
Time had not stood still

Men were awake and wandering outside the main dormitory. 

One ambitious soldier called out, "My Prince, do you need any assistance?"

"See to your morning duties Garen. The human felt the need to watch the breaking dawn and see our magnificent sun rise in the sky. She claims its golden rays are breathtaking and there is no comparison between our worlds."

The men laughed like they were sharing some secret joke that was lost on Kaoma. 

Satisfied with Prince Maxie's response Garen rejoined the men and they continued their conversation as if nothing was amiss. 

By this time they would be deep in conversation about roll call and roster changes. 

Prince Maxixe believed that the men should rotate their duties so that everyone knew how to operate in the Fairy Knoll.

Those more advanced would take the newcomers under their wings and bring them up to scratch, no one should feel useless or left behind.