all the boys have there own room even Kodiak.

So later as I am in my own room I make a list.

Kodiak- the highly smart and intelligent man with a keen sense of reality

Alex- the cute little boy with a smart mind but big mouth

Carlos- loves to prove he loves video games but is very smart

Anthony- is silent most of the time but pays attention to detail

Max- the eccentric and meditative mind guy who loves calmness but doesn't show it

As I finish writing a hear my door open and my mother comes in holding a bundle in her arms.

She stands next to me and I see that it's a baby boy "This is the youngest of his boys, Lucas" she hand's him to me

The baby sleeps soundly and I lightly touch his tiny fists "Such a cutie"

She takes him back and frowns "His mother gave him up since she hated any idea if seeing his father's face in his face"

I shake my head in anger "That's just messed up"

She agrees and heads back downstairs

Alex comes up to me "Whatcha doing?"

I tap my pen on my desk and cover my papers "Nothing"

He peaks under my hands and grabs the paper and I try to grab it from him and when he runs out of the room I know I'm a goner. Kodiak grabs the paper from Alex and hand's it to me but not before taking a look

"You say that I have a 'keen sense of reality'?"

I take it back and fold it up "It's personal"

He smiles "I am the oldest of the boys so you know and I am only smart because I study alot and go to college"

I blush completely caught in fact

Alex looks between us and then run out of my room while slamming the door behind him

Kodiak lean over the desk where I am writing in my notes about my day aka my diary.

I feel his breath on my ear and it sends shivers down my neck.

"You don't like it here?" he whispers

I shiver "N-no"

Crap my stutters are bad.

He smiles from beside me and takes my pen before writing something down on the paper.

He kisses my cheek and he leans down and his lips trail my side of my mouth.

"Kodiak---" I turn in his side and his lips hit my mouth and I gasp

He pulls me forward and on the bed but I put my hands on his chest and push him away.

"What are you doing?" I put my finger over my lips now having my first (real) kiss take from me.

He shrugs "Your hot, sis"

I blush "But that's not good to do to your step sister--me"

He shrugs again "You didn't seem to hate it so why don't we continue" he smirks when I blush again

"Won't we get in loads of trouble?"

H shakes his head "Let's go to the OB-GYN and get you on birth control first"

"What why?"

"I wanna have sex with you..." he trails off as he looks over my figure

He slides his hands down my arms and pushes me onto the bed "Mmm" I moan as he slides his hands under my shirt and up to my tits. I moan as he slides my leggings off and my underwear next. He smiles as he takes his shirt off and he unzips his pants, pulling out his rod. His rod sticks up about 6 inches. He pets my thighs and I feel him position himself at my opening. A wave of pain rolls thru me as he enters me and he does it slowly.

"Are you okay?" he stops and stills inside me

I shake my head "Let me go"

He frowns and then shifts until his almost out but slams back inside me and I scream. He covers my mouth with his and kisses me to stifle my moans and screams. The door opens and Carlos comes in and stops in his tracks as he watches us.

Kodiak growls "Are you gonna stand there or help me hold her steady while I cum inside her?"

Carlos smirks and comes over to us and holds my arms above my head and Kodiak stops kissing me and Carlos kisses me. I moan in pain and tears fall down my cheeks fast.

Kodiak gasp "Oh God, she's so tight" he moves inside me deeper and slams into me harder and faster.

I cry and bite Carlos on his lip hard and I taste blood on my lip.

"You B*tch!" he shouted and wiped the blood from his lip

I kick my legs as Kodiak pumps inside me and the shudders as he cums inside me

Kodiak gets off of me and I smack him hard across his face.

The door bangs open and Max is there with my mum and step dad and they take in the situation.

My mum runs to me and Zack grabs the other boys arms and drags them downstairs as my mum runs my arms up and down and Max rubs my shoulders.

"I'm sorry about my brother's, sis" Max kisses my cheek and a shudder

"Max wants to protect you from his brothers but you have to be careful around them" mum tells me