
Mortal Gods Awakening.

Participating in the Fantasy Carnaval, if you like the book support it with your powerstone.. Destruction, On Earth energy called "mana,, was returning, Magic, Martial Arts, Superpowers became reality. Humanity started to prosper but... this didn't last very long. In the darkness countless eyes were looking at Earth with greed. Earth's dimensional barrier was broken, Gates opened and monsters poured in. Hope was answered by people magic powers called "Hunters" But this was far from the end. Gods, Constellations, Devil's started fighing for this planet, For billions of souls, they spread their power occupying immense land. but they didn't realize who they have awakened by their invasion, A Monster, A True God... The destruction of what HE created just begun. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry for the grammar, i am not english. Novel Photo is not mine, if artist wants taken down contact me.

DreamWr8ER · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
125 Chs


"Yesss!!!!!Finallyi will be able to awaken AI"

Alex clicked Yes instinctively..... and he smiled.....

Alex smiled brightly and waited for System's response, He did not know why but thought of AI simply made him happy like he was the one who created this..... but now he just wanted to see would happen if he upgraded AI in real world, Alex smiled Brightly and waites.....



[World Traveling System

Congratulations!! You have absorbed 100000 points of @#$%^%$ Energy.....]


"Upgrade the AI"



[World Traveling System

-20000 @#$%^%$ Energy

Upgrading the AI Function.....]




[World Traveling System

Congratulations!! You have unlocked AI function in the System

Level 1 AI : Unlocked

[AI will be able to Comence simple actions, Host will be able to use it to create loops of actions that can be Activated with one word]


"Woow, wait..... simple actions????? LEVEL 1??!! WHAT THE HELL SYSTEM???!! TELL ME ABOUT LEVELS"

Alex thought he would immediately have super advanced AI like he talked to before, but Levels????? this was just blatant lie, and most importantly he spend 200000 POINTS FOR THIS, NOT 2000!!!!! Alex Askex the System.....



[World Traveling System

AI Levels can be differentiated into different Levels, Upgrade to AI will grant one level and different functions of AI will be unlocked]


Alex'es face twitched completely, this was simply a.....


Alex was really mad right now, to accumulate 20000 White Mysterious Energy points he would have to spend at least 2 years gathering it.....

"Uhhh..... its good that i didn't wait for that much time before gaining AI function, if not i would definetely be more dissapointed than now....."

Alex looked at the loops of action that he unlocked and was about to see what it would do but before he did this.....



Door opened.....

Two individuals one woman and one man came in, they were wearing black suits and black yellow and red sunglassess, Woman had black hair and she was really curvaceous, Man was Muscular.....

"Hello Mr. Alex, my name is Mia, We came here to ask you few questions, could you spare us some time Sir?????"

Woman put his glasses away and came before Alex, he was really polite and asked Alex this..... her blue eyes were shimmering in light.....

Alex smiled and said to her "Yes, please take a seat....."

Mia sat down on nearby chair and pulled out a Tablet..... there was also a Digital Pen attached to the tablet.....

Muscular man simply stood there without doing anything, Mia took out her smartphone and opened a recorder.....

"Alright Mr. Alex, my first question is, did you experience Dungeon Break before you passed out?????"


Mia nodded and wrote something in the tablet with her Digital Pen and continued "Then, why wasn't anything in your room broken?????"

Alex thought about a excuse "Because before monsters came out Gate closed very quickly, i believe it was unstable, and about how i got hurt if ask me????? well..... its because two goblins did came out and i got lucky about awakening..... i beat them....."

Mia nodded and wrote something in the Tablet with her Digital Pen....

10 Minutes Later.

Questions were already done and finally one last question was left.....

Mia asked Alex "First of all, thank you for you cooperation Sir. Alex, and last question, what rank did you awaken?????"

Alex thought about it abd said "[D Rank Minor Sword Mastery]"

Once he said this he heard snort to the side.....

"Huh..... Weird Weakling....."

Alex looked at the Muscular Muscular man and said "Says someone that is wearing yellow and red sunglassess in the building....."

Muscular man was enraged immediately and yelled "WHAT DID YOU SAY??!!"

Fearsome Aura was spread from him, To Alex was just a breeze..... Mia looked at muscular man and said "Stop it Jonathan....."

Muscular man immediately stopped when he Saw Mia"s Blue Eyes Shine With Purple luster.....

"Yes Captain....."

Mia stood up and went towards Alex, she pulled out a card and gave Alex with a enthusiastic smile and voice "This is a recommendiation from me that you can use when you or if you register as a hunter, maybe [D Rank Minor Sword Mastery] is not the strongest power but every power can be upgraded....."

She said this and left with Muscular man.....

Alex smiled and got up.....



"Madam Mia, why did you give recommendation to someone as weak as him?????"

Muscular Man Called Jonathan asked.....

Mia smiled and red hue that was in her eyes dissappeared, moment it did she stopped for a moment and said "Oh, just because i wanted to.."

Muscular Man Called Jonathan nodded.....

They left the Hospital.....


In his room Alex cancelled [Vampire's Charm] and saw upgraded shop UI.....



[World Traveling System

World Of Cultivation Rashak (Shop)

World Of Zairad (Shop)

which one does host chooses]


Which one does host chooses came up and Alex clicked Rashak..... but.....

"Huh????? why is this the same as before????? System???!!"



[World Traveling System

Shop has been upgraded, but because it was not before Host traveles to World Of Cultivation and World Of Zairad, your comrades items will not be in the shop..... from now on with any World Travel Shop Function that listed items that you have gotten and items of your comrades have will be activated and you will see them in the UI]


Alex read long description and sighed, he closed all the prompts and looked out of the window.....

"Do i commence another World Travel?????..... Yeah, i am not strong enough to save my father yet..... yes....."

Alex stood up and took his clothes and his smartphone that nurse gave him when Hunter Association Agents came in...

He looked out in the window and said "I will register as a Hunter first, and them commence World Travel..... and i hope this time its not going to be so short like World Of Zairad, I hope i will farm few thousand System Points there....."

Alex put his clothes and left the room to check out, He was thinking about what world would he be going this time..... he was excited very very very very very excited, but even he did not know about his excitement..... he thought that this was just a normal easy World Travel.....

Butwhathe did not know that he would never forget World Travel He Would Be going soon, this was something that he would remember all his long life.....

End Of Chapter.....