
Chapter 39 - Yuuki's Past

Yuuki has recently visited the 6th units on his own, having been called by Tenka because she told him that they were having an issue with their dormitory. Kyouka was reluctant but accepted as Yuuki teleported with Tenka and once they arrived in the dorm received a passionate kiss from her.

"Why so aggressive?"(Yuuki)

He smirked as she pulled back and smiled back.

"Nothing, just wanted to have my fill before I work."(Tenka)

He nodded as they went inside where Yachiho came to welcome her chief then took quick glances at Yuuki having hidden intention.

"Welcome back, Chief! You brought Himari's slave with you, Great, I can take him where the problem is at."

"Very well, if you need anything I will be in my office."

Tenka kissed him on the cheek, surprising Yachiho then having her chief whisper something but Yuuki clearly heard it.

"Don't worry, if you want him I don't mind sharing." (Tenka)

Yachiho blushed hearing her words as Tenka left, waving goodbye as Yuuki shook head and turned his attention to Yachiho.

"So what now?"

"Hmph, come follow me."

Time user tried to hide her face and walked away while Yuuki simply followed her to their bathhouse where Yachiho explained that they were having issues with the flow of water.

"Hmmm, this will be an easy fix. Jarvis, scan the area and showcase the 3d scan of the plumbing system."

{ It will be done, sire. Do you wish for me to only scan the plumbing system? }

"Ah, actually just scan the whole thing and see if there's any issues."

Yachiho was taken aback when Yuuki spoke to his bracelet that suddenly a small robot floated then began to scan the area via using a specific frequency of sound that gave a precise outline for everything. It was then a holographic image of the schematic of their dorm.

"What the!? Where did you get these things?"

"I made them. Hmmm, it appears something is clogging the pipes. Jarvis deployed some of the nanites and fixed it."

The time stop user was speechless witnessing him gadgets and tools that were far too advanced only seen in movies.

"It seems you're quite the capable slave huh? Have you been doing a great service to Himari?"

"Hmm, you have no idea. She's quite the glutton for ramen."

Yuuki chuckled remembering how she often eats a bowl after taking a bath or when they finish their session of foreplay. She likes it when Yuuki brings her a bowl every time she's in bed. Meanwhile, Yachiho nodded happily to hear something about her sister.

"Good, you should continue to serve well. She is going to need a lot of help to prove herself as an Azuma."

"You really like her don't you?"

Yachiho paused and looked at Yuuki who had his arms crossed and snorted at this.

"Hmph, of course, I wouldn't want someone to bring shame to our family name."

"...Is that so?"

Yuuki said while he continued to work on fixing their problem while Yachiho watched from the side and said.

"Hey, can you convince Himari to return to the Azuma?"(Yachiho)

He turned to Yachiho frowning hearing her words then shook his head.

"No, it's up to her and not me. Why would I convince her to return somewhere full of bad memories?"

His tone was like growl that Yachiho flinched in hesitation sensing that Yuuki wouldn't hesitate to fight for Himari.


"She's strong and capable of deciding for herself. I believe she'll come around and show that she isn't weak nor will she stay weak."

Yuuki firmly declared that Yachiho pondered if her sister had become stronger after their fight in the Mato Exhibition.

"Still, as someone who has an older sibling I can see you deeply cared for her but just have a hard time expressing it."

Yachiho paused looking at Yuuki.

"You should at least mend your relationship with her before it's too late."

"Hmmm, where did you get that idea?"

Yuuki rolled his eyes finding that Yachiho still had a hard time being honest with herself lik Himari but she already began to come out of her shell because of Yuuki.

"Just saying. I think it's quite cute that despite how great you are there are still things you can't do."

Yachiho blush upon hearing him calling her cute

"Hey, who are you calling cute!? Are you trying to flirt with me!?"

"I'm just being honest. Try it sometimes. Anyway, I'm almost done."(Yuuki)

Yachiho simply stared at him, mesmerized by his appearances and felt her heart racing recalling his words repeated inside her mind then back to Tenka's.

She can't deny that she started to be fascinated by Yuuki learning a few things about her in the pretext that it is a way to protect her Himari from Yuuki but ended up growing to like him without realizing it. The time stop user can't forget when she found the photo of him in butler cosplay.

"Oh, Hello, Yachiho~"

It was then that Sahara walked inside naked, surprising Yachiho and Yuuki as she was half asleep.

"Waaah!! Sahara!! You close your eyes!"

Yuuki didn't say anything and did as told as Yachiho pulled Sahara who sobered up when she saw Yuuki and blushed hard. After a few minutes, Yuuki finished the repair and Tenka thanked him but before he left he decided to cook for them.

Yachiho and Sahara were watching him prepare his dishes with utmost dexterity while Tenka panting heavily and her heart racing. Yuuki already left some bento for the 7th unit to enjoy knowing he'll be here for a while. Only within a few minutes, Yuuki finishes several dishes of soup, meat, appetizer and more.

"Woah! Did you really make this with only what we have!?"

Sahara was amazed looking at his dishes that used cheap ingredients yet appeared high class and the aroma was making her drool and sober.


Yachiho was lost for words since she had been in an expensive restaurant before and none had the same aroma and sensation that Yuuki had made.

"Thank you for making all of this, Yuuki! Here let me reward you."

Tenka is proud that her man can fight, think and now cook. He was like the perfect man with little flaws. She kissed him on the cheek making the other two blush while he simply smiled and thanked her.

"You're welcome, dig in. I tried to make some new dishes using what you have."

They nodded as they looked at the main dish, which was Curry who's aroma made it feel rather full. Yuuki had been improving and genuinely enjoyed cooking despite disliking it at first. He never tried to impress nor cook for anyone who often eats ready to eat meals.

Once everyone took a bite instantly their eyes went wide except fr Tenka who often gets bento boxes for him. At this point, Yuuki was practicing the way of the house husband. They all squirmed and moaned from the taste of it.

"So, what do you think?"

"This is amazing!!! How did you make it taste this good with only what we have!!? It tastes a lot better than how it looks!!"

Sahara exclaimed completely sobered after tasting his dishes while Yachiho unable to even describe how delicious it was.

"I-I'll admit, this is good."(Yachiho)

"Himari said the same thing. You don't need to hold back and thanks for the feedback."

"I think you ruin their food preference from now on because of this."(Tenka)

Yuuki smiled while Tenka giggled as they all enjoyed their meal and chatted until he returned back to the 7th unit.


At the moment, Yuuki was hunting down Shuuki close by and easily demolished a number of them. He wasn't using any clones and was the original trying to challenge himself at least.

"Found One Underground.."

He said as he crushed the Shuuki on the ground with ease forming a fissure of cracks. Yuuki physical attribute had been noticeably weaker ever since he's been spamming [ Probability Manipulation ] but didn't care since it only gave more opportunities to enjoy a thrill fight.

Though, he had eaten the arms of Rairen and gained increased power. Yuuki gained the property of the humanoid Shuuki but didn't boost him that groundbreaker beside having more attributes to exchange later on. Yuuki doesn't care much about his safety and has been increasing his arsenal to save others.

"Well done For finding It Yuuki." (Kyouka)

Hearing her praise seems to affect his form and command also helps. The concept of [ slave ] was present in her ability.

'I get the gut feeling that Kyouka will soon learn about me being Kuro Oni which would be nice and finally be honest with her.'

Yuuki thought to himself since he grew to like Kyouka even with her possessive antics, often jealous when he uses clones and spends time with Shushu or Himari. She was more adamant in spending time with him and training, still having inner turmoil with her past and his current life. After that Yuuki Returned back to his Human Form as for Yuuki Reward Kyouka allows Yuuki to carry her.

"I kind of expected something more but this is better."(Yuuki)

He said to himself while Kyouka was a bit flustered at the gesture.

"I'm Not even Hurt!"(Kyouka)

"Maybe because you're been too hard on yourself."(Yuuki)

"It'd Make Sense with Nei but doing this is pointless."(Kyouka)

She had worked hard more than anyone else to ensure that she would never be defenseless and be a damsel in distress yet Yuuki was carrying her like a bride.

"Well that's absolutely not true and besides it's not everyday I would carry a beautiful girl."(Yuuki)

Kyouka blushed and Yuuki only said what's on his mind without thinking twice. She was second guessing about her feelings and was leaning on Yuuki after having overshadowed the action of his alter ego.

Unfortunately, she still can't find closure of her past and is unable to accept her feelings for Yuuki. However, Kyouka will not deny that she doesn't enjoy his gesture and began to feel more alive because of Yuuki. She was living rather than simply being alive.

"Really I don't really get your taste you damn pervert."(Kyouka)

"But I'm your pervert."(Yuuki)

He said leaning closer, meeting her lips and receiving a passionate kiss from Kyouka that was clear about her feelings about him. Later, at the 7th Unit dorm everyone was gathered in a single room.

"You Improve Again Yuuki."(Shushu)

"That's Amazing Yuuki"(Nei)

"That's Because he clearly understands the Instructions Given To Him while trying to make better moves for himself."(Kyouka)

"Thanks I guess my sister taught me well."(Yuuki)

Himari:Now that you Mention it I Remember saying your sister was great

Himari only heard a few things about her sister but not the full scope, making everyone curious.

"You Really Respect Her Don't You."(Kyouka)

"What was your sister like Yuuki?"(Shushu)

They look at Yuuki who rubbed his chin thinking deeply trying to remember the time he had changed his way of thinking and began to reevaluate his approach.

"....My sister is the reason who I am today."

Yuuki remembers the time he was more bloodlusted and violent where he would often challenge gangs and bullies to find some thrill even go kidnapped by one of his classmate's brother gang but he made the entire place a slaughterhouse and though he was not harm was immediately received the attention of her sister who hugged him despite seeing act like a monster breaking the bones of the people around him.

He never experienced someone truly caring for him until his parents and sister showed him what it feels to have a family that cared and loved you despite knowing that he is stronger than average people.

"She said that "you can protect yourself but who will protect you from yourself?" That's when I change the way I think and view things."

Yuuki became more sentimental in things where they saw a new side of Yuuki. Both Himari and Shushu looked at each other knowing that they will try to do their best to save him from himself.

"At least we know you're not flawless."(Kyouka)

"Younger brothers and sisters both have it tough huh."(Himari)

"I got to understand another thing about Yuuki"(Shushu)

*Now go take a Rest."(Kyouka)

"I'll Take a Bath and go to sleep."(Yuuki)

As Yuuki leaves to take a bath, the others discuss their own status in regard to siblings

"The talk made me nervous and I'm glad Yuuki is now gentle."(Nei)

"Looks Like Nei And I Are The Only Children Here."(Kyouka)

"I'm The Youngest Of My Siblings But I Was Pampered Instead."(Shushu)

"That's pretty much what I thought"(Himari)

As they were sharing their thoughts about the matter when suddenly, Nei Promise ability notifies her of a victim.