
Quest For The Lost Wallet(2)


Rubles flew everywhere, and dust scattered. Saitama was the first to go through, and Genos followed next. It was dark, but he could vaguely see what was ahead. "Oh. Hey Genos, there's someone over there..." Saitama said, informing Genos. "Yes, and it appears there are more hiding within the shadows." The cyborg said. He scanned the area again and discovered a few more of them.

'...Usually, a situation like this calls for reinforcement. But with Master Saitama around, I guess that wouldn't be necessary. Though, it would be wise to inform the headquarters later.' Genos thought thoroughly. He readied his weapons and prepared for combat. Genos wishes for his master to have a bit of reliance on him; though, does cleaning his apartment every day count?

He stared at his master's face and unbothered expression. 'Master Saitama's still as mysterious as the first time I met him... The secret to his unimaginable power, even the person himself doesn't know.' This thought still plagues his mind; revenge is his ultimate goal, and he needs strength to achieve it. Therefore, he became Saitama's disciple and did his best to learn his master's secrets.


A painful cry resounded throughout the tunnel; hurried footsteps followed. In the distance, Saitama saw a faint glow of green in the darkness. Its color flickered as if the source was weakening.



The moment of distraction gave Fubuki a chance to escape. She shifted her body and twisted, using her flexibility to her advantage. She slipped away from the monster's tight grasp with the help of her psychic abilities. Coming to his senses, he howled in annoyance at her and his mistake. He lengthened his tongue as it swiftly moved as if it were an extension of his limb.

His masterful control over his body surprised Fubuki, but her nimble and agile movements helped her escape. Up ahead, she saw two figures, one that she recognized instantly. The other, she doesn't know. "Hey..!" She shouted, almost coming out as a squeal. It quickly gained their attention. Unfortunately, she didn't watch her steps and fell face-first into the filthy sewage water.

Fubuki did not have any trouble breathing inside the waste of a dump with the help of her psychic. She used it to cover her whole body to prevent dirt and other unwelcome filth from her body. It also filtered the air she breathed. However, her energy has been completely depleted with the constant use of her ability.

Her body strained, exhaustion assaulting her. She didn't expect to get tired so soon, and without a doubt, she became weaker due to her negligence. She has been neglecting her self improvements. Improving her ability to the fullest was her goal, but something changed these past few months...


"We should help her, right?" Saitama asked, his thoughts unknown. The loss of his wallet still plagued his mind. He wanted to find it as soon as possible. "At once, Sensei," Genos replied and immediately took action. He appeared right behind Fubuki and aimed his hands toward the monster that chased.

It slowly glowed brighter until it was as bright as the sun. "Even though it is unwise for me to use such a destructive move in an enclosed place, the monster being a Dragon-Level threat should be considered."

'Therefore, I must finish this in a single move.' He silently thought. He added more power to his attack and launched. The results were devastating—for the monster, at least. It severely injured the Dragon-Level monster and wiped out the remaining demon levels.

'Huh... Was Genos always this strong?' He stared in awe at the kid. Genos didn't seem much when they had their sparring match... But he could write it off as himself being too strong. Thankfully, the sewer tunnels haven't collapsed. 'Whoever designed this needs a raise...' He silently praised the person the designed the sewers. 'Yeah, I need to hire that guy. I need a sturdier apartment.' He added and recalled the countless time he had to repair his apartment himself.

'I wonder if he would accept my coupons as payment...' He picked inside his ears, seemingly bored, and back to his usual self. "Huff—Sensei, I've cleared the area." His disciple said as if the feat he did was not something worthy of praise. Saitama nodded and didn't say anything else.

Saitama helped the woman lying on the sewage water. He slid her hands over his shoulder. Fubuki was too embarrassed to speak; the disgusting stench on her body elevated that.

"Aren't you that lady from earlier?" Saitama asked. She was the reason he lost his wallet in the first place. "...So what if I am?" She asked weakly. Exhausted as she was, Fubuki did not want to collapse and lose consciousness.

She wasn't too worried about losing to the monster from earlier; since her older sister would sense it immediately once she had any grievous injuries done to her body. Unless her sister helped her, she would be doomed.

Though, Fubuki did not want to rely on her sister. She tries her best day after day to improve her psychokinesis ability. Like her sister, She also had the same abilities and power as the Tornado of Terror. Albeit it was much weaker than her older sister's—Fubuki was still determined to one day reach the same level of strength as her older sister.

Fubuki stared at the man that helped her, his face expressionless. However, a faint hint of annoyance failed to escape her sight. He was irked by something. Though, it wasn't her place to ask.


'Ugh. Man, this is just. Not cool.' Saitama said as annoyance showed to no one else but himself. He carried the exhausted woman over his shoulder. Unknowingly, she has already passed out. Saitama didn't get to ask further questions about why she ruined his meal, his lost wallet...

He had also searched the dead monsters' things, but there wasn't any clue. "Genos, maybe you accidentally burnt my wallet..." Saitama said lightly. He did not want to imagine it. "Sensei? I would never!" Genos denied it.

"I've scanned all the monsters I've killed, and none wore any clothing or equipment. Therefore it is safe to say that none of them carry your wallet, Sensei." Genos said. 'Actually, I cannot detect non-living objects... So I don't know if his wallet was in one of them.'

"Anyways, how did she even end up down here?" Saitama asked and slumped the woman on his back. He did his best to avoid touching her assets. He may be a bit stupid sometimes, but he is a stupid gentleman.

Genos thought about his master's question and remembered the footage from earlier. "Sensei... She may have been lured in here. The monsters had a plan in mind, it seems." He picked up a piece of rock and threw it on a wall, it was brought down, and another hidden passage showed itself.

"Dude. How do you know all of these? Besides, why are there so many passages here?" begrudgingly, Saitama's intrusive thoughts appeared in his mind. 'I should just punch this whole thing down...' A few meters away, a small object suddenly appeared. As if teleporting. Before it disappeared the same it appeared, Saitama swooped in and picked it up.

"What the heck? It's my wallet!" He exclaimed aloud, happy to finally find his lost wallet. 'Though, how did it even get down here...?' He wondered. Saitama doesn't remember ever going down the sewers. 'As if I care how. At least I found my wallet.' He thought happily and pocketed his wallet.

"Guess that's that. Genos, let's go home." He said and prepared to bore a hole through the surface. "But Sensei, what about that woman on your back?" Genos questioned. He had met Fubuki a few times before. Though, they never conversed with each other. Genos didn't have any ill feelings for that woman, but somehow her mere presence within her master annoyed him.

"Ah, right..."


Somewhere in City-Z, a group of monsters conversed. If an executive of HA saw this scene, they would surely be shocked beyond belief. The group of monsters was all self-proclaimed Dragon-Level Threats. There were at least two dozen, each proud with a powerful aura.

They stood in a large area dozens of kilometers underground. One monster stood out from the rest. His size spoke for itself. At least a hundred meters high, sitting on a large throne, his body overflowed with power.

"Monster King Orochi, what do you say?" A large slug-like monster with a single eye asked, known as Gyoro Gyoro. He was the second strongest and was also the strategist of their Association. He sat in a large, white comfortable bag-like chair.

"Certainly, that human would be useful to our plans." A deep, strong voice resounded throughout. "Bring him in." He ordered. Gyoro Gyoro merely nodded his head and commanded the rest.

"Black Sperm, you hear our lord. Abduct that human Fukageo." He ordered one of the higher Dragon Levels. "Why me! I'm still regenerating my cells. Go ask Homeless Emperor or something." Black Sperm was an odd-looking humanoid monster of diminutive stature. He has a completely black body and a pale, white face with black eyes and a tail-like protrusion on the top of his head.

Gyoro Gyoro stared at him, "Black Sperm, are you objecting to our lord's order?" Black Sperm felt as if Gyoro Gyoro was staring directly into his soul. "Ugh. Fine! But give me a week of vacation after this! I still need to recuperate and recover my lost cells." He begrudgingly accepted. Even though he didn't want to, the consequences of going against Monster King Orochi were too high.

'Ugh, if I didn't leave some cells here that Tornado of Terror would have killed me...' He thought silently.

After that, Black Sperm and the rest left as per Gyoro Gyoro's command.

"...What do you think about that man?" The one-eyed monster asked after a moment of hesitation. They have been monitoring the recently rising hero. Though, it seems all of the monsters they used have been killed. 'Even Foot Snatcher was killed... Ugh, who had the brilliant idea of giving him that name?' He internally cringed.

"Certainly, he is strong enough to rival against our best troops... But we have yet to see his full potential. Let two Dragon Levels monitor him." His voice reverberated. "Two! But if anything happens to them, that would be a huge blow to our strength!" Gyoro Gyoro loudly exclaimed.

"We have already lost one Dragon Level!" He added. It certainly would be a huge setback once three of their best fall. "Gyoro Gyoro, do you not trust me? I have confidence in their strength."

After a moment of deliberation, he agreed.

"Fine... I'll send Homeless Emperor and Phoenix Man on this mission." Monster King had a distant look on his face. He thought of something. 'The bald companion of that cyborg. I... felt something when I looked into his eyes. Something I only feel when I encounter something unimaginable and powerful...' He did not mention this to Gyoro Gyoro. He would find out when they meet.