
Mortals Do Reverie

The God of Time decided to descend to the world of humans, known as the "Lower Realm." However, upon her descent, she discovered the harsh realities of the entire world. Various evils surrounded her. In this world, there are seven empires governing the entire world. She also witnessed a slaughtered family, where the mother of the family pleaded with her. She begged him to save the world from the darkness it was about to face. And because of the evil witnessed by the god of time, she thought of forming her own empire to overpower the other empires and bring justice to the entire world, as a being who descended from her status as a god to start a new and ascend to the top to fulfill her promise to the deceased mother and save the world.

Everhart · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Reincarnation - the journey begins!

Within the world of covenari, the day sets in a warming mood, a blue sky with the calm movements of clouds along with rich geographical areas that are filled with green grass fields that sets up a view of a warm and comforting dream-like world.

over the grass field in a forest, there lies aeve evergaze herself. gazing at the sky with her clock-like eyes, ticking and running as if it was a real clock within her eyes. she stares at the skies with wonders in her eyes. she silently keeps bringing both of her hands close to her face, observing everything that is happening around her. she gets up and sit as she looks around.

Aeve: "This world... looks unique, like nothing i've seen before it possess the color of green a lot and the geographical structures are fascinating. I must say this world is quite beautiful"

Chapter 3 - the linked existence

after her words she stands up and walks around, still observing her surroundings. she walks towards a flower, which she doesn't pick up but rather kneels in front of it and places her hand next to it, a windy breeze passes through the forest and swayed the flower she was admiring. she looks up on the sky and smiles gently.

Aeve: "Alright! since the day is bright and warm, i shall now commence the initial journey—" her words were cut short when she remembered something

Aeve: "Oh crap... I have no idea about this world besides that archaism charm system and the humans within... how should i—" her words were halted once again as a familiar voice suddenly spoke within her mind.

-CONCLUDED ! I have identified a solution for your problem-

Aeve: "Eh?! who's there?! wait.. that voice... ISADORA?! WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?? AND HOW CAN I HEAR YOU? Aren't you supposed to be in yggdrasil?"

Isadora: "...ADDRESS ! my existence as a transcendent consciousness is absolute. I can exist anywhere any anytime within this entire creation, which presents my proficiency to exist within your mind. and i specially implanted my connection to your existence in order to guide you in this world, would you wish to remove the attachment?"

Aeve: "No, i will... hm i would like you to guide me in my journey, if that's okay"

Isadora: gladly. your request is granted"

Aeve: "but, do you still exist within the yggdrasil or are you here in covenari?"

Isadora: "like what i have mentioned, i am in both. I can exist simultaneously anywhere or more"

Aeve: "is that so..."

As aeve and isadora have their conversation, the windy breeze keeps coming back, as it swayed the trees, flowers, and grass. there were also creatures that flew above the forest, and magical energies passing by the side of aeve. after their discussion about their linked existence, they delved back in to the solution that was proposed by the isadora itself.

Aeve: "So what was that solution you wanted to propose earlier?"

Isadora: "ADDRESS ! My apologies for the delayed presentation. you have developed a technique called 'Unparalleled analysis' it allows you to analyze a world regardless of the scale, and gain the guaranteed 50% result from it. the higher percentage result ultimately depends on the radius. as i have said earlier it has a guaranteed analyzed result of 50% regardless of the analysis scale, but if you lessen the radius of what you are analyzing then the percentage result shall increase, further amplifying the answer you need"

Aeve: "that does sound extremely helpful, wait is that one of the skills you told me that are derived from my main capabilities?"

Isadora: "AFFIRMATIVE ! you are correct. it is derivided from your time disruption capability, that will now be known as 'Temporal Regulation' like i mentioned before, it allows you to move time both forward and reversed, if you combine both abilities you will be able to stop time for a shorter period of time. but note! there will be a certain radius that you can affect with temporal regulation. the desired radius will be created by the user, which is you and you can adjust the scale, potency, and duration of the ability as well"

Aeve: "is that so huh... that information is quite amazing. you're really detailed when it comes to explaining things, im glad to have ya you know that?"

Isadora: "I am glad to hear as such. my gratitudes"

Aeve: "Temporal regulation huh... oh wait i just noticed, didn't you mentioned it earlier being addressed as 'Time disruption' did you also change the names of the other 2 main capabilities?"

Isadora: "Concluding... AFFIRMATIVE! yes the names of the two ofter capabilities have been changed. Fabrication will now be addressed as 'Genesis' and Limitless will be 'Endless' these capabilities are still the same that will provide you the desired skills and power you need for initiations"

Aeve: "Woah really? that sounds immensely awesome— OH! didn't you say there are other skills i have that were specifically derived from those three, right??"

Isadora: "Concluding... ADDRESS ! indeed there are other skills or techniques you have acquired that are specifically derived from Temporal regulation, Genesis, and Endless. would you like me to conclude all remaining skills and their specific capability?"

Aeve: "Yes. I will be happy to hear as such. and thinking about it, i've never had any other fascinating abilities other than createion, destruction, and manipulation of ideas.. I would like to see how this will play out..."

Isadora: "AFFIRMATIVE ! the acquired abilities you are able to hold are the following...

Representing the abilities from your temporal regulation are:

• Temporal resurrection - you are able to resurrect an object or idea to its original state when it dies, altered, or even evolved. you can essentially turn back the time for objects and ideas within your own benefit.

• Celestial Rebirt - you will be able to heal yourself from damages that were done to you to such an extend where the regeneration from absolute incineration will be naturally possible. this ability works by reversing your own existence in a previous state that to you have implanted. this capability operates by implementing time points within your existence in order to mentain a contingency if you ever face death.

• Fleeting Oracle - allows you to see what he future holds for a short period of time and anticipate impending threats or even abstracts that will be used against you.

• Transient Cease - the capability to stop the time from an object or abstract for a shotry period of time

ADDRESS ! you are only able to use one or two from the time related abilities, as your being still has a limit.

Now, presenting the abilities derived from genesis are:

• The Threads of life - as mentioned earlier this ability allows you to create golden threads capable of creation, destruction, and absorption to an extraordinary extent. these threads can can be multiplied by either enhancing the state of your existence or by using the LINKED SYSTEM of archaism charm and combining other skills with the threads in order to multiply it.

• Zero - an instant terminating skill that allows you to end an existence to a degree where the very idea of their being will be erased or get manifested by you and be able to achieve their powers.

• Light Sphere - the creation of sphere-shaped lights that can release a golden blast that can incinerate targets. this ability can be alerted by enhancing its size, multiplying it, or gathering spiritual energies in order to amplify the power.

• Dimensional Ring - this ability allows you to create a golden ring that will authorize a local journey, which essentially enables you to travel a certain realm or world without the need for a long term journey.

• Natural life force - lastly, it allows you to create things easily and precisely, by coating your existence with the very energy of a life force. this can unravel further amplifications for your abilities, or even present new skills that you are unbeknownst with.

And lastly the abilities that were derived from endless itself are:

• Unparalleled Analysis - the ability to analyze an entire area, or even an endless in order to achieve the desired informations.

• Unique Awareness - the capability to detect diffrent kinds of threats or intentions that you will face.

• Existence Enhancement - you are able to enchance or ascend your own existence with REVERE.

• Poison Nullification - the ability to nulify the very idea of poision within you. the existence threatening ones will immediately nullified

• Power Nullification - Essentially, you can nullify elements, weapons, and other internal damage that has been implicated within you.

• Revere - an ability that allows you to enchance or ascend your own existence and grant the dreams of those who are worthy of reverie itself.

And lastly concluding, you have the supreme talent TERMNIAL ONSLAUGHT it will allow you to release attacks that will disregard reality itself, enabling its user to attack outside of reality, space and time itself. guaranteeing an attack that will not obey the idea of traveling itself.

ADDRESS ! you can enchance all of the mentioned abilities by using the Archaism charm system. The linked or linking system will allow you to combine, or even develop new techniques. the retribution system allows its user to enhance its attack exceptionally, but in exchange of something that is within you, or even sacrificing an idea that you value. lastly the amplification system allows it user to increase the skill by both defense or offense with the usage of artifacts or techniques"

Aeve: "Seriously?! those are a lot of cool abilities! I wanna try them out, but where... oh yeah i forgot to ask where does all of these skills of mine come from actually?"

Isadora: "Concluding... AFFIRMATIVE ! My apologies, i forgot to mention the SACRED VESSEL of individuals here within covenari. a sacred vessel is the most essential idea that arcanes will have. it acts as their heart that connects the soul, physical, and mental existence of its user. all magical skill come from the sacred vessel, and if destroyed, it will be propose the 'true death' for these who suffered the consequences. only the chosen arcanes will be able to have a sacred vessel and be immune to death, but not from the true death.

Aeve: "Thanks for providing me all of these but (nervous face) it seems like im not familiar with the other terms. 'arcane' and 'true death' they dont really ring a bell in my head..."

Isadora: "Concluding... ADDRESS ! My apologies for not addressing all of the mentioned concepts. arcanes are individuals who can use magic and fully manifest the archaism charm system. the idea of true death is absolute nonexistent. immortality ceases to be a use when faced with the very true death itself. resurrection or any other resurrecting skills will be insufficient"

Aeve: "Now that's something... true death huh i never even knew of death itself as i was a being of eternal existence. and thinking of this makes me wanna explore it—"

Isadora: "REPORT !"

Aeve: "WOW! What the heck, that startled me!"

Isadora: "My apologies but i have acquired another significant information for you"

Aeve: "Really? well then (looks at the sky and smiles) let us hear it!"

Chapter 3 ends!

This took quite some time. i had to think of names while my brain was still struggling due to my fever (╥﹏╥)

But there it is! i do hope all of you will like it!

Everhartcreators' thoughts