
Chapter 1: The Mage of Esfir Town

Studying magic was her life. She collected books enough to fill her shelf beyond its capacity. She gathered everything related to or was known to have any magical affinity. Mushrooms, herbs, stones, and other things were stored in jars on the shelves in her study. She was known by the people in her town as the most elusive person. She barely interacts with any of the people in the village. Save for the local librarian and the old lady selling bread. She tries her best to avoid people. But as a mage for hire, job requests are necessary to bring food to the table. Now, as she sat down to read her new book, three loud knocks came from her door. Her expected delivery of new books wasn't due two days from now, so the girl thought it strange. She thought about the reason of an unexpected visitor.

(Maybe it's a job request.) She thought as she went to get the door.

(It is almost harvest season. The local farmers must want me to exterminate some pests.) The thought of pests always sent shivers down her spine.

(Well, at least when I get this over with, I'll have enough funds to last the month. Maybe have enough to buy a new book!)

She was so lost in thought that she tripped over a stack of books from last night's study session. The girl let out a yelp as she crashed to the floor, scattering books and sending pieces of paper flying around.

Clangs and crashes can be heard from the other side of the door. This startled the person who was knocking nonstop. What further surprised him was the appearance of the mage who opened the door. Her hair was as red and wild as a fire on a hot summer day. Just behind her black, round glasses were two pools of emerald that glistened in the morning sun. Her tan skin was complimented by her black and white robe. Looking behind the girl, he noticed the mess of books, paper, and some bottles and jars.

(I finally found you.) The boy smiled as he stared at the mage.

"Who is it? How may I be of service today?" the girl asked as she was rubbing her head to suppress the pain the prior event caused. As she slightly opened her eyes, she saw the one who was causing the ruckus which ruined her otherwise pleasant morning. He wore a green cloak over his beige tunic. The boy was taller than her that she had to tilt her head upward to see his face. His black hair could rival a raven's. His skin was perfectly toned white. As she scanned his face, she noticed something familiar. Those sapphire eyes... she knows she had seen them before.

(Muffling mulberry muffins, it's him!)

The mage immediately slammed the door shut before the boy could even speak. And for good measure, she leaned her body on the door.

"Nobody's home right now! Come back next time! On second thought, don't bother coming back at all!" she yelled behind the shut door.

"Isn't this where the mage Brielle Summerheart lives?" the boy asked.

"She currently isn't in the premises. How bout you leave a message. Or better, just leave." Said the voice behind the door.

"Look, I'm just here to thank you for that other time. And maybe ask you to take me in as your apprentice?" the boy reasoned out.

"What?! I don't need an apprentice. Please just go home. Don't force me to do something we'll both regret!" Brielle pleaded.

But to no avail, the boy resumed knocking repeatedly. Several knocks later, something strange happened. The air around him started to feel cold. He could see his breath condense into a small cloud of cold vapor.

"What the? Hey, is something wrong in th- " before he could finish, the door swung open and the next thing he knew, he was on the ground lying on his back, a blade of ice pressed against his neck and a foot stepping on his chest. He looked up and saw that the klutz, shy and adorable girl he saw earlier was nowhere to be found. Holding him down was an aggressive and hostile person. Her hair flowed straight down and her eyes were violet.

"Uhmm... Hey, nice to meet you. My name's Austin Blackburn. May I speak with Miss Summerheart please?" Austin managed to squeak out.

"You're already speaking to her." The girl pointed out.

"Oh is that so? I didn't recognize you for a second there." He nervously blurted out. "Anyway, about the apprenticeship, is it alright if I go here everyday so you can teach me?" Brielle only rolled her eyes then sent him a piercing gaze.

"Listen, if you came here to thank me, you're welcome. But you are not welcome to go here as my apprentice. Now go home." With that, the blade vanished and Brielle went back inside her tower leaving Austin sitting on the ground, awestruck.

Two weeks later...

"Haven't you had enough of this nonsense?" came an annoyed voice from one side of an ice spear.

"I don't know. It has become quite the routine hasn't it?" chuckled the boy on the receiving end of the spear. "I go to your tower to beg that you take me in as your apprentice, you conjure ice weapons to threaten me, and I go home and try again the next day." He said as he tapped the pointed edge of the spear. "You can't get the hint can you? I won't stop until you say yes." He said as he stared at her violet eyes. This made Brielle blush for a moment. But then, she sighed and dismissed the spear.

"Well you can't get it either can you? When people threaten someone, it usually means that they want that someone to leave them alone." Now please go home. I'm too tired to go with your antics for today." She said as she made to her tower. "And I swear if I hear one more word from you, you'll be very sorry." She glared at him.

"Ok, see you tomorrow then!" Austin cheerfully waved back.


"You just had to help him that night. Look what you've gotten yourself into: distractions every time he's here." She sighed as she closed the door.