
Mortal Gods Awakening.

Participating in the Fantasy Carnaval, if you like the book support it with your powerstone.. Destruction, On Earth energy called "mana,, was returning, Magic, Martial Arts, Superpowers became reality. Humanity started to prosper but... this didn't last very long. In the darkness countless eyes were looking at Earth with greed. Earth's dimensional barrier was broken, Gates opened and monsters poured in. Hope was answered by people magic powers called "Hunters" But this was far from the end. Gods, Constellations, Devil's started fighing for this planet, For billions of souls, they spread their power occupying immense land. but they didn't realize who they have awakened by their invasion, A Monster, A True God... The destruction of what HE created just begun. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry for the grammar, i am not english. Novel Photo is not mine, if artist wants taken down contact me.

DreamWr8ER · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
125 Chs

Returning Earth.....

Alexfinallyreturned to Earth, He went out of the Time Machine. he was in that weird cave.

"Yo, can you hide again Time Machine?????"

[Yes, Auto hiding feature is activated.....]

Time Machine went unti camouflage mode, it flew off on its own, Alex took out a tablet he took from the castle and saw it, he knew where it was, He may have destroyed that place but he also took few souveniers, Alex looked ahead and saw the exit of the cave as he went towards it.

Alex looked around and pulled out the prompt he closed before.



[World Traveling System

Congratulations!! Congratulations!! Congratulations!! You have acomplished impossible and managed to clear the impossible level Quest

Rewards Given: Complete Unblock of @#$%^%$ Energy, One Power Return Card, Two Diamond S

system boxes (Only given after world travel) and two hundred energy recovering potions, Two Hour Sword Card

Do you wish To redeem it?????

Yes / No]


Alex clicked yes and again.



He felt enormously energized, he felt he could use all of the White Mysterius Energy he had right now, all almost million of it, or atleast thats what Alex remembered he had.

Alex appeared two hundred energy recover potions and one black card.

Alex smiled and said "Whats Two Hour Sword Card"

Alex appraised or read the description in another words, System Given items could be read if you remembered now.



[World Traveling Syste

Two Hour Sword Card

This sword card two hour is used to summon swords, swords may wary between God weapons or even mythological entities, Host will be able to take full power of that sword, overly weak swords will be strengthened and overly strong swords will be nerfed, also after using overly strobg sword Time limit may vary and decrease, or even straight out dissappear and host will only be able to use it 3 times thats the limit, also overly weak swords can be used to get time up, limit 33 days, they will also be nerfed.....]


Alex had his eyes opened he murmured "Holy..... shit..... OH MY GOD....." He looked at the prompt and laughed.

"HAHAHAHA, FINALLY!!!!! I WILL HAVE TRUMP CARDS AGAINST DEITIES!!!!!" He was very happy right now, this sword meant he could summon Swords from fiction that can cut everything, he may could only be able to use it 3 times but that was still something he could use to domniate entire Deity Pantheon right now.

Alex was really happy, he went out from the cave, he wad just standing infront of the cave, everything that happened right now did not take more that two minutes right now.

Alex looked towards the cave entrance and made up his mind.

"You know what, lets try to break through 5 Rank....." Alex went around the forest searching for a spot, he found a cave and sat down cross legged, he circulated Life Energy inside him, He knew after he absorbed all that energy he would naturally get to awaken his element and became Grand Mage, or a Regural Mage as well.

10 Hours Later.

Alex was sitting cross legged in a cave grumbling with pain.

Alex was at the peak of Rank 4, he didn't know many things about Cultivation like this, in Cultivation World he basically as mentioned sat in one place almost falling asleep or falling asleep many times as System refined his energy and made him break through realms, But now it was different, he was not Cultivating Qi Energy, it was Life Energy, it came from his soul as his soul strengthened His life energy also strengthened, this could happen while sitting its called Knights because in a battle it was the most Life Energy you could gain, People could store energy in ones Soul.and release it for Strengthening.

There was couple of methods of fastening up the process but something was up with Alex, his Life Energy, simply never halted strengthening, he was using it over and over again but it still never halted, this time he did it.

Alex opened his eyes and there was green glow innit. he ballowed.

"AGHHRRR!!!! AGHHRRR!!!!!" Alex made a ballow and shockwave almost destroyed the cave, Alex did fortunately stopped before entire cave cracked now, and it almost got destroyed, this was how much power he had after reaching Rank 5.

His that growed green dissipated as it returned to normal color, he stood up and clenched his fist, air current was generated and it swept through entire cave right now.

Alex smiled and said "Holy fucking shit, am infinite glitch or something????? how the hell am getting so much Life Energy right now....."

Alex shook his head and forgot about it, he then left the cave and left the forest.

33 Minutes Later.

Alex breathed in when he came out he said "That leaving the forest was pain, how can a forest here be so big, i needed to run with all my speed to leave in 33 Minutes, and am 5 Rank!!"

Alex was about to leave but he detected something in his Life Energy.

Alex opened his eyes wide he saisd "Holy shit, i can already exert my power outside of the my fucking body????? can't only 6 Rank's do that?????....." Alex checked something and found out his energy was way more refined that any 6 Rank could have.

Alex looked up and smiled he said "Looks like i can defeat any 6 Rank now, so if i can exert Life Energy outside of my body can i also....."



His energy covered him and.






He jumped up and flied, this was.....

Alex was dumbfounded "I..... i broke soumd barrier 5 Times???!! what the fuck????? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE....."

Alex shook his head and forgot about it, he thought he would learn this sooner or Later.

He now had to absorb that energy.

Alex said "I can go find another cave, it doesn't matter now, if my assumptions were correct now right my body will be able to withstand the energy and even if it doesn't my Divine zmsense detected noone in 100 Kilometers radius, only beings i have to worry about Gods but they would not pay attention to rookie like me..... so lets go...."

Alexfounda cave and sat down cross legged he pulled out prompt he closed before, now it was time to absorb the energy.



[World Traveling System

Congratulations!! You have experienced Enlightenment.....

You have absorbed 243356 Energy

Do you want to absorb it?????

Yes / No]



[World Traveling System

Congratulations, You have forcefully stopped Enlightenment

Non Absorbed Magic energy turned into Comprehension and can be Absorbed to Level up any Magic Skill.

Do you want to Absorb it?????

Yes / No]


Alex clicked Yes.

It begun.

End Of Chapter