
Mortals Do Reverie

The God of Time decided to descend to the world of humans, known as the "Lower Realm." However, upon her descent, she discovered the harsh realities of the entire world. Various evils surrounded her. In this world, there are seven empires governing the entire world. She also witnessed a slaughtered family, where the mother of the family pleaded with her. She begged him to save the world from the darkness it was about to face. And because of the evil witnessed by the god of time, she thought of forming her own empire to overpower the other empires and bring justice to the entire world, as a being who descended from her status as a god to start a new and ascend to the top to fulfill her promise to the deceased mother and save the world.

Everhart · Fantasía
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6 Chs


Aeve: "male or female huh... well the other primordial holders also had a sexuality that they chose, even though all of us were not under any gender... we only knew about the idea of sexuality due to the report of our servants. The primordial holder of balance, Libra took the form of a female same as me, the primordial holder of good, Felix held the idea for being a male, and for the primordial holder of evil, Vlad was male as well. and lastly the primordial holder of existence, Alexander not so surprisingly grasped the idea of being a male as well... and that leads to three males within all five of us and only two females being me and libra.. the females have a lesser number so..." she said in her mind

Isadora: "have you determined your decision"

Aeve: "Yes! And i shall take the form of a female!"

Isadora: "AFFIRMATIVE ! the idea shall now be applied to your existence as soon as the reincarnation begins"

Continuation of chapter 2 - The unique system within covernari

Aeve: "oh yeah before we begin the reincarnation process, is there anything else significant i need to know within covenari that is related to anything? any systems or other mystical parts of the world?"

Isadora: "Concluding... AFFIRMATIVE ! yes there is a system within covenari called THE ARCHAISM CHARM SYSTEM"

Aeve: "The archaism charm system huh.. that sounds interesting, what does it hold?"

Isadora: "Conducting... EXPLANATION ! In the Archaism charm System, practitioners channel power from ancient mystical words. Each has their own unique "focal word" for casting spells. To cast a spell, they must speak their word and make specific hand gestures or literature arts. The pronunciation and tone impact the spell's strength. The system consists of: 1. Amplification System: Practitioners use magical items or alternative charms to boost the words' effects. 2. Retribution System: Spells come with consequences that balance their power. mostly, this system focuses on offensive usages. 3. Linked System: Practitioners can combine charming techniques to give creation to more formidable skills, as well as with compatible words, others can join forces to create synergistic effects and present a collaborative technique,"

Isadora: "And lastly there is The Supreme Talent. It identifies and categorizes exceptional abilities that some individuals in Covenari possess. Not everyone is born with a supreme talent; it either develops throughout one's life or is bestowed upon the chosen few from birth. These talents grant extraordinary skills or powers, such as unparalleled physical capabilities, extraordinary intellect, or unique magical abilities. The supreme talents are classified based on their rarity and potential impact on the world. Practitioners can refine and enhance their supreme talents through training and experience, unlocking higher levels of their abilities over time"

Aeve: "Amazing... that is quite unique for a magical system, wait within the supreme talents, what is this 'rarity' and impact to the world?"

Isadora: "Concluding... AFFIRMATIVE ! The classification that determines the rarity and impact of a supreme talent is based on the level of power it holds. it is determined with the alphabetical degree. classification C or CROWN is the the level that labels those who hold a lower to middle degree of potency in terms of a world impact, essentially it manifests diffrent types of colors but other than black and white. the next category is classification A or APEX is the level where one's supreme talent is in the degree of upper to highest. this takes the form of black or white. in this tier the potency of the supreme talent is enough to threaten entire worlds within covenari. and lastly the last and highest rank in classification Z or LEGENDARY. this is a point above the outmost greatest. it surpasses the idea of limit itself and there are very few individuals who weild such potency. this level of capability is enough to destroy or create entire abstracts that can threaten worlds in covenari. It also manifests with a unique color that surpasses the conventional spectrum found in lower classifications. It embodies a hue known as Ethereal Radiance—a color that shimmers with iridescence, blending shades of cerulean blue and shimmering silver. essentially it is holds diffrent colors as well, but the difference is, it radiances based on the user's will and soul"

Aeve: "is that so... (smiles) well then, this is getting really interesting ya know! now shall we begin the reincarnation process? Im spite on seeing this covenari, i wanna unravel the difference it holds comparad to the higher realm!"

Isadora: "Yes. Let us now commence the reincarnation—"

Aeve: "Wait! before starting it, can you... uhm... ! keep this form of mine? and can i also have my original clothing once i get reincarnated? especially the white mask and big coat-like cape!"

Isadora: "AFFIRMATIVE ! Your request shall be granted as soon as you reincarnate. now initiating once again..."

After the words "initiation" the reincarnation process begins once again as surging white spiritual energies started swirling around aeve, surrounding her with the energies, and after these spiritual energies have fully surrounded aeve, a suddenly struck of a white beam headed towards aeve's forehead, followed by the surging spiritual energies gradually expanded and became larger to the point where it looked like an entire hurricane, and the expanse was also field with mists.

Aeve: "This is quite messy and intriguing" she said in her head. after her words yggdrasil suddenly shook and started changing color, comparable to that of a glitch. while it glitched and shook at the same time, this caught aeve's attention which worried her.

Aeve: "wow what's happening here?? Is yggdrasil shaking or is it just my perception?!"

Isadora: "Concluding.. ADDRESS ! The realm of yggdrasil is indeed shaking due to the immense existence you are proposing. this is the lowest reduction that your existence can present. any lowering will threaten your life. if the reincarnation process does indeed became a sucess, your existence will be classified as something ULTIMATE your creation will be extraordinary and absolute"

Aeve: "is that so?? that seems cool but dangerous!"

Isadora: "indeed, let us trust the reincarnation process and hope for the best"

Aeve: "WHAT?! why are you saying it like im at risk!"


Aeve: "WAIT WHAT?!"

The swirling spiritual energies suddenly surged intensely and the shaking of yggdrasil, as well as the glitch intensified to the point where it looked like reality was at its destruction, and suddenly it started blinking black, it seemed like reality was indeed breaking as it started blacking out, and suddenly...

laying in a grass field was aeve herself. her eyes were closed as she was still unconscious. but her appearance was indeed promised, as she had her mask by her side and her coat-like cape was worn by her. after a brief moment her eyes opened slowly. as it opened she gently saw the sunlight. the blue sky and warm feeling was present upon her. the lively covenari was finally infront of her.

She slowly raises her arm and brought it to her face. "i did it huh... I have... I have reincarnated" she said to herself, then followed by a slight smile and another gaze at the clear blue sky of covenari.

Chapter 2 ends!

This was rather complicated... but i do hope you like it!

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