
Mortals Do Reverie

The God of Time decided to descend to the world of humans, known as the "Lower Realm." However, upon her descent, she discovered the harsh realities of the entire world. Various evils surrounded her. In this world, there are seven empires governing the entire world. She also witnessed a slaughtered family, where the mother of the family pleaded with her. She begged him to save the world from the darkness it was about to face. And because of the evil witnessed by the god of time, she thought of forming her own empire to overpower the other empires and bring justice to the entire world, as a being who descended from her status as a god to start a new and ascend to the top to fulfill her promise to the deceased mother and save the world.

Everhart · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Immortality to mortality

Now we will once again see Aeve and Seraphine in the Dark place, seemingly surrounded by endless emptiness. But because of Aeve and her threads of Creation, she illuminates the entire space they inhabit. She sheds light on an endless void of space.

The process of Immortality to Mortality.

And after their conversation, Seraphine suddenly asked, "What now, my lord?"

Upon hearing her servant's question, Aeve smiled and suddenly, all the threads vibrated and began to converge towards each other, forming a small sphere in Aeve's palm. Eighty percent of the threads gradually formed the sphere in Aeve's palm. And the remaining twenty percent still scattered around them, swirling around them in a circular motion.

After a brief whirl of the surrounding Threads, they coalesced in front of Aeve, forming a straight line. The sphere hovering in Aeve's palm finally assumed a perfect circular shape, aligning itself with the straight line. As the two formations merged, they harmonized flawlessly. The result was a striking image: a circle nestled within the straight line.

Aeve: "Wait, Seraphine. Before I continue my journey to other worlds, may I know if you have any knowledge of the whereabouts of the other Primordial Holders?"

Her Servant closed her eyes and slightly bowed her head to indicate that she was searching or recalling where the other Primordial Holders might be. After a few moments...

Seraphine: "Forgive me, my lord. I have tried my utmost to remember and locate them throughout this vast expanse, but I have been unsuccessful. I apologize."

Primordial Holder Aeve pondered on the whereabouts of the other gods. She glanced to the side, deep in thought.

Aeve: "Hm, Weird. Even I have no idea where the other Primordials are. I've searched through all the timelines in my mind. I've even explored concepts and other worlds within this expanse, but I still haven't found them. Could they be beyond the borderlines of this space? Well, why am I even asking myself when I've already tried everything? But Alexander (The Primordial Holder of Existence) doesn't act like this when someone leaves. In fact, we Holders can find each other no matter where we are in this expanse, but... I can't find them. They're not in the past, nor in the future. Hmm. This is indeed strange..." Aeve sighed, lost in her thoughts...

Aeve's train of thought on the whereabouts of the other Holders was interrupted by Seraphine's sudden call. "My Lord?"

Upon hearing this, Aeve snapped out of her almost trance-like state of mind and smiled slightly.

"Well, whatever. I'm sure they're just around. Maybe they've concealed their existence or something. And our existence is present from both past and future. So I doubt there would be chaos in the higher realms without us five. And if it ever did happen, our servants could probably handle it, since they're second only to us who existed after our realm was shattered. They also possess fundamental capabilities, so I trust them." Aeve mused once again in her mind.

After Aeve's moment of concern, she chose to forget about it and returned to a slight smile. She closed her palm where the sphere was, causing it to release golden waves, and the straight lines multiplied by three. Before leaving, Aeve glanced at her Servant.

Aeve: "Seraphine."

Seraphine: "Y-yes, my lord?"

Aeve: "Take care, and we'll meet again in the human world."

Seraphine nodded and replied firmly, "Understood!"

Then, after a moment, Aeve slowly prepared her right hand for the snap she was about to perform, and...

She snapped her fingers, causing a white light to illuminate the entire expanse from her hand. After the light faded, Aeve opened her eyes and beheld herself, suspended in the air, without any clothing, resembling the process of reincarnation of a being. from Aeve's perspective, she could see the straight line she had created with her thread of creation now rotating around the sphere she had made. It spun rapidly, and the sphere in the middle of the straight line also rotated, but on the opposite side, moving slower compared to the vertical line. Her surroundings were a space of pure white. Nothing was here except for Aeve's golden threads of creation, forming the vertical line and the sphere. But...

"Greetings, Mortal," the words suddenly appeared in front of Aeve with a female voice also accompanied her in greeting her arrival.

As aeve was within this space, her face was finally shown. the form of a female she took is now presented with an appearance of a blend of pink and red for her lips with a pale skin and her eyes were colored-gold with a pupil that is shaped like clock's arm that is rotating as well and her eyelashes were long, along with her eyebrows taking the color black and her bangs almost reaching her eyes. she also has fangs, and finally concluding her etheral appearance as a diety.

Upon hearing the greeting, Aeve couldn't help but observe her surroundings, looking around and extending her hand upwards. She opened her palm, and as she closed it, a white aura appeared, acting like smoke, then vanished as she attempted to grasp it. After a moment, she lowered her hand and observed it, opening and closing her fists and examining the front and back of her hands. Then, she placed both hands beside her mouth, indicating her intention to speak loudly and observe if it would echo.

"HELLO!" she shouted, and as expected, it echoed. Seeing and hearing this, she raised her eyebrows slightly, indicating her suspicions were correct, but...

"Greetings," the female voice greeted her again, startling Aeve. "WOAH?!" she exclaimed in surprise, turning around to see where the voice was coming from. She couldn't find its source, but she suspected that the voice itself emanated from every corner of the white expanse she was in. It was as if the voice was present throughout the ENTIRE space, no matter where she was.

Aeve: "Uhm HELLO!?" Aeve shouted again.

Mysterious Female Voice: "Greetings, mortal. I welcome you to this Realm."

Aeve: " This Realm, huh... oh wait is this the lower realm? Then that means my attempt to enter was successful!" she thought to herself, followed by a slight smile and a "Yes!" gesture with her right hand.

Aeve: "So, may I know who you are, what this is, what I am, and where this is?"

Mysterious Female Voice: "You are here in the Realm of the Highest. This is Yggdrasil. The Highest point of this Realm where beings capable of living in this world are accepted. It serves as a central construct of this Realm. Yggdrasil is an Infinite expanse filled with endless emptiness. It also serves as a pathway to existing worlds. Specifically, to the lower world. The world of humans, known as Covenari."

Aeve: "Yggdrasil... The highest point of this realm, huh? It's like Ether's Construct—ah, so this means it also serves as the receiver of concepts to be delivered to the lower realm itself? It's the conduit down to the Lower realm. So it's connected to Ether's Construct above, and the concepts are delivered down here to Yggdrasil itself. So if I desire to return to the higher realms, I'll need to come back here to Yggdrasil to ascend to Ether's Construct, and to restore my existence as The Primordial Holder of Time."

Aeve: "Mysterious voice. Can you tell me the information I need to know before descending to Covenari?"

Aeve said loudly, indicating her curiosity and seriousness in her voice. And here begins Aeve's reincarnation process as an immortal descending into the unknown and mysterious world to become a mortal. into the world of beings she has yet to meet, the beings who will accompany her in her life below. The world of Humanity itself. Covenari.

Chapter 1 ends!

Finally, we are getting to the greater heights!

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