
Moonrise -Twilight Fanfiction

Update Schedule: 1 Chapter Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Due to school reasons updates may be off at times.

TwilightLover_98 · LGBT+
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6 Chs


Alice P.O.V.

Ugh High School. My least favorite thing about immortality. At least I had my siblings to laugh with. Today when we got to the cafeteria the whole school was a buzz of chatter about the new girl.

Isabella Swan, Bella she corrected anyone that called her by her full name. She was the daughter of the chief of police Charlie Swan and his flighty ex-wife Reneé. Everyone had been talking about it since Charlie had told his friends at the station. Gossip got around town quickly, one of the downsides of living in such a small town. Charlie had been so excited when he found out but a little confused. Like her mother Bella had not made her distaste for Forks unknown.

Forks was one of the smaller towns in Washington. It rained more on this tiny town then it did anywhere else in the US. We had moved here about two years ago. The Olympic Peninsula was the perfect place for us. It was odd how boring night could get. It wasn't like we could go out during the day in places like California. It was a death sentence. The Volturi would certainly kill us if we expose ourselves for what we really are.

Vampires were mere myths to the mortals but unknown to them we existed some of us actually living side by side with them. Only us who had given up hunting humans and in place drank the blood of animals in its place had good control. Carlisle had gotten so used to the scent of human blood that he could enjoy his work as a doctor without burning.

I got up and danced to the trash can go throw my food away. It was just a prop. Human food was mildly repulsive to us. Before hurrying off to Chemistry. It was an AP class like all of the rest of the classes me and my siblings took.