
Mortal Kombat: Son of the Dragons

Alexander Valkyrie Darkov was raised Black Dragon and now joins Special Force's Next Generation of fighters to discover his place in the realms ultimately discovering his true origins and legacy. Through effort and trial, and with his love Cassie Cage at his side, he will discover his legacy and prove it's more than blood that makes the warrior. A fair warning, there will be heavy use of Scripts from Mortal Kombat 2011, Mortal Kombat X, and Mortal Kombat 11 as seen fit.

Holly_Putvin · Derivados de juegos
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57 Chs

Team bonding

A few weeks passed since Alex visited his uncle Ryker, he and his team went on a team bonding camping trip. Takeda, Alex, and Kung Jin were excited, but Cassie and Jacqui were enthusiastic as well. Alex was happy to see and be sharing a tent with Cassie. She was also happy. They reached their camp sight which was also not that far from some stores and activities, a decent bike ride. The boys had all three tents properly pitched and secured as the girls pulled up with their food and other gear. Cassie looked at Alex who's back was to them, and shirtless, as he split wood for their week-long trip. She watched his back muscles flex and move. She was reminded of her first camping trip with her parents


Cassie had been five years old when they went camping together for the first time. Her parents ensured the five-year-old got the best experiences ever on this trip. Johnny showed her how to pitch a tent properly, and her mother showed her how to split wood. They went fishing, and ate their catch over the fire, and enjoyed smores. Cassie lay awake in the tent listening to the wildlife and had been happy.

-End Flashback-

Cassie snapped back to reality as Alex tapped on the window. She rolled the window down and Alex asked

"Daydreaming about me again?"

"No weirdo. I actually recalled the last time I was camping which was when I was five."

Alex smiled at her and helped her out of the car. Cassie was surprised to find that Jacqui and the boys had unloaded the car. Cassie smiled seeing that Alex's tent, which she would share was large and top of the line, looked brand new. She looked at Alex who shrugged saying

"It was a gift from Uncle Ryker and his unit."

"Ok we really need to thank them, and Kabal."

Alex nodded having told his team that Kabal had given him and Cassie his complete collector's edition collection of D&D fifth edition books. Kung Jin had been the most excited as it had been something he and his dad shared.


Jin smiled at his dad as they sat at the table with his dad's friends for Jin's first game of Dungeons and Dragons. Jin had spent the entire day beforehand working on his character and was rather thrilled to play his monk archer who was human. Bland of an idea as it was, Jin was happy. What Jin hadn't known was this would be the last time he'd see his father ever.

-End Flashback-

Jin was pulled from his thoughts as he heard Alex laughing at something and it turned out Takeda tried using his whips for something and fell on his butt as a result. Jin smirked. He looked over at Jacqui who had chairs set up around their small fire. Alex helped Takeda sit down, and in seriousness asked

"You alright?"

"Yeah, just a sore butt."

Alex nodded as Jacqui sat beside Takeda. Alex took a seat nearby and Cassie sat beside him. The last chair Jin sat in. It was nice to just be young adults. Cassie said

"Hey, Jacqui tell the boys about your first Kickboxing match."

Jacqui giggled and began


Jacqui had been quite good at Kickboxing and here she was at her first match. She had dominated so far. Now though one kid stood between her and first place. However, when she saw the kid, an autistic boy who was a bit put off by the noise and seemed bothered, she knew what she had to do. She didn't make it easy for the boy, but she also didn't give it her all either. In the end, the boy won. He though knew what she had done and was grateful. Second place felt better to her anyway.

-End Flashback-

Everyone was thrilled and Alex said

"Your parents must have been proud."

"Yeah, dad understood why I let him have the victory, it may have been his only victory ever."

They nod. Alex sat back, he thought back to being ten years old and getting to go to Brony Con because Kano had bought him tickets.


Alex smiled, dressed up in the golden armor of the solar guard of equestrian for Brony Con. His ebony hair dyed blonde with blue contacts in his eyes to cover up his natural red. He looked around in awe and with some nervousness, they were in the vendor's hall and he saw several of his favorite Youtube Bronies. He met Silver Quill, Dr. Wolf, Lighting Bliss, and the last he met was Firebrand, the very pony he was dressed as. The commander looked down at him and said

"Great Cosplay of me kiddo."

Alex gushed with happiness. To hear that made his day.

-End Flashback-

Alex smirked, he hadn't yet told Firebrand that they have met before, that is how damn good Kira and Korba's work was. Soon enough, after having dinner and smores as the sunset, Takeda and Jacqui got up for an evening walk, by the moonlight. Jacqui looked at Takeda and said

"You mentioned that you and your mother took evening moonlight walks."

"Yeah, it's something I miss doing with her, it was our thing."

Jacqui smiled before she said

"Could you tell me more?"

Takeda nodded


Takeda was only six as he walked with his mother Suchen in the woods near their home. It was a peaceful way for them to end the night most nights. Takeda used this time to just ramble on. His mind a whirl. Suchen smiled listening to her son talk until they returned home, and she would get him ready for bed. By then Takeda would be very tired. She would tuck him in and hug and kiss him goodnight.

-End Flashback-

Takeda teared up, as they walked back to camp. Alex sensed this and hugged his friend without a word. That was all Takeda needed before they turned in for the night.