
Moonlit Temptations: The Divine Ascendance

Yue Wang Zhi (Yue Xuan), blessed with ethereal beauty and the legacy of his renowned parents, embarks on a treacherous journey in a realm where desire and cultivation intertwine. Transported to a mysterious realm, he finds himself in the embrace of the Forbidden Lotus Sect, where dual cultivation reigns supreme. Armed with a special system and a sword prowess honed in the Moon Palace, Yue Xuan must navigate the intricate web of seduction, power, and spiritual ascent. As he ascends the ladder of cultivation, Yue Xuan encounters alluring elders and disciples who are both captivated and envious of his divine aura. Yet, haunted by the shadows of his parents' reputations, he must tread carefully, balancing the pursuit of pleasure with the pursuit of true power. With his mother's wisdom guiding his steps and his father's legacy shaping his desires, Yue Xuan faces trials and temptations that threaten to consume him. In this world of swirling desires, can Yue Xuan harness his unique beauty, unlock the secrets of dual cultivation, and carve his own path to greatness? Join him on a mesmerizing journey where he must conquer both the realm's challenges and the depths of his own heart to rise above all, becoming a legend in the realm of Moonlit Temptations. _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Cover art disclaimer: The cover art used in this book is for illustrative purposes only. The copyright and ownership of the cover art belong to the respective artist(s) and/or copyright holder(s). The author of this novel does not claim ownership of the cover art and acknowledges that if the artist or copyright holder wishes for the cover art to be removed or replaced, they will comply with their request promptly. Were my novel to garner more popularity, I will make an effort to get my own cover art made. As I would have other illustrations made.

TheLast_AshenOne · Oriental
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30 Chs

20 The Pink Blossom Pavillion

Yue Xuan approached the grand entrance of the Pink Blossom Pavilion, a towering building that stood proudly amidst the bustling city. Its vibrant façade, adorned with intricate carvings and colorful lanterns, hinted at the opulence within. He took a deep breath, preparing himself for what lay beyond those inviting doors.

Passing through the entrance, Yue Xuan found himself immersed in a world of enchantment and allure. The interior of the brothel was adorned with lavish decorations, from delicate silk drapes to intricately designed screens. Soft music filled the air, mingling with the scent of perfumes and incense, creating an intoxicating atmosphere.

As Yue Xuan made his way through the corridors of the Pink Blossom Pavilion, a hush fell over the courtesans and patrons. All eyes turned towards him, their gazes filled with curiosity and admiration. Whispers of awe and longing spread like wildfire among the women who had caught sight of him.

"He's the most stunning man I've ever seen," one courtesan whispered, her voice barely containing her excitement. "Look at his silver hair, it shines like the moonlight!"

A nearby courtesan nodded fervently, her eyes fixated on Yue Xuan. "Yes, his hair is simply amazing, but have you seen his eyes? They're a mesmerizing shade of pure silvery grey. It felt like being lost at sea when our gazes met."

The murmurs of agreement echoed through the room, as other courtesans chimed in with their own praises. "His entire face is ethereal," one declared, her voice filled with awe. "Every feature, every contour is a work of art. He's a living masterpiece."

Whispers of admiration filled the air, the courtesans unable to contain their fascination with Yue Xuan's captivating beauty and elegance. His presence alone had enraptured them, drawing their attention and igniting a desire to know more about the enigmatic young cultivator.

In the midst of their excitement, the women's voices grew louder, their words carrying across the room. Their enthusiastic outbursts showcased their genuine admiration, as they unabashedly exclaimed their admiration for every aspect of Yue Xuan's appearance. His silver hair, his piercing eyes, and his ethereal visage had left an indelible impression on their hearts.

Unaware of the attention he had garnered, Yue Xuan continued his path through the Pink Blossom Pavilion, his every step accompanied by the lingering gazes and whispered praises of the captivated courtesans.

As he made his way through the establishment, the gazes of seductive courtesans lingered upon him, their eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and desire. Their graceful movements and enticing smiles beckoned to him, seeking his attention. Though flattered by their interest, Yue Xuan maintained his focus, reminding himself of his purpose.

Navigating past the alluring distractions, he approached the reception area where the attendants welcomed him with polite smiles. They guided him to the designated chambers, where he would find the comfort and respite he sought from his long journey.

Inside the Pink Blossom Pavilion, secrets whispered within the walls, and hidden desires found their release. It was a place where dreams intertwined with reality, where passions could be indulged and memories were born. And amidst it all, Yue Xuan ventured deeper into the labyrinthine corridors, eager to uncover the truth he sought, while the echoes of his footsteps blended with the symphony of desires that surrounded him.

"Wow, this room is a far cry from the modest accommodations I've endured these past few days," Yue Xuan murmured to himself, a touch of amazement in his voice. He couldn't help but marvel at the opulence and comfort that surrounded him in the Pink Blossom Pavilion.

His eyes wandered over the sumptuous furnishings, the softness of the bedding, and the intricate details that adorned every corner. It was a marked departure from the simplicity and ruggedness he had grown accustomed to. A small chuckle escaped his lips as he realized the stark contrast between his current situation and the challenges he had faced on his journey.

"I suppose even warriors deserve a taste of luxury now and then," he mused, allowing himself a moment of relaxation. The thought of a restful night's sleep in such a refined setting brought a sense of contentment.

Yue Xuan sat down at the table, a perplexed expression on his face. "Why didn't they ask for payment?" he wondered aloud, his voice barely above a whisper. The question lingered in his mind as he scanned the exquisitely decorated room.

His thoughts raced, considering the possible explanations. Was it an oversight? Or perhaps they had mistaken him for someone else, someone of higher status who enjoyed special privileges.

He couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. In his experience, everything had a price, and such lavish accommodations didn't come without a significant cost. Yet, here he was, enjoying the comforts of this luxurious room without so much as a mention of payment.

As he pondered, a faint glimmer of suspicion crept into his mind. Could there be an ulterior motive behind this gesture? Was he being watched or tested in some way? It wouldn't be the first time he encountered hidden agendas in his journey.

Yue Xuan shook his head, dismissing the thoughts for the moment. Dwelling on suspicions wouldn't lead him anywhere productive. He decided to remain vigilant and cautious while also allowing himself to enjoy the respite this unexpected generosity provided. He gazed out the window, admiring the scenic view beyond. Whatever the true reasons behind the absence of payment, one thing was certain: this room offered a welcome respite from his arduous journey, and he intended to savor it while he could.


In the bustling reception area, a group of excited courtesans huddled together, their voices filled with anticipation and curiosity. Their eyes gleamed with intrigue as they eagerly awaited information about the enigmatic young master who had just arrived.

One of the courtesans, Mei, leaned forward, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Ladies, I must say, that was quite a sight to behold," she teased, relishing in the suspense. "Our esteemed guest goes by the name of Yue Xuan, a renowned cultivator of considerable skill and charm."

The group erupted into a chorus of exclamations and whispers, each courtesan vying for Mei's attention to glean more details. "Handsome, you say?" one of them exclaimed, her eyes widening with anticipation. "I wonder if he noticed me when he passed by."

Another courtesan interjected, her tone filled with determination. "Well, if he did, I'll be the one treating him for free. After all, I have the most enticing repertoire of skills."

The air crackled with a mix of excitement and friendly rivalry as the courtesans playfully debated who would have the privilege of entertaining the distinguished guest. Their eyes sparkled with a shared desire to capture his attention and leave an indelible impression.

Unbeknownst to them, Yue Xuan sat comfortably in his room, unaware of the animated discussions unfolding just beyond the reception area. As the evening cast its gentle glow upon the city, his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of his journey, the mysterious treasures he had acquired, and the uncertainties that lay ahead.

Little did he know that his arrival had sparked a flurry of excitement and curiosity among the courtesans, who were eager to leave their mark on the esteemed cultivator.

As the courtesans gathered at the reception, their dreamy expressions and thoughts of enchantment abruptly halted. Their attention shifted as a commotion rippled through their ranks. Whispers and hushed gasps spread like wildfire, drawing their eyes towards the grand staircase.

There, descending with an otherworldly grace, was the master of the Pink Blossom Pavilion, known as one of the great pleasure towers. She was a woman of extraordinary beauty, revered by all who knew her. Her flowing white hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall of moonlight, shimmering with an ethereal glow. Her jade-like skin possessed an otherworldly radiance, accentuating her delicate features. Her lips, painted a seductive shade of crimson, invited desires unknown. The contours of her body, her enchanting curves, and her endowed chest exuded an aura of allure that left the onlookers breathless.

The atmosphere seemed to shift as the courtesans turned their attention from Yue Xuan to their revered mistress. The room became enveloped in a palpable sense of respect and admiration, contrasting with the earlier murmurs of desire. The women exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of awe and reverence. They knew that in the presence of their master, they were in the presence of greatness.

Whispers of reverence filled the air as the courtesans recognized their boss and acknowledged her role as the sole master of the Pink Blossom Pavilion. There was no need for speculation about her origins or purpose, for she was the embodiment of the establishment itself. Her beauty and authority were unparalleled, and her presence commanded the utmost respect.

The women, momentarily forgetting their earlier thoughts about Yue Xuan, found themselves captivated by the sight of their esteemed mistress. Her presence alone seemed to elevate the atmosphere, casting an enchanting spell upon the entire establishment. And as they watched her glide through the room with an air of regal poise, the courtesans couldn't help but be in awe of the woman who held their desires, their aspirations, and their destinies in her delicate hands.

As the mistress of the Pink Blossom Pavilion descended the grand staircase, the courtesans greeted her in unison, their voices blending harmoniously as they called out, "Tower Master!"

With an elegant stride, the mistress approached the gathering of courtesans, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. Her gaze swept across the room, searching for the source of the whispers and murmurs that had disrupted the atmosphere. And then she posed the question that hung in the air, "What is the cause of such fervent discussions?"

The courtesans, unable to contain their excitement, burst forth with an effusion of words, their voices overlapping in a symphony of admiration. They eagerly shared their accounts of the god of beauty that had walked into their midst, their voices filled with awe and wonder.

"He is a masterpiece, Tower Master! The most handsome man I've ever laid eyes upon!"

"Truly, a literal god among men! His presence lit up the room, captivating us all!"

"He possesses a celestial aura, Tower Master! Such grace and elegance are rarely seen!"

The mistress, taken aback by their impassioned descriptions, listened intently as each courtesan expressed their enchantment. Her surprise was evident, her eyes widening at the overwhelming praise bestowed upon this mysterious man. The air seemed to crackle with an electric energy, a blend of desire and fascination emanating from the courtesans.

For a moment, silence hung in the air as the mistress absorbed their words, her thoughts swirling. It was a rare occurrence for the courtesans to be so captivated by a single individual, especially one whose arrival had seemingly disrupted the usual rhythm of their lives.

A subtle smile curved upon the mistress's lips as she addressed her gathered courtesans. "Such admiration is indeed intriguing. We shall see what fate has in store for us, for it seems this visitor has stirred a storm within the hearts of our own enchantresses. Let us ensure that this encounter is one that will be remembered in the annals of the Pink Blossom Pavilion."

And with those words, a sense of anticipation and excitement filled the air, for the Tower Master herself had acknowledged the impact of this extraordinary man's arrival. The Pink Blossom Pavilion, already renowned for its beauty and allure, was now on the cusp of a new chapter, as the paths of two captivating individuals converged within its opulent walls.

Intrigued by the courtesans' fervor, the mistress leaned forward, her gaze focused. She inquired, "What is the name of this mysterious stranger, and where can I find him?"

One of the courtesans, her eyes sparkling with excitement, stepped forward and replied, "Tower Master, his name is Yue Xuan. He is currently in the VIP room on the top floor."

The mistress's surprise deepened at this revelation. The VIP room was a space reserved for the most esteemed and influential guests, and it was seldom granted to anyone unless they held great importance or significance. The fact that this man, Yue Xuan, had been granted access to such a prestigious area piqued the mistress's curiosity further.

Her mind raced with questions. Who was this Yue Xuan? What brought him to the Pink Blossom Pavilion? And why had he been given the honor of the VIP room? These thoughts swirled within her, urging her to seek him out and discover the enigmatic allure that had captured the hearts of her courtesans.

With a mix of anticipation and determination, the mistress nodded to the courtesan who had provided the information. "Thank you for enlightening me. Keep the flow of affairs smooth in my absence. I shall personally meet this Yue Xuan and unveil the truth behind the whispers."

As she made her way towards the grand staircase, the mistress's steps exuded grace and confidence. The Pink Blossom Pavilion buzzed with anticipation, the courtesans exchanging glances filled with anticipation and excitement.