

Unlucky soul get reincarnated in DC Universe with power ups.

TyrantTron335 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs

Chapter 16

Vega Star System


Mc P. O. V.

I step out of Boom Tube and I see every single soldier and Officer bending their head. , Tamaraneans Royal Members, Both Koriand'r and Komand'r are present.

Guards take me to an open field where they put Tent for Me, Senior Officers of Empire. I Sit on the Throne of Tamaraneans to Show my Dominance.

" Welcome Your Majesty. " The General greet me.

" Bring the Royal Family in here my presence. " I ordered the General.

" Yes, Your Majesty. " General left me and tell guards to bring.

The Guards bring the Royal Family of Tamaraneans. I feel my hurt is broken when I see Koriand'r or Starfire seeing this Shape. I like her in the past but I will never let her like this.

While Komand'r is angry in her mind that she lost her freedom and queenship. She doesn't know that I'm hotter than Thousand of Suns if she's fire. I will tame that fire and make it a volcano that will harm my enemy.

" We greet the Great Emperor of the Almeracian Empire. " King Myand'r said bowing his head.

" Do you know why you brought people here? " I asked King Myand'r.

" None, Emperor. " King Myand'r replied.

" Normally it's custom that the defeated king and his family will be killed. " I said to King Myand'r.

The Room become tense after hearing my word. Specially Queen Luand'r was worried about her children's future.

" But I won't do that. " I said to King Myand'r.

Tamaraneans Royal feels quite relieved hearing my word.

" From this day Tamaraneans Royal is no longer a royal family. " I announce to King Myand'r.

But they no longer care about their status.

"Additionally Both Former princesses of Tamaraneans are the concubine of my imperial harem. " I finished my announcement to the Former Royal family.

Both Koriand'r and Komand'r are shocked at my proposal. The Royal Family congratulate their sister and daughter.

" I hope this marriage stays forever. " I said to everyone.

Everyone congratulates me on my new marriage.

" General inform everyone in Vega System I will announce my presence after 30 minutes. " I ordered the General.

" Yes your wish, Majesty. " The general left the tent.

I start talking with Tamaraneans former Royal family specially Both princesses. The rest of the family members leave the room. I'm alone with Koriand'r and Komand'r.

" Do you have any objections to this proposal, you both are going to be my wife even though your status is Concubine. " I said to both princesses.

" Do we have any rights? " Komand'r said with an aggressive voice.

I stand up from my throne and walk towards Komand'r. She closed her eyes feeling that I might hurt her. But she guess wrong, I took her left hand in my hand and put the ring on her fourth finger. I kiss her left hand and she opened her to see a reddish-black ring. Her ring has green lantern ring power.

" Why? " Komand'r ask me.

" Why you ask it's because I don't mind your such aggressive voice. You should show your aggressiveness toward our enemies. ' Also show me your smile to only me'. " I said to her only last part is whisper to her. She's staring at me.

I know women always choose Superior men. I have all the qualifications for Superior men.

I looked at Koriand'r and my heart melt when I see her, I see the pain that causes by betrayal and Expremimention on her.

" Oh, beautiful princess soon to be my wife. I can't bear the sadness in your heart. " I take her left hand and put Auburn's ring fourth finger. Her ring has Blue lantern ring power.

I heal her all injuries and emotional scars on her mind. Now both sisters complete each other void in their relationship. Together they're nigh invincible. Their ring has all the advantages of a Maxima ring except they can control one emotional spectrum.

I connect my vision with Koriand'r, she doesn't understand what's happening. But I calm her and fire Omega Beams from my eyes. Beams goes towards the citadel planet and kills everyone responsible for her misery. She was astonished at first later she cried.

" You're beautiful doesn't suit to cry only happiness. I'm here no one can make you sad anymore. " I then wipe her tear and kiss her forehead.




Time Skip:

I sit on the throne in the Open field. The live broadcast will happen in 60 seconds.

I construct an energy sword and its point was in the ground and my palm into the pommel. The live broadcast is happening to Almeracian Empire and Vega System.

" I, Alamgir son of Osman, I'm the Emperor of the Almeracian Empire, I'm the shadow of God in this world. I conquered the Vega System of the Milky Galaxy, sector 2828. In the name of God, I promise you I'll be fair to you all. I will establish Justice and peace in my empire. To establish justice and peace we have to maintain fair law and order.

Remember that, those who deny me will be punished. Rebels, Unlawful, Corrupted, etc individuals or groups will perish in my empire.

Omega Men's or Rebels of Previous Empires of Vega System. I give you two options: The first opinion is you come under our shadow, and we will treat you like my other subjects. The second option is You can keep your independence while paying us 30% of your annual income to Almeracian Empire.

There's no third option only destruction. I'm not joking in these matters don't ever think that you escape my wrath with the help of the Green Lantern Corps. I'm giving 168 hours for your people's decision. "

I finished my announcement and the live broadcast ended.

" Guards? " I shout.

A few Guards comes towards me, Bowing their head.

" Your Majesty. " One Guard asked.

" Tell Koriand'r and Komand'r to ready their luggage. I'm leaving now. " I tell guards to inform the Komand'r and Koriand'r.

They both come with their packages. I opened the Boom Tube and Both princesses leave with me.




Almeracian Empire

Capital Planet

I and The princesses arrive with Boom Tube. The Servants take Both Princesses' luggage to my private palace where only Me, my Harem, and servants are allowed to enter.

" Come with me." I levitate them with me. They can't fly now because they haven't bathed with Ultraviolet radiation.

We reached a big pond. This pond has purple-type liquid. This pond is made by matter manipulation.

" Is that pond has Stellar Radiation? " Koriand'r asked me.

" Yes, now you two take a bath in this stellar radioactive pond. " I said to Koriand'r and Komand'r.

They both take their clothes off from them and now taking a bath in a pond made with stellar radiation. I leave them now for power-up. Mine and Both princesses Representive complete our marriage.

[ Host, Mother Box has Detected the one who you're looking for. ] Mother Box massages me.

" Excellent. " I finally found the one who is like me.

I use Space-Time Manipulation to go where he is.




Earth Prime


31st century

??? P. O. V.

I kill that F u c k e r who called Superboy, I'll kill the Legion of Superhero, I'll kill Superman and I'll be the only Superman in this world.

Third P. O. V.

Prime had been lost in the timestream following his encounter with Monarch. The Time Trapper brought Superboy-Prime to the 31st century in his never-ending scheme to destroy the Legion of Superheroes. Crashing just outside of Smallville, his stolen Oan energy at this point had faded, reverting him to his actual young age, as well as returning his power to their previous levels, which was what Mr. Mxyzptlk had foretold.

Upon arrival, he was encountered by a old farming couple, who thought he was Superboy, which made him extremely mad. He considered himself a man, not a boy, and murdered the couple. When he flew to Smallville, he came across the Superman Museum, further fomenting his fury at how beloved Superman was in the future.

He became even more enraged when he saw the Hall of Villains, only to find out that he was not even considered a villain of Superman's, but no more then a nuisance. His statue was kept in storage. Furthermore, history recounted that he was defeated by Conner Kent and Sodam Yat, totally contrary to what really happened. He proceeded to wreck the entire museum and kill whomever he came across. From a holographic tour guide of Jimmy Olsen, he learned of the Legion of Super-Villains.

When Superboy-Prime learned that the Legion of Super-Villains followed a code of evil, inspired by a dark being whose "name was never spoken," he got the idea to be the greatest villain Superman had ever faced. Superboy-Prime then went to the prison planet Takron-Galtos and freed the imprisoned Lightning Lord, Saturn Queen and Cosmic King. When they saw Superboy-Prime, they immediately hailed him as the inspiration of the LSV's evil code, making him the dark being in question. He then burnt an "S" shield into the planet, that could be seen from space.

When the Legion of Super-Heroes learned of the prison break, they decided they needed to bring Superman from the 21st Century. Superman and Brainiac 5 agreed to bring in two other versions of the Legion to combat the Legion of Super-Villains. Superman believed the only way to stop the carnage was to try to redeem Superboy-Prime.

Superboy-Prime made his way to Sorcerer's World where he recruited Mordru to his Legion before killing the last active Green Lantern, Rond Vidar. Legion members Mon-El and Shadow Lass followed Vidar's ring back to Oa to discover that Sodam Yat was still alive and had been monitoring the last few Green Lanterns. Convincing him to battle Superboy-Prime once again, he joined Superman and the Legions of two other dimensions as reinforcements, enabling them to turn the tide of battle with the combined forces of all their major villains in Metropolis.

Superboy-Prime burned a hole through Superman's hand and broke through Yat's ring construct just in time to be informed that there was something happening at Legion headquarters. At the headquarters, Brainiac 5, Lightning Lad, Lightning Lass (one of whom is Light Lass) and XS all gathered in triplicate. Using a combination of living lightning and a Cosmic Treadmill, they brought the young version of Bart Allen out of the Speed Force. Superboy-Prime was shaken at the thought of Bart's return, since he was the only person that was able to defeat him twice.

Not long after fighting Kid Flash, Element Lad turned the surrounding debris into Kryptonite, which actually causes harm to Superboy-Prime, but he murdered Element Lad by throwing a piece of Kryptonite right through him. Cosmic King turned the Kryptonite in Superboy-Prime's body into yellow sunlight. When the LSH headed to the North Pole to regroup, Superboy-Prime and the LSV followed them to the Fortress of Solitude. He attacked the three Brainiac 5's, cutting off Polar Boy's ice hand.

Wildfire used his powers to fuel a Kryptonian regeneration chrysalis inside the Fortress from which emerged a resurrected Conner Kent. His corpse had been placed in the chrysalis by the LSH when they time-traveled to the 21st century as part of Brainiac 5's plan to recall Superboy-Prime's greatest enemies to the future to stop him. Superboy and Superboy-Prime clashed with the rest of the Legion joining in.

Later, Superman pulled off the Time Trapper's hood to reveal an aged Superboy-Prime as the Time Trapper's true identity.[16] As the Legion continued their battles, the Time Trapper revealed that he had known the outcome all along, claiming that the Legion would lose that day. But, as the battle raged, Conner inflicted a wound on Superboy-Prime's body, burning a scar across his S-Shield chest, causing it to appear on the Time Trapper also.

Realizing that time was fluid, Superman, Saturn Girl, Cosmic Boy and Lightning Lad defeated the Time Trapper and dragged him to the battlefield where the two Primes met. The Time Trapper attempted to convince Prime into destroying the Legion, but Prime was unable to comprehend that he would become someone like the Time Trapper and attacked his older self. Superboy Prime was going to vaporize but a Forcefield surrounded Superboy. Everyone is surprised by what's happening now.

" Time Trapper, You can't kill him. " A Muscular Guy with Black and Green armor.

Superboy-Prime punches the Forcefield but Terry Forcefully Sleeps him. Suddenly Superboy Try to Punch Terry but Terry Caught his Punch and Spin him in the air. Violently Throw him into the ground, which shakes the Whole Continent. Superboy is Knockout.

Terry Immediately Punches Superboy Prime and catapults him into orbit. Legion of Superhero and Legion of Super-villain attack him.

Sodam Yat created Big Alien Type Gun to shoot Terry. Terry Block it Antimatter Forcefield, Terry shoots Yellow Piercing Beam from White Ring into Sodam Yat Thigh but He is caught by Mon-El him from falling.

Superman Gives two punches in Terry's face.

" Please. " Terry Mocked and Fired Omega Beams into Superman's Chest. Superman got Electric Shock from the Omega Beams attack and fainted.

Younger Bart Allen version continually punching on Terry's face and body, Terry looked at him.

" Bart Allen, Remember when fighting someone league above you should maintain distance from them. " Terry catch him lift him in the air and throw him to Element lad. Both Element Lad and Bart Allen crash into Ice Wall.

" I had enough of This Nonsense. " Terry Body is Radiating Yellow Aura.

He use 'Parallex Presence' Which Allowed Terry to Install Overwhelming Fear in his opponents even if they face fear before.

Everyone be it the Legion Of Super-Hero and Legion Of Super-villain got Terrified by Terry's Parallex Presence', Terry Looked at one person who is missing which was Time Trapper. Time Trapper coming towards him with great speed.

Terry and Time Trapper are punching each other very fast. Terry grab Time Trapper and Scorch his whole body by Omega Beams with full force. Erase the Time Trapper for Good. Terry leave with Superboy Prime into His Universe.





I want help from readers. Give me Good Alias for Mc.

= (Here)


How powerful is Sodam Yat?

He's a daxamite. They basically have the same powers as Superman.

He should be really close to his strength level.

He survived two blasts from the Anti-Monitor, taking out one of the strongest bruisers, Kilowog, with a single shot of heat vision.

For some time, he was Ion and with that power combined with his strength, fought Superboy Prime to nearly a stalemate (only reason he lost was because he conveniently got stabbed by lead pipes which poison Daxamites).