
Mortals Do Reverie

The God of Time decided to descend to the world of humans, known as the "Lower Realm." However, upon her descent, she discovered the harsh realities of the entire world. Various evils surrounded her. In this world, there are seven empires governing the entire world. She also witnessed a slaughtered family, where the mother of the family pleaded with her. She begged him to save the world from the darkness it was about to face. And because of the evil witnessed by the god of time, she thought of forming her own empire to overpower the other empires and bring justice to the entire world, as a being who descended from her status as a god to start a new and ascend to the top to fulfill her promise to the deceased mother and save the world.

Everhart · Fantasía
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6 Chs

The threads of time

And once again, we return to Aeve and Seraphine, where they stand before an infinite structure, seemingly plotting something related to the Lower Realm...

In the cold and dark expanse of space, the two find themselves discussing a matter that has occupied their thoughts since earlier.

Aeve: "Seraphine," she said, turning her gaze backward, conveying a look to her servant.

Seraphine: "Yes, my lord?"

Aeve: "Didn't you mention earlier that the lower realm wouldn't withstand my mere existence if I were to enter it without a seal or any hindrance, given that I'm a transcendent being and I pre-date the Lower realm itself...? Is there a way to find a solution to that problem, and how exactly?"

And now, the long-ass conversation between the two begins. Please bear with it, even if it's lengthy or complex. I'll do my best to make the topic they're discussing and Seraphine's explanations clear. Just imagine Seraphine's visual representation with each of her explanations ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

Seraphine closed her eyes. "Calculating..." After a moment, she slowly opened them and directed her gaze straight at Aeve.

"Based on my calculations and most possible assumptions, we can determine the output of your presence. At your current level, without any reduction or amplification in existence, even a mere entry into the lower realm would immediately bring about a true catastrophe, leading to the death of all living beings there. I specified 'true' catastrophe because some entities there are immortal and completely immune to death, considering the context of the lower realm. If half of your existence were to be sealed... I apologize, but there would still be no change. Your presence output would still be determined as transcendent, as it is tied to you. To put it in a clearer explanation, your presence could potentially disrupt the entire Ether's construct if you put even a slight effort into releasing it. Not only is your base existence too much for the lower realm, but what if the lower realm detects your entire presence output? It wouldn't just affect the lower realm; it would also damage the Ether's construct. The only thing left intact would be the highest point—the realm of you Primordial Holders."

"So, if we're going to make a conclusion and discuss the possible outcomes for you based on your plans, if you allow 95% of your existence to be sealed, you may face the following results... 'Seraphine closes her eyes again,' calculating.... Comprehending results.... Results. Confirmed. This might be the outcome regarding the sealing."

"Your resilience to negative concepts will be diminished to the point where you can be harmed. Your transcendent existence will also be turned off, determining both the beginning and end of your age, along with limiting your abilities as a Primordial Holder. Your strength as a deity will be reduced, to the extent that you may be identified as a mortal 'Aeve hmped upon hearing that.' And most importantly, as the God of Time, your entire authorization over that concept will also be diminished. Your authorization will be limited to the concepts you hold. As a god..."

"To enter the Lower Realm, you would need to strip away ideas from your own existence, specifically in the context of this endeavor. Based on my calculations, almost all the concepts guiding your existence take some form related to the type of idea itself. Since you are a transcendent being, you need to seal yourself by a whopping 95%."

Upon hearing Seraphine's statement, Aeve turned her head sideways.

"Due to the extensive sealing on you, it will remove your transcendent nature. Your current age will be reduced by half, and your immunity to death and any form of ailment will decrease to the point where you can be affected. Removing your Transcendency also subjects you to various ideas, and you may be perceived by these ideas. If an idea comprehends your existence, you could be bound by it or, worse, become a tool as part of the setting in the lower realm. Considering all the cons of this 95%, your strength may diminish, leaving you weaker compared to other Primordial Holders. This includes not only your existence but also your strength and abilities as a Primordial Holder."

"So, in conclusion, entering the lower realm will have a significant impact on you."

Upon hearing her servant's calculations, Aeve tilted her head to the left and made a thoughtful "hm" sound, her right hand supporting her chin as if she were contemplating.

"Seraphine. Can I undo all the seals imposed on me and return as the Primordial Holder of Time?"

Seraphine closed her eyes. "mmm. Calculating... CONFIRMED results detected. Yes. You can retrieve all the seals on yourself by unsealing. However, it won't be a simple process regarding your current state in the lower realm if you choose to enter. To return to your original state, starting from the lower realm, you'll need to become an idea that will ascend the realm level until you reach here in the Ether's construct. And once an idea or concept like you is absorbed by the Ether's construct, it can identify you as a metaphysical idea and transport you to the highest point of creation itself—the realm of the Primordial Holders. Being an idea is crucial when it comes to leaving the lower realm because it's impossible to depart from the lower realm unless you become a metaphysical idea that can be absorbed by the Ether's construct. Physical ideas won't suffice for leaving the lower realm."

"So, I really need to climb to the top to restore my existence to its original state. Hmm, that seems fair, so why not. But before I go, Seraphine, if other Primordial holders ask where I am, tell them I descended to the lower realm, thanks," Aeve said before she opened her palm, which was answered by Sera phine with a nod and closed eyes.

And as Aeve's palm opened, Golden threads emerged from her palm. There were many of them, gradually weaving into the infinite structure that is in front of them. All these strings converged towards the edges of the structure to attach to it. Once all were attached, they suddenly illuminated in golden light and started multiplying. Some adhered to the edges, others to the top and bottom, and some just spread out in all directions. There were so many glowing Golden strings around that Seraphine was amazed. Her eyes sparkled, and she had a slight smile on her face, indicating her admiration for what she was witnessing.

And after a moment, there was a sudden sparkle and flash, followed by another multiplication of threads. The threads multiplied even more, with some connecting to every corner of the infinite structure in front of them, while others floated around scattered. Then, suddenly, the threads began to move and slowly attach to each other. As this happened, Seraphine watched in awe, tilting her head, before finally asking Aeve about her actions.

Seraphine: "My lord, may I know what you intend to do with what you're doing?"

Aeve: "I am creating an idea to that can be extracted by this structure and bring it to the lower realm."

Seraphine: "Idea...?"

"The idea of a lower existence that one can live, a forced life. Since one needs to be born within the lower realm to be there, I need to force myself to exist there. And by doing so, I will create a concept that is lower than my current state. A lower existence level perhaps. That way, I will be accepted by the lower realm as a part of it that belongs there. The idea of inferiority in existence."

Seraphine: "Hm.."

Aeve: "These golden threads are the threads of creation. They are responsible for holding time within this entire creation itself. They bear the responsibility of maintaining the balance of creation itself, particularly the existence of time, the ages of each world, the timeframe of events, timelines, and much more. All existence has become significant because of these threads. They balance time for all that exists and will exist."

Seraphine: "So does that mean you hold the entire creation together?"

Aeve: "Indeed," she replied to Seraphine with a slight smile.

Took a long time. My apologies

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