
Mortal Gods Awakening.

Participating in the Fantasy Carnaval, if you like the book support it with your powerstone.. Destruction, On Earth energy called "mana,, was returning, Magic, Martial Arts, Superpowers became reality. Humanity started to prosper but... this didn't last very long. In the darkness countless eyes were looking at Earth with greed. Earth's dimensional barrier was broken, Gates opened and monsters poured in. Hope was answered by people magic powers called "Hunters" But this was far from the end. Gods, Constellations, Devil's started fighing for this planet, For billions of souls, they spread their power occupying immense land. but they didn't realize who they have awakened by their invasion, A Monster, A True God... The destruction of what HE created just begun. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry for the grammar, i am not english. Novel Photo is not mine, if artist wants taken down contact me.

DreamWr8ER · Fantasía
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125 Chs

Returning And Completing Hidden Mission.....

Alex saw Aegis completely taken apart, this was very brutal because he saw pain on her face, next to the Aegis there was a chamber, it looked like an Alien tech, with a visible fetus in it he could see a baby growing inside of it, there were two fetuses,, tubes were connected to this fetuses and this tubes were transferred to Aegis'es belly, Alex could not imagine why the hell would anyone do this, what was the point of torturing Android this much and trying to give it a fetus, this was basically defying law of nature and it should not be allowed..... fetuses was emitting blue light.....

Alex went towards Aegis'es head and took it up, he saw it was connected to tubes so he he could not pick up, he simply took it up with force, tubes were disconnected..... he looked at the head and it looked robotic, he sighed and said..... fetus just turned off its blue light.....

"I am sorry for this Aegis, i am not blacksmith or engineer, i can't help you with this, but i swear i will rebuild you in the future, and with much stronger body...." Alex tried to open the head, but it was locked tightly, without any choice he simply manipulated energy in his hand and.....



He smashed Aegis'es head, he held back tho, Alex didn't want to destroy entirety of the head, Head was hard, like obsidian it took two punches, but finally it was oppened, Alex threw away the small bunker door looking thing and saw something inside.....

"Oh, looks like i could have just opened with this QR code, sorry Aegis....." Alex looked at the back and saw QR code looking thing numbered 56769, he could have just tapped that, he turned away from it forgot about it, he forgot about it not because he was forgetful its because in Aegis'es head..... he saw wires, a wires that were very small and they were intertwined with eachother like actual brain, brain was emmiting blue light, even without circulation it looked absolutely gorgeus, this was a scinetific miricle.....

"Holy shit, if people from Earth saw this they would absolutely crazy, and there is no way every Robot is made like this, this seems expensive....." Alex took out a chip from Aegis'es head, he knew this was the chip that contained all of her abilities and memories, he then closed it by picking up small bunker looking thing and got ready to leave..... but before that he looked at the parts Aegis had, he thought about something..... he put the chip in his pockets and thought about something.....

"Do i pick this up????? in the future i will upgrade it and give it to Aegis even stronger version....."

He nodded and went towards the parts..... he picked up the hand, it was attached to the tubes so he had to to the same thing he did with Aegis..... he simply took it up with force..... but this time it was different..... Alex made a rookie mistake.....



Bell like explosions were heard and.....




Annoying screaching sound was heard.....

"AH SHIT!!!!!"

Alex clunched down, he looked up and saw entirety of the room was emmiting red light.....


Alex immediately stood up from his crouching and throwed the hand down, he just took the chip and put it inside of his pockets..... he immediately ran away but before that he managed to hide behind big chair..... Suddenly!!!!! Soldier came.....

They rushed towards the room as they saw corpses of the doctors..... they were holding guns as they checked the Doctors, they analized they were killed in one slash two of them were other ones were killed by their weapons.....

A Badass looking Soldier came he looked like he returned and looked corpses, he frowned as he went in the room..... Few other soldiers came in and gave him idea what happened and what they investigated in this few secconds, they were really fast in their job, the were robots anyway.....

Badass Robot listened to his subordinates sayings.....

"Sir, Doctors all have been killed, two with sword or night slash, other three with our weapons sir, there were pseoudo-photon bullets on the ground already down, subject in the room was not taken but after our investigation we managed to see her AI CHIPE and Hand was turned in a different direction, fetuses were mostly okay except deactivated, Sir PHonos and Lady Cleopatra were okay....." Soldier gave him explanation now.....

Badass looking Robot wiped his head from imaginary sweat, he could not help it this robots were countless times more advanced than NPC GUARD ROBOTS OUTSIDE PROTECTING THE CASTLE NOW..... he said "Looks like we don't have to die, if they got hurt Boss would imobilize us....." He wanted to continue talking but he sensed something and immediately pointed his weapon at that direction here.....

Everyone got startled and they also pointed their guns at that direction..... He got ready and said, Badass looking Robot said "COME OUT!!!!! WE HAVE YOU IN OUR AIM COME OUT NOW!!!!!" He waited but nothing happened he said "SHOOT NOW!!!!!" He ordered his subordinates to shot.....


PEW!!!!! PEW!!!!! PEW!!!!! PEW!!!!! PEW!!!!! PEW!!!!! PEW!!!!! PEW!!!!! PEW!!!!! PEW!!!!!


Sounds of normal strengthened metal bullets and Pseodo-Photon bullets were shot at the seat.....

2 Minutes.

All their ammo were used on this, Badass looking Robot put out his hand and ordered his subordinates to stop..... he went towards already destroyed seat and looked down, he saw blood there and that was it.....

He sighed of relief for some abnormal reason and said "Calm down whoever is it should be dead, our bullets can destroy entire human in secconds..... Now get alligned for me....." Soldiers got alligned confused they didn't suffer any injuries and needed fixing why did Badass looking Robot tell them to lign up..... but they didn't complain and ligned up, Badass looking soldier was counting the soldiers.....

"2, 10, 30, 35????? SHIT WHERE IS 36 GET DO-----....."



Bombs were detonated, two bombs on the soldiers were detonated..... explosion englufed entire corridor..... after explosion was over only Alex was left there, he was shrouded in White light..... Alex looked around and saw Robot parts and said with some caution..... "I was right Aegis'es bodyparts had explosives on it, it was quite easy blowing them up, with just little code it was done..... BRO WHO AM I KIDDING THAT WAS SO CLOSE OH MY GOD WITHOUT THIS WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO ESCAPE FROM HERE....."

Alex looked around and saw a prompt.....



[World Traveling System

Congratulations!!!!! You have acomplished hidden task Save Aegis!!!!!

Acomplishment Level: 80 %

Reward: 350 @#$%^%$ Energy!!!!!

Do You Wish To Recive It?????



Alex Sighed in relief, this was really a close call.....

He looked back and immediately stormed off the corridor, he left white corridor behind and went in the open space he was before, it was swarmed with soldiers, they looked like they were looking for something, with his White Mysterius Power nobody detected him but he also needed to hide.....

He wanted to take something from here before he left this place, this place gave him countless problems, if he returned without anything he would regret it, he had to at least bow it up...

End Of Chapter.