
Mother Of All Systems!!

So basically our MC is an unlucky fellow his whole life is a mess. Orphan at the age of 3 when his parents got involve in some accidents. Growing up with no friends. Grades are so-so Don't even mention a girlfriend Well basically everything he does nothing comes good. And then he start watching animes reading novels and Mangas he really got addicted and decided to commit suicide in letting himself got rekt by truck-kun. After he saw a truck in the distance he started walking slowly to the center of the road but little did he know there's an open manhole near just infront of him. The last second he remember is the feeling of falling. Follow the disastrous life of Clay's adventure on obtaining different SYSTEMS!!! ________________ Cover not mine.... CTTO

Crixzivion · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
46 Chs

inferior dragon and griffin

Clay Evergreen stood before the imposing figure of the inferior dragon, a creature much larger than himself. Its scales were black as midnight, its eyes blazing with a fierce intelligence. Clay knew that he was in for a tough fight, but he also knew that he was more than capable of taking down the beast.

With a quick flick of his wrist, Clay drew his dark iron black dragon dagger, its ancient grade quality glinting in the light. He took a deep breath and steadied himself, focusing all of his energy on the task at hand. The dragon let out a deafening roar, a sound that would have sent most warriors running for the hills. But Clay stood his ground, his eyes locked onto the dragon's.

With a burst of speed that belied his small stature, Clay dashed forward, his dagger flashing in the air. The dragon swung its massive tail, but Clay ducked and weaved, avoiding the blow with ease. He launched himself forward, plunging the dagger deep into the dragon's thigh. The beast let out a roar of pain, its scales shuddering.

The dragon lashed out with its claws, but Clay was already on the move, dancing around the beast with lightning-fast reflexes. He landed a series of blows on the dragon's hide, each one a precise strike that caused the beast to wince in pain. The dragon tried to bite Clay, but he was too quick, darting out of range at the last second.

Clay knew that he had to finish this quickly, before the dragon could mount a counterattack. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, calling upon his mastery of the wind element. A powerful gust of air burst forth from his body, slamming into the dragon with incredible force. The beast staggered back, disoriented and stunned.

With a fierce determination, Clay launched himself forward, his dagger poised for the kill. He plunged it deep into the dragon's heart, its ancient blood spilling out in a rush. The beast let out a final, pitiful roar, and then fell silent, its massive body collapsing to the ground.

Clay stood there for a moment, catching his breath and admiring his handiwork. He had taken down an inferior dragon, a creature that would have been the bane of most adventurers. But he was no ordinary adventurer. He was a master of skills and schemes, a deadly assassin with unparalleled combat prowess. And he knew that there were many more challenges waiting for him out there in the world, challenges that he would face head-on, with his dark iron black dragon dagger by his side.

As Clay walked through the forest, he heard a loud screech. He looked up and saw a large griffin flying above him. The griffin spotted Clay and swooped down to attack him.

Clay quickly drew his staff and raised his barrier magic to protect himself from the griffin's talons. The griffin landed on the ground and let out a menacing growl.

"You think you can defeat me, human?" the griffin taunted.

"I've defeated creatures stronger than you," Clay replied calmly.

The griffin charged towards Clay, but he easily sidestepped and swung his staff, hitting the griffin's beak. The griffin retaliated with its wings, sending Clay flying backwards.

"You may have some skills, but you're no match for my strength," the griffin boasted.

Clay stood up and brushed off the dirt from his clothes. "You underestimate me, griffin. I have more than just strength on my side."

The griffin lunged towards Clay again, but this time, he was ready. He used his air affinity to quickly dash to the side, avoiding the griffin's attack. Clay then cast his nuclear flame explosion, causing a large explosion near the griffin.

The griffin flinched from the impact, but quickly regained its composure. "Impressive, but it will take more than that to defeat me."

Clay smirked. "I was hoping you'd say that."

He then activated his mystic body ability, making his movements faster and more agile. Clay charged towards the griffin, dodging its attacks with ease. He swung his staff and landed a hit on the griffin's side.

The griffin let out a pained screech and flew backwards. "You're stronger than I thought. But don't get too confident, human. I still have a few tricks up my sleeve."

Clay stood his ground, ready for whatever the griffin had in store. "I'm waiting."

The griffin flapped its wings and summoned a gust of wind, knocking Clay off his feet. It then charged towards him with its sharp talons, but Clay used his perfect disguise magic to make himself invisible.

The griffin was confused and looked around for Clay, but he was nowhere to be found. Clay then reappeared behind the griffin and swung his staff, hitting the griffin's back.

The griffin screeched in pain and collapsed to the ground.

Clay had defeated the griffin with his skills and magic, but he knew that it was time to unleash his ultimate form. He activated his Hercules beyond origin persona and felt a surge of power coursing through his body. The transformation was complete, and Clay was now a formidable force to be reckoned with.

The griffin was stunned at the sight of the towering figure before it, but it quickly regained its composure and attacked. The battle was intense, with Clay's immense strength and speed pitted against the griffin's sharp talons and beak.

As the two clashed, they exchanged words:

"Why do you fight me, Griffin? What do you want?" Clay asked, dodging the griffin's attacks with ease.

"You humans are always encroaching on our territory, destroying our homes and hunting us down for sport. We will not stand for it any longer!" the griffin replied, launching a fierce aerial assault.

Clay was not intimidated, and he countered with a powerful punch that sent the griffin crashing to the ground. He approached the wounded creature and spoke once more:

"You have a right to defend your land, but attacking innocent humans is not the answer. Let's find a way to coexist peacefully," Clay said, extending his hand in a gesture of peace.

The griffin hesitated for a moment before finally accepting Clay's offer. They parted ways, each with a newfound respect for the other.

Clay reverted to his original form, feeling the strain of the intense battle. As he began to walk away, he heard a voice behind him:

"Clay, wait!"

He turned to see the griffin approaching him once again. The creature spoke, its voice low and humble:

"Thank you, Clay. You have shown me that not all humans are cruel and heartless. I will spread the word among my kind and hope that we can find a way to live in peace with your kind."

Clay smiled, feeling a sense of satisfaction at having made a positive impact on the world. He bid the griffin farewell and continued on his journey, knowing that there would always be more battles to fight and more lives to touch.