
Mountains Ride To The Peaks Of Clarity

Mental_Patient · Fantasía
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5 Chs


Aliens weed and space. Extraterrestrial world marble with a land abovre land. set out above the open sea. the clouds are pushing past rolling like waves over currents of heat strikes cold flashes. a crystalline refracted surface of water is the scene below the safety rail of the air country. One hanging garden in the sky. Roaming above orbiting this planet. Hidde.n shrouded in mystery.

day laborers keeping the hoverimg landscape manicured in groups set in shifts. Cutting leafs and air-blowing them flowing in streams out over on the sub ground. they just so happened to be passing over a new continent right now. so the trimmed grass sent in masses to a grees grass covered land mass. The people below where the cuttings were raining down didnt day anything. the peiple above were just doing their work oblivious or not to thr people below, as they truly didnt care to begin with. the half below were erratic as were their puldes more sporadic while yhe energy they are feeling right now at an all time high filled with caution and excitement. statically charged energetic groups of people and half people were batted with knife like leafs.

An orange fur tree tops a volcanoes peak naturally close nearby where all these else people are near. many amok and intrigued people who saw a meteor that fell 10 minutes prior.