
Moonlit Temptations: The Divine Ascendance

Yue Wang Zhi (Yue Xuan), blessed with ethereal beauty and the legacy of his renowned parents, embarks on a treacherous journey in a realm where desire and cultivation intertwine. Transported to a mysterious realm, he finds himself in the embrace of the Forbidden Lotus Sect, where dual cultivation reigns supreme. Armed with a special system and a sword prowess honed in the Moon Palace, Yue Xuan must navigate the intricate web of seduction, power, and spiritual ascent. As he ascends the ladder of cultivation, Yue Xuan encounters alluring elders and disciples who are both captivated and envious of his divine aura. Yet, haunted by the shadows of his parents' reputations, he must tread carefully, balancing the pursuit of pleasure with the pursuit of true power. With his mother's wisdom guiding his steps and his father's legacy shaping his desires, Yue Xuan faces trials and temptations that threaten to consume him. In this world of swirling desires, can Yue Xuan harness his unique beauty, unlock the secrets of dual cultivation, and carve his own path to greatness? Join him on a mesmerizing journey where he must conquer both the realm's challenges and the depths of his own heart to rise above all, becoming a legend in the realm of Moonlit Temptations. _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Cover art disclaimer: The cover art used in this book is for illustrative purposes only. The copyright and ownership of the cover art belong to the respective artist(s) and/or copyright holder(s). The author of this novel does not claim ownership of the cover art and acknowledges that if the artist or copyright holder wishes for the cover art to be removed or replaced, they will comply with their request promptly. Were my novel to garner more popularity, I will make an effort to get my own cover art made. As I would have other illustrations made.

TheLast_AshenOne · Oriental
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30 Chs

2 Waking up

In the serene expanse of a mountain landscape, a graceful procession of enchanting women ascended, their ethereal presence commanding attention. Leading the group was a woman with lustrous platinum hair that gleamed like spun silver in the warm embrace of the setting sun. Clad in an exquisite dark blue robe adorned with intricate silver embellishments, she exuded an aura of regal elegance. Her captivating features possessed an otherworldly allure capable of captivating the hearts of any who beheld her.

Trailing closely behind her were two equally captivating women, their youth accentuating their inherent beauty. Draped in flowing dark blue robes, their attire was adorned only with subtle silver bands, showcasing a simpler yet refined aesthetic. Their delicate features mirrored the serenity of the surrounding landscape, radiating a captivating charm that complemented their esteemed leader.

As the trio continued their ascent up the mountain, the beauty that emanated from their very beings painted a picturesque scene against the backdrop of nature's splendor. They moved with a grace and poise that seemed to blend seamlessly with the tranquil rhythm of the mountains, leaving an indelible impression upon all fortunate enough to witness their presence.

"*Sigh* Why does the matriarch always go to the baths in the evening on the last day of the week?" One of the girls complained. Her name was Li Xiaoyun, she had striking sapphire eyes that sparkled with a vibrant energy. Around her neck hung a silver pendant in the form of a crescent moon.

"I know. Why does she always take us with her? Today is one of the hardest days and she doesn't even let us rest. She doesn't even allow us inside the cave." The other girl replied. She was Zhang Meili. She had a gentle demeanor and she carried a small silver lotus hairpin.

"You know I can hear both of you right?" A stern voice suddenly resounded. There was no hint of anger in it, instead it felt like she was dissapointed. 'They can't even use sound transmission.'

sound transmission refers to a special ability or technique that allows individuals to transmit their voice or sounds over a distance without physically speaking or using any external devices. It is a form of telepathic communication where thoughts are transformed into sound waves and directly transmitted to the intended recipient's mind.

Through the mastery of sound transmission, cultivators can communicate silently and securely, ensuring their messages reach their intended recipients without being intercepted or overheard by others. This ability is often highly coveted, as it allows for covert communication, strategic coordination, and the sharing of vital information without the need for physical presence or conventional means of communication.

"Apologies Matriarch, we meant no disrespect!" x2

"Sigh I understand the challenges and dedication you both have displayed. I am well aware of the training and effort you've put in. Instead of dwelling on complaints, consider this as a valuable lesson. Your perseverance might even lead to rewards. In any case, we have arrived. I will go inside now, so please remain vigilant and stand guard." With a slight smirk and a playful wink, she conveyed her confidence to the girls before turning around and making her way into the depths of the cave.

the two girls gave a deep bow, their eyes following the matriarch until she vanished into the darkness of the cave. As soon as they were certain she was out of sight, they exchanged a quick glance filled with anticipation. One of them whispered, "Do you think she'll allow us to enter?" The other nodded, a mixture of hope and uncertainty in her eyes, replying, "I can only pray that our efforts will be recognized and rewarded. Let's remain optimistic and trust in our abilities."

The thought of gaining access to the fabled Divine Basin filled the two girls with excitement that was far from an exaggeration. Legends spoke of the basin containing extraordinary spiritual waters known to bestow immense benefits upon those who immersed themselves in its depths. It was believed that the sacred waters possessed the power to enhance cultivation, strengthen the body, and even grant insights into profound realms of enlightenment.

The disciples could hardly contain their anticipation, their hearts pounding with the realization that this opportunity could potentially propel their cultivation to new heights. The allure of the Divine Basin's spiritual waters sparked a fire within them, fueling their determination to prove their worth and earn the privilege of stepping foot into its sacred embrace.

As the Matriarch ventured deeper into the cavern, her every step guided by the faint glow of candlelight, she noticed the irregularly hewn rocks beneath her feet forming a makeshift staircase. The path descended swiftly, and before long, she found herself standing within a vast open space. The cavern, once ablaze with flickering light from the braziers, now lay in darkness, their flames snuffed out.

A surge of astonishment coursed through her veins, for this occurrence was unprecedented. The knowledge of this hidden location was entrusted solely to herself, the revered elders, and the two disciples stationed outside. None of them would dare trespass without her explicit permission, nor would they divulge the secret of its whereabouts. The Matriarch's intuition tingled, sensing a presence that lingered within the shadows.

Despite the extinguished braziers, she could still feel the residual warmth they emitted, a sign that the intruder who had tampered with them was not far off. A mix of curiosity and apprehension filled her heart as she prepared to confront whoever dared trespass upon this sacred ground. With her senses heightened and her resolve unyielding, the Matriarch stepped forward, determined to uncover the truth behind the disrupted tranquility of the cavern and face the interloper head-on.

Drawing nearer, the Matriarch's perception sharpened, and the faint presence she sensed grew clearer. Its stillness intrigued her as she approached the Divine Basin, its ethereal blue glow casting a soft radiance in the darkness. The basin, a source of profound power and spiritual essence, seemed undisturbed by the intruder's presence.

As she neared the basin, her gaze shifted to the banks surrounding it, and her eyes widened with recognition. There, upon the ground, lay a motionless body. A mixture of concern and determination coursed through her veins as she stepped closer, her movements deliberate and measured. With a swift, commanding gesture, she swung her arms wide, invoking her energy to reignite the extinguished braziers.

In an instant, the cave was illuminated once more, the flickering flames casting their warm glow upon the scene. The truth she had suspected was confirmed as the light revealed the identity of the intruder lying before her.

In front of the Matriarch, the young man lay in a state of profound slumber, his striking silver hair cascading around him like a radiant halo. His divine countenance, a harmonious blend of delicate femininity and captivating masculinity, held an otherworldly allure that threatened to captivate her in an instant. 'So... handsome'.

Yet, as her keen eyes swept over him, the torn, tattered, and bloodstained state of his robes cast a somber shadow upon the ethereal beauty he possessed. Concern etched itself into the Matriarch's expression, her determination to understand the situation deepening. With a measured approach, she knelt beside him, her gaze focused on his features, studying the peacefulness that enveloped his visage.

Carefully, she inspected his body, searching for any signs of injury or wounds that might have caused his current state. While others might deem her actions as irrational, examining a stranger, yet an instinct within her assured her that he posed no immediate danger— at least not to her.

Her thorough examination, a testament to her meticulous nature, revealed no apparent external injuries. The enigmatic nature of this young man and the mysterious circumstances of his arrival sparked a growing curiosity within the Matriarch. 'He has no wounds, or any other injuries, as a matter of fact... his skin is in pristine condition no scars or other effects of healing. His body is just impeccable. Who is he, where did he come from?' A hundred questions wandered through her mind and while she was busy in thought, something else happened.

"Whilst I don't mind a beautiful women checking my body, might we be acquainted first?" Unbeknownst to her Yue Wang Zhi had opened his eyes slightly. He still felt exhausted, but the feeling of someones touch had alerted his senses.

"Iek! Y-you're awake!" The Matriarch jumped back. 'How did I not sense him waking up?' She shook her head trying to get her thoughts straight so she could deal with this situation. She dealt with a lot of men and she could sense that his cultivation was lower than hers, but she still wanted to be careful.

"M-may I know your name, young man?" She said, hesitantly.

"Hmmm," Yue Wang Zhi pondered, his thoughts swirling as he carefully considered his response. Though cautious of his surroundings, he sensed that this world differed from the familiar realm of the Divine Heavens. With a resolute decision, he gathered his strength and spoke, his voice carrying a hint of vulnerability.

"I am Yue Wang Zhi," he uttered, his words delicate yet purposeful. "I am charmed to meet you."

The Matriarch, her eyebrows raised in curiosity, considered the name "Yue Wang Zhi," finding it fitting for the image the young man presented. A gentle smile graced her lips as she replied, her voice carrying an air of grace and authority.

"My name is Xue Mingyu," she introduced herself, the esteemed Matriarch of the Forbidden Lotus Sect. Her platinum hair shimmered like silver moonlight, an ethereal sight that captivated all who beheld it. With regal poise and an aura of command, she emanated a presence that demanded respect and reverence.

With their introductions complete, Yue Wang Zhi and Xue Mingyu found themselves bound by an unspoken connection, their destinies intertwining in the midst of the enigmatic circumstances that surrounded them.

Upon hearing her name Yue Wang Zhi repeated it in his head. 'Xue Mingyu. A name fitting of a beauty like her, but what is this Forbidden Lotus sect?' Yue Wang Zhi Pondered until something else caught his attention.


[Congratulations, first dual cultivation partner prospect had been found.]

'Dual cultivation?! What is this?! I'm a Qi cultivator!' Yue Wang Zhi was shocked. He had never even done dual cultivation. How would he start now?

[One your two bloodlines is the Lust Demon bloodline. All of this bloodlines experiences and techniques have been passed on to you. Since this bloodline thrives from dual cultivation it allows you to enhance the speed at which you cultivate by leagues and bounds, it also allows your partner to benefit from it greatly as well.]

'What is my current cultivation? I can't feel anything.'

[That is because you are currently to weak and exhausted. You are currently at the Foundation Builder level. You skipped two entire ranks, thanks to the remaining pill essence.]

"I understand," Yue Wang Zhi muttered, shaking his head to clear his mind of unnecessary thoughts. He shifted his attention back to Xue Mingyu, observing her as she examined him with a discerning gaze. Her intense scrutiny was momentarily interrupted when she caught his eyes locked onto her. A faint blush colored her cheeks, a rare occurrence for someone as composed as she was. Yue Wang Zhi attempted to rise to his feet, but his weakened state betrayed him, causing him to lose consciousness once again.