
Chapter 16 - Day off

After visiting the cemetery, Yuuki's and Kyouka came back to the city and neither of them have spoken much since then. Yuuki has been thinking about Kyouka and his reason seeing that it was a bit problematic when this will consider the end of all abilities for future generations since Mato is the only one that can grow peaches.

Though, he could care less about the world if it collapses but his parents live in it and couldn't let it destroy itself. Yuuki decided to make contingency plans in case they are successful in sealing the world Mato from earth.

"We're going back to Mato."

She said and Yuuki noticed that she's too emotional at the moment and would likely be overcome with irrational thoughts that made Yuuki think that later is when he would meet his sister and the one horned shuuki.

He noted that she managed to keep herself calm because the real Yuuki at the canon brought her somewhere. He also wanted to lighten the mood a little and get rid of this awkward silence and hurriedly said,

"Wait a second! Let's go to that cafe over there! It's newly opened and has really good reviews from the customers. They have a pretty famous parfait." ( Yuuki )

"I'm Worried about Mato."

Yuuki frowned, walked to her and held his shoulder, surprising her a bit and felt his tight gripped.

"I won't take a No for an answer."

She stared deeply into her eyes, noticing that his eyes were red with slits like her that made her feel like she was in front of a wild beast. Kyouka never had a good look of his face and finds that he does look handsome than most people she has seen.

"Seriously, lighten up. You can't always stress yourself and come on. Doesn't this look good?"

Yuuki said as he pulled out his phone and showed her the photo of the parfait.

"...Fine, we can take a small break."

She finally relented and Yuuki gave a wide smile as he held her soft hands that surprisingly didn't have any calluses despite her training and considered that after eating a peach their attributes would increase which includes their healing factor.

Though, it is not the same level as his but still gives them a quicker recovery. Few minutes later they went inside the cafe and took a seat next to the window.

"You're more coercive than I thought. I'm impressed."

Yuuki knows she's still trying to keep their relationship at the master and slave thing but he refuses and will find a solution for it later changing the aspect of her ability.

"Well, I wanted to eat here too and I know you have a little sweet tooth like me but I do prefer to eat a Strawberry Sundae after eating some pizza."

"But I'm worried about the situation in Mato. It's making me uneasy."

"I Lost my sister to a Mato Disaster

"I won't pretend I know what you feel as I am not one who is too keen on being a savior or hero. But I know what it feels to lose someone…"

Yuuki had friends dying from gang fights and remembers the children that always spent time with were used by opposing gangs and killed one of them after brutal beating made Yuuki decimate the entire place where it was left bloody. Kyouka somewhat understood Yuuki's character more and clearly showed that he is not one who ought to act heroic.

"...if you don't mind me asking but is it a relative of yours?"

"....Yeah, my sister met to the Mato disaster that's why I know how you feel but if you never take a break before you get your revenge, your heart and mind will eventually consume by anxiety and negative thoughts, then it will blind you and eventually you'll be puppet driven by your own selfish desire."

Yuuki said while Kyouka frowned hearing that she was doing it of own selfish desire because her action is clearly selfless.

"How can it be selfish I'm think about other people's lives?"

"Then do you think the people that cared about you and wanted you to live would be happy seeing you living like this?"

Yuuki said while Kyouka couldn't say anything thinking about his words. He knows he's being too harsh on her but she would continue to be held back by her past if this keeps up. Was he being too insensitive? He is but Yuuki was worried about Kyouka.

"...haaaaa Sorry, I must have gone too far."

He sighed wanting to lighten up the mood already made it worse.

"N-No, you don't need to apologize and…I think you're right. I guess, I'll enjoy this for now."

After a while, Kyouka had calmed down and took Yuuki's words to heart trying to self-reflect on her decision. Soon the parfaits came and they were really good. Yuuki became excited and took a bite showing a blissful face then he looked towards Kyouka and saw her with a big happy smile as well on her face while eating the parfait.

"This is Good."

He just stared at her for a minute before she noticed and said,


"Ah No, I was just caught a little bit surprised."

They continued eating their food while chatting, sharing their experience until an alarm was heard from Kyouka's bag and pulled her phone from her bag.

"An emergency in Mato! If the trumpet plays once, then lives aren't in danger but an emergency is happening. That's it for our day off, we will have to go right now!!"

She exclaimed as she put her hand in front of him and Yuuki sighed annoyed that when he was enjoying his date with Kyouka it had to be ruined by the trumpet but it was short lived knowing Yuuki would meet his sister again.

He made a clone of himself as the clone licked her hand and transformed while she sat on his clone's back.While for Yuuki, he flew next to Kyouka as we dashed towards the fixed gate going way faster than a train.

They were fast enough that they reached back to their base within minutes. As they were right outside of Kyouka's room.

"We came back almost instantly. Well done, I'll change now."

Yuuki was about to go away and changed into his own battle gear when he was stopped by Kyouka.

"Wait. Help me unchanged."

She said as she sat on her bed with one of her legs raised.

"Is this the reward?"

Yuuki tease while smirking at her as she blushes and angrily shouted at him.

"As if I'd do this for any other reason!!"

"I was hoping you were finally charmed by me."

Yuuki jokingly said that made her more flustered before proceeding to remove all her clothing untill she was completely naked.

'I wonder if this is my true latent desire, I do like some erotic dances.'

Yuuki thought to himself since he mostly came from the real Yuuki. He doesn't mind and enjoys Kyouka's reaction every time his fingers touch her skin. Kyouka watched this and saw his eyes fixated in how it filled with care and passion that it made her heart act up.

'Why do I feel this way? It makes me feel like I'm enjoying this.'

Kyouka thought to herself, feeling embarrassed that she was slowly getting affected by the reward. On the other Yuuki, didn't act lecherous and silently enjoyed it.

"It's exactly what you think...You Damn Pervert."

Kyouka try to point the fault to Yuuki's desire while he only chuckled hearing that she was obviously hiding her true feeling.

Yuuki then quickly dressed her up since it was an emergency. They hurried to the meeting room and saw that everyone was already present there.

"We found this during today's patrol."

Himari said as she showed us a tablet showing the top view of the location.

"In what seems to be a crater 21 KMs north, an impressive amount of shuuki are hiding."

Nei is watching them even now through clairvoyance.

"There are no signs of anything coming out of it. It's as if it were a nest."

"I'm sorry this had to happen on your important day off."

Himari apologized while Kyouka shook her head.

"Don't be, well Done."

Kyouka thought it was a perfect opportunity to lessen the numbers of Shuuki and prevent even more deaths from happening. This also will help her get closer to becoming a commander and prove her worth glancing at Yuuki who was her weapon and [ Slave ].

"A nest is worth destroying! We'll also be able to ascertain more about their lives. This will be a great job for the 7th Unit!"

'It's time huh? I do hope that she got strong like I thought she would. Though, it is best to give her some time.'

Yuuki thought himself eager to reunite with his sister soon. Hopefully everything went according to his plan and that she became strong.


Within an unknown location inside a cave, a beautiful woman with long white hair with two strands that stick up and two others which seem to orbit around her hair and gold slit eyes.

She wore a black skin tight suit with white overcoat and boots that have black markings. She was sitting on the back of a hulk sized One-Horned Shuuki while holding some Peaches with her hair.

"This presence I felt earlier..... Was it Yuuki's? Has he come to Mato? If so, I have to go see him."



"Are you alright?"

Yuuki sneezed looking at the nest below them that was filled with Shuuki that was around a few hundred while he looked around and they were evenly spread out forming a battle formation. He had his clone in it's [ Slave form ] ridden by Kyouka.

"I'm fine, just got an itchy nose. There certainly are a lot of them. Let's get this done quickly."

Yuuki said as he got ready to jump down and slaughter them all but was halted by Kyouka.

"You don't have to do anything. Only get involved if there is an emergency."

"Man, you're going to kill me then."

Yuuki complained but Kyouka completely ignored his remark and said.

"We will destroy them with the coordination of the 7th unit."

She said as Shushu's gigantified fist fell on the hoard if shuuki killing and injuring a lot in the process.

"Himari will deal with the injured shuuki."

She said as Himari began mowing down shuuki with her machine gun arm.

"This will leave them to have no choice but to combine."

She said her prediction was right as all the Shuuki started to combine.

"t's spares us the trouble of getting them one by one."

Yuuki had to admit their strategy does work splendidly but only works because of their ability.

*So we win if we just crush after they get huge."(Yuuki)

"The Shuuki's are tough but their behavior is predictable. If we just keep this up we will never lose."(Kyouka)

"A Pretty Straightforward plan. We—"

Suddenly, Yuuki's instinct made him tense as he sensed something strong and used his Clairvoyance to find something fast was heading their way. He knew this was his sister coming and seeing her face does make him feel glad she was fine. She was a lot stronger including her mount and Kyouka saw his wild smile.


In that moment, he tapped his temple and had his eye change taking deep breath like steam of kettle before Yuuki vanish from his spot appear close to Shushu then blocked the attack feeling his arms had grown numb amaze at how much one horned had improved even though they were at least equal in attributes.

"Woah, you're strong aren't you? A man with powers, that's new."

Yuuki heard her sister Aoba Wakura say, unaware that her brother was him since he had changed a lot after years of training. He gritted his teeth as the forces pushed as Aoba landed on the ground. Kyouka saw the one horned demon and flashes of memories flooded into the reminder.

"It's Him!"

Kyouka shouted as her face twisted in anger and she grit her teeth when she saw the One-Horned. It was the same shuuki that destroyed her hometown while Yuuki dusted himself and watched as Aoba moved toward Himari.

"I'm here for the party!!"

"What is that!? Some monster!?"

Himari shouted as she started shooting at the one riding the shuuki. But all her bullets were blocked by the hair of Yuuki's sister.

"You're cal ling me a monster, aren't you? get this, I'm pretty strong at quarrels."