
Mortal Kombat: Son of the Dragons

Alexander Valkyrie Darkov was raised Black Dragon and now joins Special Force's Next Generation of fighters to discover his place in the realms ultimately discovering his true origins and legacy. Through effort and trial, and with his love Cassie Cage at his side, he will discover his legacy and prove it's more than blood that makes the warrior. A fair warning, there will be heavy use of Scripts from Mortal Kombat 2011, Mortal Kombat X, and Mortal Kombat 11 as seen fit.

Holly_Putvin · Derivados de juegos
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57 Chs

The world gone to hell pt. 3

Back in the chopper, Johnny blocks several punches from Sub-Zero before catching him with a right cross. As he staggers away, Johnny suddenly senses someone behind him. Sure enough, Scorpion is standing right there. He promptly elbows the ninja in the face, ducks another strike from Sub-Zero by doing the splits, and this time follows through by punching the revenant right between his legs and shouts in the heat of it all

"Bring it!"

As Sub-Zero recoils in pain, Johnny grabs his and Scorpion's heads and bashes them together. The former Lin Kuei stumbles back and is bathed in a telekinetic glow. He is then violently hurled backwards through the chopper's back door, courtesy of Kenshi. Noticing Kenshi is also holding Scorpion still with his telekinesis, Johnny grabs the specter and punches him out of the side door. Scorpion grabs onto the ladder with his kunai and starts climbing back into the helicopter. Johnny, having had enough at this point, readies himself as the ninja climbs back in and growls in frustration


Cage lunges at Scorpion and tackles him out of the helicopter, falling out himself in the process. They free-fall for a few moments, with Cage intending to smash Scorpion into the pavement. At the last second, the ninja specter teleports away in a flash of hellfire, leaving Johnny to crash hard into the pavement. Despite Sonya's best efforts, the helicopter crashes into the ground a few moments later, carving out a large portion of the road. Sonya smacks her head and loses consciousness, but the chopper has not suffered enough damage to explode just yet. Johnny picks himself up off the sidewalk, granted with a bit of pain and shortness of breath. Miraculously, he hasn't broken any bones in the fall, probably because he followed the tackle with a leap of faith like he was some assassin.

"May the father of understanding guide me."

Johnny says as he struggles to his feet and starts towards the chopper but is stopped by Scorpion teleporting into his path. He jumps back into a fighting stance, as Scorpion remarks ironically coldly for his hellfire

"The end is near."

Johnny remarks darkly to the specter who stares blankly as his eyes are white and reflect the death that has overtaken him and forced him to serve and not have his long due rest

"Getting a little ahead of yourself, aren't ya?"

They fight, with great skill and passion. Even after the vicious melee in the helicopter, Johnny Cage demonstrates he isn't one of the major defenders of the Earthrealm by being a mere movie star. He takes the fight to the ninja specter and leaves him unconscious on the ground. Johnny then prioritizes

"Gotta get back to the chopper."

As Sonya starts to wake up, Johnny rushes over to the downed vehicle and shouts to Sonya who is still within the cockpit

"Sonya! Get outta there—"

He is suddenly struck in the back by a beam of ice and frozen. The beam doesn't completely freeze him, but he visibly struggles to move as the undead Sub-Zero walks up to him, again preparing his ice blade. Johnny spots a crowbar on the ground nearby and the freeze effect wears off just in time for him to avoid a finishing swipe from the former Lin Kuei. Johnny dodges another swipe and grabs the crowbar, using it to parry two more strikes before sweeping Sub-Zero's legs out from under him with the crowbar. He drops it and backs up to his feet, with Sub-Zero rising shortly after, with the actor quipping despite his rising anger

"Whoo! THAT was unpleasantly cold!"

They fight, a surprising fight considering. While many would struggle to fight a foe so powerful as Sub-Zero, Johnny proves more than ready to take him down. After a fierce battle, Cage leaves the revenant down for the count, and remarks almost fondly to the downed cryromancer

"I liked it better when we fought on the same side."

Johnny finally makes it to the helicopter, where Kenshi is helping Sonya down from it. Johnny assists her, his voice softens as he with worry asks her

"You okay?"

Sonya nods her consent, unable to speak slightly dazed by the crash yet, her mind elsewhere and not here yet grateful to have lived. Kenshi notes somberly, the realist here in the group, also noting his own upbringing of being an assassin compared to Johnny's templar upbringing

"We fared better than the men."

Johnny growled as he looked around. He couldn't believe it. The world really had gone to hell hadn't, the very thing that both the Templars and assassins could agree they wanted to avoid. He shook his head and said in a very dark tone

"Add 'em to the list of things Shinnok'll answer for."

After a moment's silence, the three of them race off together. Sonya cursing in her mind wishing Rena was still here, hell right about now Shao Kahn would have been a welcomed sight. She missed her old friend and hated that Quan Chi had murdered her and her infant daughter. Though the fate of her infant son was unknown now. Sonya shook her head now was not the time. She, Johnny, and Kneshi were needed now. She had to be strong. She could have sworn she heard a voice in her head speak

"My Old friend please you need to stay strong. Make the world safer for my son. He yet still lives."

Sonya teared up but nodded. While she could not see, Kenshi saw the spirit of the Outworld Kahnuim and Kahn giving Sonya strength. The spirit of Shao Kahn turned and addressed Kenshi directly, a calmness to his voice

:: Keep an eye on her. She is a good friend of my wife.::

:: I will your eminence.::

The blind telepath replied to the Kahn as the two spirits disappeared though left him a hint as to where their infant son was hidden. Kenshi mentally filed it away as they soon came on the majestic Sky Temple and the devastation surrounding it.