
A beautiful bay

This story is about a woman who has seen only sorrow in her whole life.

The story starts from 1975 when that woman gets married,The woman's name is Paranam and her husband's name is Dardav.

The Parnam in which marriage takes place is

The family is very big and they all lived together,But from marriage itself, he started tearing Paranam, he did not even give food to Paranam for 8 days.

And Dardav had no idea what was happening, it is not that he had no fault.Actually it was all his fault because he didn't even care about his wife.

But now his wife fainted after 8 days, then he understood what was wrong with him.

Then he asked that if you do not get food, then Parnaam did not say that I am hungry for 8 days,After that he said that since from whom you will not ask for food, take food by yourself, And he started taking care of his wife.

Some days were very good but destiny had something else in mind.