
Mortal Kombat: Son of the Dragons

Alexander Valkyrie Darkov was raised Black Dragon and now joins Special Force's Next Generation of fighters to discover his place in the realms ultimately discovering his true origins and legacy. Through effort and trial, and with his love Cassie Cage at his side, he will discover his legacy and prove it's more than blood that makes the warrior. A fair warning, there will be heavy use of Scripts from Mortal Kombat 2011, Mortal Kombat X, and Mortal Kombat 11 as seen fit.

Holly_Putvin · Derivados de juegos
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57 Chs

The world gone to hell pt. 2

Sonya Blade strides to the back of the helicopter where six other soldiers are taking their seats. Also, among them is the blind swordsman known only as Kenshi, who remains standing. Johnny looks on in admiration as Sonya walks up to her men. She turns around and flashes him a smile, and he walks up to join them. She has a command of authority in her voice

"Alright, you have the rendezvous coordinates. The far edge of the forest. From there, we access the portal to Raiden's Sky temple."

Johnny adds wheatear as comedy or being helpful

"Where there's an angry former Elder God and his devils waiting for us."

One soldier seated among them doesn't appear to quite believe what he's hearing or what's happening around him. He says shaking his head

"Gods, portals, flying demons..."

Johnny adds if not for a sense of comedy while eyeing Kenshi

"Blind guys with magic swords..."

Kenshi turns in his direction at this. Which scares the ever-living shit out of a few people and remarks

"The world has changed. For the worse, if we do not expel Shinnok from Raiden's temple. He means to poison Earthrealm's life force – the Jinsei."

Sonya says in a commanding tone

"And we're not gonna let that happen."

Johnny smiles adding

"Kenshi and I appreciate the Major allowing us to join you. We're happy to help kick Shinnok's bony ass back to the Netherrealm."

The muffled sound of explosions outside of the helicopter gets everyone's attention. Johnny, Sonya, and Kenshi race back to the front of the chopper in time to witness one of the helicopters in front of theirs catch fire. Sonya quickly takes the co-pilot seat again. As a fireball races to the left of their chopper, the helicopter on fire crashes into the ground, destroying it. Another fireball explodes on the side of another chopper in front of them Johnny shouts at the pilot

"You gotta land this thing!"

As the second chopper on fire crashes and explodes, the windshield suddenly shatters as a kunai attached to a chain bursts through and impales itself in the face of the pilot which Johnny reacts


The pilot barely has time to let out a cry of agony before he is dragged back through the windshield, breaking it apart on his side. In the co-pilot's seat, Sonya desperately tries to keep the helicopter from crashing. As Cage looks on in concern, a sound at the back of the chopper grabs his and Kenshi's attention. As they turn around, the soldiers also lookup to find someone else standing right in front of them, as if he'd just teleported there. That person is the ninja specter known as Scorpion. Before the soldiers can react, Scorpion kicks two of them in the chest, then knocks out the one in front of him with a straight right hand. He elbows the one behind him for another one-hit knockout, then draws his sword in the same motion and decapitates the next two soldiers in front of him. The hellspawn buries his sword in the face of the fifth soldier, then draws his second sword and backhands it through the belly of the sixth soldier. He slips the two swords back into their sheaths as the final two soldiers fall dead, all in the space of about six seconds. As Johnny and Kenshi start forward, Scorpion throws a fireball that catches Kenshi dead center and hurls him back against Sonya's seat, knocking him out of the fight for the time being. Scorpion hurls his chained kunai straight at Johnny with his signature call


Johnny catches the kunai and brings it level to his face, eyeing it up and saying

"Damn, I'm good!"

Johnny launches into a Shadow Kick, catching Scorpion in the chest and almost sending him out of the back of the helicopter. He gives the chain a good tug, dragging Scorpion back towards him, where Cage grabs him and slams him against both sides of the chopper. Scorpion recovers quickly and throws a right hand at Johnny. He blocks it, parries two more of Scorpion's strikes, dodges a sidekick, and smashes into the back of the ninja's head with a superman punch. Scorpion pulls out an unchained kunai and charges in at Cage, who just barely manages to block the wraith's forearms and avoid being stabbed. Cage desperately struggles, but he is forced to the floor by the undead power of Scorpion. Moments from death, Johnny finds the strength to shove Scorpion's arms away, then he kicks the ninja away from him. As Scorpion staggers back, Kenshi lunges at him and tackles him out of the open side door of the chopper. Scorpion manages to latch on to the side handle, with Kenshi desperately hanging on to his leg. As Johnny lies on the floor of the chopper, he notices another person has just entered. As he rolls to his knees, he gets a good look at who it is; it is Sub-Zero. Or more specifically; the undead Kuai Liang, no longer a cybernetic husk, but a revenant under the control of Quan Chi. The two soldiers knocked out by Scorpion earlier awaken in time to see Sub-Zero before them. They both try to punch him, but he blocks their attacks, freezes their heads, and then smashes them together, shattering them into blood, ice, and bone. Sub-Zero throws the headless corpse of one of them at Johnny, who manages to avoid it by dropping into his split-legged stance. Another soldier's decapitated head, one who had it chopped off by Scorpion earlier the one who was disbelieving, rolls in front of Cage, who quickly knocks it out of the helicopter adding an

"Eugh, nasty!"

Sub-Zero creates his signature ice blade and charges at the movie star. Johnny manages to catch the blade in his hands and shatter it. He hits Sub-Zero with his backflip-kick, knocking the revenant against the ceiling. As he lands, Sub-Zero blocks a follow up kick and throws a punch and a low sweep, both of which Cage avoids. As Sub-Zero blocks more kicks and punches from Cage, the scene cuts to Scorpion and Kenshi, still hanging on the chopper's side. Scorpion finally kicks Kenshi off him, but the swordsman manages to stab his weapon into the side of the helicopter. It glows as it cuts through the chopper's side but finally sticks before Kenshi is hurled to his death.