
Mortal Gods Awakening.

Participating in the Fantasy Carnaval, if you like the book support it with your powerstone.. Destruction, On Earth energy called "mana,, was returning, Magic, Martial Arts, Superpowers became reality. Humanity started to prosper but... this didn't last very long. In the darkness countless eyes were looking at Earth with greed. Earth's dimensional barrier was broken, Gates opened and monsters poured in. Hope was answered by people magic powers called "Hunters" But this was far from the end. Gods, Constellations, Devil's started fighing for this planet, For billions of souls, they spread their power occupying immense land. but they didn't realize who they have awakened by their invasion, A Monster, A True God... The destruction of what HE created just begun. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry for the grammar, i am not english. Novel Photo is not mine, if artist wants taken down contact me.

DreamWr8ER · Fantasía
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125 Chs

Meeting Reincarnation Of Someone Here.....

"YOU ARE FROM EARTH???!!" Young Man immediatelly jumped.....

He appeared infront of Alex immediately, Alex was startled, this was really fast, he couldn't even follow shadow of this guy..... When Young Man appeared he finally saw his face, he was white, black haired and blue eyed individual..... he had excited expression as he put his hand on Alex'es shoulder..... He yelled "YOU REALLY ARE FROM EARTH???!!"

Alex smiled and said "Chill out man, yes i AM FROM EARTH..... and your name?????" Alex also had suprised expression, he never expected to meet someone from Earth here.....

Young Man seemed extremely excited, he put down his hand from Alex'es shoulder as he jumped up.....

"YAHOO!!!!! OH MY GOD FINALLY!!!!! SOMEONE THAT I KNOW!!!!! MY NAME IS ALZAR BY THE WAY, YOU CAN CALL ME ALZ..... " Alex Watched the young man dumbfounded, he saw it funny that he was acting all like a kid.

Alex said "Calm down, you are the leader of this people, what if someone spies here....."

Young Man snickered, he calmed down and said "If someone does spy here, they will be dead before they know it..... anyway lets sit i want to ask you few questions here....." Young Man flicked his hands and table and chairs appeared here.....

He sat down and said "Lets sit, i want to ask a few questions....." Young Man said....

Alex nodded and they went to sit.


10 Hours Later.

Alex was getting really annoyed, this man was really enthusiastic, he never stopped talking and asking questions, but he did find out who he was, looks like Alz was someone that reincarnated here, he remembers he was just a normal dude living in detroit in 2015, but suddenly his house shook and something happened, it happened in one seccond, one time he was Alive next time he was dead, he really wanted to know what happened after that. Alex explained Monsters invaded the Earth, Dude was dumbfucked, when he told him the history of the Earth and he was even more dumbfucked, after he said about different Race invasion dude was dumbfucked 3 times.....

"WTF???!! GODS????? DEMONS????? Just what the hell happened to Earth....." Alz needed time, to actually think about this, He never expected to be reincarnated in another world while his own world was being destroyed, he would go to Earth to save it but he didn't have ability to do it right now, he did try many times but it didn't work..... he sighed in relief when Alex told him about the Gods, he felt they were fortunate to be sav-----

"Wait, 1945????? What the hell..... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT 2015 WAS NORMAL WHAT 1945 ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???!!" Alz stood up, he looked at Alex with little in his eyes, his eyes were showing fury, he thought Alex was messing with him.....

Alex put his hand on the table, he told him to sit down..... "Sit now, i said it was 1945, i didn't say that was the exact time Demons And Elfs And Dwarfs invaded, i actually don't know myself, i am from 2022 and everything was just fine, i almost died by the hands of Dragon....."

Alz sat down, but when he heard something he sat up "WAIT THEN HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS AREN'T YOU REINCARNATION TOO???!!" Alz sat up and looked at Alex with little in his eyes again, his eyes were showing fury again.....

Alex was already feeling extremely annoyed, this dude was too agitated, when he heard something he didn't like or liked, he would just sat up like a crazy person yelling, he told him to sat down again, Alz sat down.....

"I got special ability that lets me to travel between worlds." Alex looked at Alz, Alz was dumbfounded, he then breathed in and breathed out like he was angry or something, then he looked at his Face, Alex was about to ask him why was he so angry but.....

"OH MY GOOOD!!!!! THAT IS SO COOOL!!!!! CAN YOU BRING ME TO EARTH???!!" Alz asked here.....

Alex sighed and looked at him, Alz was filled with enthusiasm, but he said "No, my ability doesn't work like that....." Alex said this to Alz, he also sighed, he never expected to meet someone reincarnated here even before Demons and Elfs and Dwarfs invaded.....

They talked for a while, Alex found out Alz had typical fantasy type story, he got reincarnated here he was weak when he got here, then he found his superb talent, he cultivated for 100 years and got this strong, that was the whole premise, of course there was exciting adventures, friends he made along the way but Alex didn't give a shit for that, only reason he was listening here it was because he wanted to have a favor to ask Alz, he wanted to learn Nature Energy.....


10 Hours Later.

"Okay thats it, was it a good story????? or was it a good story????? or just a cliche?????" Alz was standing up, he was telling his story enthusiasticly..... Alex had his eyes half closed, for 20 hours this dude didn't stop talking.....

He stood up and said "Yes good, very good, now man can you please teach me that green power your people have???!!" Alex said this directly, he wanted to get the fuck away from this place immediately..... here now.....

Alz looked at him and said "Oh okay, alright, i will help you, i will teach you or have someone teach you tommorow..... you can go now here....." Alz said this waved his hand, He was thinking about something looked here.....

Alex finally sighed of relief and went out, he has never meet such an obnoxious person in his life, He went and opened the door.....

"OOOHHHH....." At least few hundred people fell down like dominos.....

Alex looked at them weirdly and.....




He jumped over them as he went at the end of the corridor..... he opened it..... door creaked here.....




"Wait, i think i am forgetting something....." Alex said this and rememebered something..... now.....

He looked in his genes, and rememebered something, he had White Mysterious Energy there.....

"Oh yeah, Old Man Ravil....." Alex.....

Alex released him.....

And went out..... he was going to train here today.....

Alex went out and found it was already night.....

And night here was beautiufull..... really beautiful.....

End Of Chapter.