
Mortal Gods Awakening.

Participating in the Fantasy Carnaval, if you like the book support it with your powerstone.. Destruction, On Earth energy called "mana,, was returning, Magic, Martial Arts, Superpowers became reality. Humanity started to prosper but... this didn't last very long. In the darkness countless eyes were looking at Earth with greed. Earth's dimensional barrier was broken, Gates opened and monsters poured in. Hope was answered by people magic powers called "Hunters" But this was far from the end. Gods, Constellations, Devil's started fighing for this planet, For billions of souls, they spread their power occupying immense land. but they didn't realize who they have awakened by their invasion, A Monster, A True God... The destruction of what HE created just begun. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry for the grammar, i am not english. Novel Photo is not mine, if artist wants taken down contact me.

DreamWr8ER · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
125 Chs

Grandpa Demigod!!!!!.....


Fromthesky someone stepped out from the space that was completely destroyed and almost unstable, it was a artificial space rip.....

Energy beam that was directed towards Alex dissappeared, Alex took this chance and activated Ultimate Speed Mode, He Wanted To understand what was happenning but it wasn't time to do that.....

Suddenly 12 Auras appeared in the sky, every one of them were very unique looking monsters, one that was chasing Alex also disappeared and appeared infront of the invader.....

When dust that was startled by the Aura Usage Was Settled Image of the invader was revealed, it was man, about 80 years old, he had white hair and white beared that was so long it fluctuated in the wind but..... weird part was that this old man was BUFF, Like Really Really BUFF, he had sleeveless white shirt with his hands on his waist.

Old man was smiling as he spoke "HAHAHA, Its funny to see this kind of warm welcome Demons, so..... so..... so... What do we have here huh????? A pocket dimension like hell????? millions of people..... You guys are summoning the army?????"

12 Demons had ugly face on their head, they had never expected someone like this to appear, they felt his energy, it was definetely above Greatmaster Martial Artist, it was definetely a Demigod.....

"So..... we welcome you sir, its a great honor to welcome one of the twelfth leaders of Martial Arts Association"

Less ugly Demon stepped out as he had kind expression on his face, he looked genuinely looked happy to see this old man.....

Old man laughed as he looked at the Demons "Really now??..... then what about we drink and eat-----"

Grandpa couldn't even finish his words as dark cloaked person appeared behind him, that person held a long saber, he was revealed to be man but..... human man.....

Saber was slashed around the air as the Human laughed.....




Saber struck old man, color completely drained from the person's face.....

"Im... Im..... Im.... IMPOSSIBL--"



Old man simply punched out without looking and the person turned into a mushed meat, blood rained down the red dirt in this world making them red even more.....

Old man coughed "COUGH..... COUGH..... As i said what about we drink and eat..... YOUR BLOOD!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"


His Aura was completely released, it was like a ravaging wave of pressure, It was so strong that nearby mountains almost cracked, weaker Greatmasters were directly falling from the sky, Middle Level Grandmasters were also also also very strugling, only High Level Greatmasters Could Endure, while Peak Level Greatmasters Were Standing there like it didn't affect them, they had very ugly expressions on their face.....

"Get ready to fight"

One of them said this, normal looking one as they activated their skills.....

Meanwhile Far Away from here.....

Alex was running with all his life.....

Alex thought about this and felt the Energy Old Man Released, It was strong, strong enough to pose a threat to his strongest self, but how was this possible?????

Alex understood something, Greatmaster realm here was compareble to Golden Core Level, but only the Peak one could even be compered, and even with Peak Grandmaster's power, it could only be compareble to Golden Core Level 1 l, nothing much, but this old man.....

Was different, he was releasing Spiritual pressure along with the Aura, only way to do that is that you have to awaken your Soul, Alex thought about this and he was confused, From 1 Level Golden Core to Nascent Soul Level 1 was enormous jump in power.....

Alex thought about this as he put this matter behind his mind, he had much more important job to do right now.....

He sensed Alia's energy, he ran towards Alia.

Alex went over and saw Alia sitting behind a tree close by, he went over but.....


Sword was thrown to his direction, he avoided it as he said "Its me..... don't worry"

Alex said this with smile, when This was said sword stopped as Alia came out of the tree, Alex looked at her and smiled "Hey, you ok-----"

Before he even finished what he was saying Alia came running towards her as she huged Alex, she was crying and said "Never do that again!!!!! you dummie"

Alia was blushing when she said this.....

Alex waa feeling good and cringed at the same time, soft chest of Alia was touching him as he seperated her from his body and cleaned her tears, Alia blushed red again.....

Alex smiled awkwardly when he saw this, he confirmed that Alia liked him, but he did not.....

Not because Alia wasn't beaautifull or anything, she was gorgeus, its just.....

Alia was from this world, she was a native, Alex didn't even know if he was in same universe, but he guessed it wasn't that is atleast what Alex was thinking.....

Point is, he would leave this world once the missions were over, he didn't want to make Alia sad and break her heart.....




Explosion was heard close to them.....

Alex looked over and saw a big explosion, He Activated Mysterious White Energy and he saw Old Man, Old man holding two bloodied figures of Greatmaster Martial Artists, Old man smiled and punched through their chest.....



[World Traveling System]

[World Traveling System

Congratulations!! Host Accomplished One Of the medium quests

+ 1500 System Points

More Quests Are Available, If hosts wants to see them say 'stats]



[World Travelimg System]

[World Traveling System

Congratulations!! Host Accomplished One Of the medium quests

+ 300 System Points

More Quests Are Available, If hosts wants to see them say 'stats]







[World Traveling System

Congratulations!! You Have Acomplished Astounding achivement, you Acomplished and did a quest with 0.132 % chance to be completed!!

You have recived [System's Black Diamond] Gift, Do you wish to use it?????

Yes / No]


System went crazy like in the past, Alex was overjoyed at this..... as he clicked Yes.....

Prompt after prompt appeared again.....

appeared again, they almost covered entire vision of Alex, this was good because every one of them was a reward.....



[World Traveling System

Congratulations!! You have won [Golden Apocalypse] skill from the system]


Alex'es eyes bulged from his head, this was a skill, Divine Skill, strongest offensive skill he had in Cultivation World, he was happy with this harvest but.... but last prompt appeared.....



[World Traveling System

Congratulations!! Medium Level World has been completed, Do you wish to return to Planet Earth??? Congratulatory reward is [2x Blank Card] to earth.....

Do you wish to return to Earth?????

Yes / No]


Alex was dumbfounded..... he thought world would have at least 5 to 10 Main and Chain Quests..... but now..... it hasn't.....

"What the hell..... THATS IT!!???"

Alex thought this as he said.....

End Of Chapter.