
Moonlit Temptations: The Divine Ascendance

Yue Wang Zhi (Yue Xuan), blessed with ethereal beauty and the legacy of his renowned parents, embarks on a treacherous journey in a realm where desire and cultivation intertwine. Transported to a mysterious realm, he finds himself in the embrace of the Forbidden Lotus Sect, where dual cultivation reigns supreme. Armed with a special system and a sword prowess honed in the Moon Palace, Yue Xuan must navigate the intricate web of seduction, power, and spiritual ascent. As he ascends the ladder of cultivation, Yue Xuan encounters alluring elders and disciples who are both captivated and envious of his divine aura. Yet, haunted by the shadows of his parents' reputations, he must tread carefully, balancing the pursuit of pleasure with the pursuit of true power. With his mother's wisdom guiding his steps and his father's legacy shaping his desires, Yue Xuan faces trials and temptations that threaten to consume him. In this world of swirling desires, can Yue Xuan harness his unique beauty, unlock the secrets of dual cultivation, and carve his own path to greatness? Join him on a mesmerizing journey where he must conquer both the realm's challenges and the depths of his own heart to rise above all, becoming a legend in the realm of Moonlit Temptations. _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Cover art disclaimer: The cover art used in this book is for illustrative purposes only. The copyright and ownership of the cover art belong to the respective artist(s) and/or copyright holder(s). The author of this novel does not claim ownership of the cover art and acknowledges that if the artist or copyright holder wishes for the cover art to be removed or replaced, they will comply with their request promptly. Were my novel to garner more popularity, I will make an effort to get my own cover art made. As I would have other illustrations made.

TheLast_AshenOne · Oriental
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30 Chs

18 The upgrade

Yue Xuan's gaze fixated on a magnificent sword, its elegance and craftsmanship captivating his senses. The hilt was adorned with intricate engravings of celestial beasts, their forms swirling in a graceful dance. The blade itself shimmered with a mesmerizing silver hue, its edge keen and formidable. As he reached out to grasp the hilt, a surge of energy coursed through his veins, a harmonious resonance between wielder and weapon.

A sense of familiarity washed over him as he held the sword, as if it had been awaiting his arrival all along. It was a perfect extension of his being, an instrument through which his cultivation would flourish. With each swing, each strike, he could already envision the seamless flow of his swordsmanship, the dance of steel guided by his unwavering will.

Beside the sword, a silver ring adorned with intricate adornments caught his attention. It was a storage ring, a vessel capable of holding vast treasures and resources. Its smooth surface reflected the ambient light, glimmering with an air of mystery and potential. Yue Xuan understood the value of such a ring, the convenience it offered in carrying essential items, rare herbs, and valuable artifacts.

He slipped the ring onto his finger, feeling its cool touch against his skin. It was a symbol of his growing power, a testament to the treasures he had acquired and the ones yet to come. With a flicker of his consciousness, he began to explore the inner space of the ring, discovering compartments and chambers that could house his newfound treasures.

A mix of excitement and gratitude surged through Yue Xuan's being as he stood amidst the treasures of the first tomb. The sword and the storage ring held immense significance, not only as material possessions but as tools to aid him on his path of cultivation. With these newfound assets, he knew that his journey would be elevated to new heights, brimming with opportunities and challenges.

As he sheathed the sword and wore the ring with a sense of pride, Yue Xuan's resolve solidified. 'These treasures are quite nice. I can feel the energy from the ring the sword however... it, it feels weak somehow.'


As Yue Xuan stood in awe of his newly acquired treasures, a sudden flicker of light caught his attention. The familiar interface of the cultivation system materialized before him, overlaying his surroundings. On the screen, a detailed description of the sword appeared, accompanied by its name and abilities.

[Soul Bond Weapon - Azure Moonblade] Rank: Divine-Grade (Low Tier)

Description: The Azure Moonblade is a rare and extraordinary soul bond weapon. It possesses an innate connection with its wielder, forging a profound bond between their souls. As the wielder grows in strength and cultivates their essence, the sword's power and rank will ascend accordingly, unlocking hidden potential and enhancing its abilities.


Moonlight's Grace: When wielded under the moonlight, the Azure Moonblade's speed and precision are greatly heightened, allowing for swift and precise strikes that can bypass defenses.

Celestial Surge: The sword can channel the celestial energy within the wielder, infusing each strike with a surge of ethereal power, capable of severing spiritual barriers and disrupting enemy formations.

Crescendo of Brilliance: With each successful strike, the Azure Moonblade accumulates energy, gradually increasing its own brilliance and power, culminating in devastating finishing blows.

Yue Xuan's eyes widened with astonishment as he read the description. The sword he held in his hands was no ordinary weapon; it was a divine-grade soul bond weapon of the low tier. Its potential for growth was limitless, intricately intertwined with his own cultivation journey. The more he advanced, the more formidable the Azure Moonblade would become, evolving to match his rising strength.

A surge of excitement surged through Yue Xuan's veins.

Yue Xuan's eyes widened in surprise as the familiar system screen suddenly appeared before him. It was a welcome sight, but he hadn't expected it to return so soon.

[System Activated]

"System... you're back?" he muttered, his voice laced with astonishment.

[Greetings, esteemed cultivator! Level 2 Unlocked.]

The screen displayed a concise message, indicating the successful unlocking of the second level.

[Prompt: Unlocking the Cultivation Point Store]

Yue Xuan's curiosity piqued as the system presented him with a prompt regarding the newly unlocked Cultivation Point Store. He eagerly focused his attention on the message that appeared before him.

[Cultivation Point Store Unlocked: Earn Points to Acquire Rewards]

The system explained that he could earn cultivation points through various means, such as completing missions, defeating enemies, and advancing in his cultivation. Cultivation points were a valuable currency within the system, representing his progress and achievements.

"What Are Cultivation Points?" He asked. He had heard of these terms used in sects, as a means to reward their diciples.

[Cultivation points serve as a measure of your cultivation prowess and can be exchanged for a wide range of items and services. Within the Cultivation Point Store, you can find a plethora of offerings, including medicinal pills, cultivation techniques, rare treasures, furniture, servants, and even entire buildings.]

"Aaaaand how exactly should I earn and spend Cultivation Points?"

[By diligently undertaking missions, honing your skills, and rising in cultivation, you will accumulate cultivation points. These points can be used to acquire items that will aid you on your cultivation journey and improve your overall strength.]

Yue Xuan's excitement grew as he realized the vast opportunities that lay before him. The ability to obtain not only valuable resources but also servants and even entire buildings through cultivation points was a prospect that he had never encountered before. It was a chance to further enhance his cultivation and establish a solid foundation for his future endeavors.

Yue Xuan's curiosity got the better of him, and he couldn't help but inquire about the number of cultivation points he currently possessed. With a sense of anticipation, he asked the system for his current point total.

"How many cultivation points do I have?" he queried, eagerly awaiting the response.

In a rapid succession of prompts, the system displayed various messages indicating his recent achievements and rewards. The numbers appeared before his eyes, signifying the accumulation of his efforts.

[Congratulations! Rising in Cultivation: +1000 cultivation points] [Victory! Defeating Unknown Thugs: +500 cultivation points] [Exemplary Combat Skills: +300 cultivation points] [Extraordinary Swordsmanship: +200 cultivation points] [Courage and Heroism: +150 cultivation points] [Swift and Agile: +100 cultivation points] [Indomitable Spirit: +50 cultivation points]

The points began to add up, revealing a substantial total that brought a spark of delight to Yue Xuan's eyes. The system had generously rewarded his progress, granting him a significant number of cultivation points for his accomplishments.

He couldn't help but marvel at his newfound wealth of cultivation points, envisioning the possibilities that awaited him in the Cultivation Point Store. With such a substantial amount, he knew he could acquire valuable resources and enhance his cultivation to even greater heights. The prospect of exploring the store's offerings filled him with excitement

With anticipation coursing through his veins, Yue Xuan accessed the Cultivation Point Store through the system. As he opened it, the interface expanded, revealing a comprehensive list of options and filters. The variety of categories displayed before him hinted at the vast array of items and resources he could obtain with his hard-earned cultivation points.

The system presented him with an extensive selection, each category offering a different avenue for enhancing his cultivation journey. His eyes scanned the screen, taking in the possibilities that lay before him. Cultivation materials, alchemy ingredients, treasures, servants, formations, cultivation techniques, martial techniques, buildings, furniture—the choices seemed endless.

He marveled at the prospect of acquiring rare cultivation materials to aid in his progress, gathering alchemy ingredients to refine potent pills, or discovering valuable treasures to enhance his strength. The thought of owning a majestic formation or learning profound cultivation and martial techniques also stirred his excitement.

Additionally, the system presented him with the option to acquire servants, who could assist him in various aspects of his cultivation and daily life. The allure of obtaining knowledgeable mentors, skilled artisans, or loyal guards sparked his imagination.

Furthermore, the possibility of constructing magnificent buildings or adorning his surroundings with exquisite furniture was presented to him. The chance to shape his own cultivation abode and create a harmonious environment fueled his desire for personalization and comfort.

Yue Xuan was awestruck by the wide range of choices available to him in the Cultivation Point Store. Each filter represented a gateway to a realm of possibilities, where his cultivation journey could be further enriched and elevated.

"This is truly amazing!" Yue Xuan exclaimed in his mind, his eyes widening with excitement and awe. The sheer magnitude of possibilities presented before him in the Cultivation Point Store left him speechless. He couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation and eagerness coursing through his veins.

The wealth of options available, from rare cultivation materials to exquisite treasures, unfolded like a vast treasure trove of knowledge and power. The prospect of acquiring alchemy ingredients to concoct potent elixirs, delving into ancient cultivation techniques that held the secrets of enlightenment, and mastering martial arts techniques that could unleash his true potential sent shivers of exhilaration down his spine.

Yue Xuan couldn't contain his enthusiasm as his mind raced with the boundless potential that lay within his grasp. With the Cultivation Point Store as his gateway, he could now navigate the realm of cultivation with newfound vigor and purpose. It was a turning point in his journey, an opportunity to transcend his current limits and ascend to greater heights.

Determined and focused, he eagerly began exploring the store, eager to uncover the treasures and resources that would aid him in his cultivation path. The filters allowed him to navigate through the extensive catalog, making it easier to find the specific items he sought. His eyes flickered with anticipation as he perused the myriad options, already envisioning the benefits they would bring to his cultivation journey.

Yue Xuan's gaze fixated on the section of the Cultivation Point Store dedicated to servants. The notion of acquiring loyal aides to support him on his journey stirred his curiosity and raised countless questions in his mind. "It even sells servants, but how?" he pondered. "Where do they come from? Are they mere puppets, or are they living beings with their own consciousness and abilities?"

Intrigued by the possibilities, he directed his thoughts towards the system, seeking answers. "How are these servants collected?" he inquired silently, his frown deepening. He hoped the system would provide some insights into the origins and nature of these intriguing entities.

To his disappointment, the system replied with a concise yet unsatisfying response: "No information available."

Yue Xuan's brows furrowed as he contemplated the enigmatic nature of these servants. The lack of clarity left him with a sense of intrigue and a desire to unravel the mystery surrounding their acquisition. While he yearned for more information, he understood that some secrets might be beyond his current knowledge.

Undeterred, he made a mental note to explore this topic further in the future. There were still many realms to discover, realms where these servants might originate from.

As Yue Xuan delved deeper into the Servants section of the Cultivation Point Store, a comprehensive list unfurled before his eyes. The assortment of available servants was vast and diverse, catering to various needs and preferences. The system presented him with a range of options, each with distinct roles and ranks:

Armies: A legion of loyal soldiers, organized and disciplined, ready to follow commands and protect their master's interests. Ranks varied from infantry to cavalry, with different specialties and formations.

Generals and Captains: Skilled leaders who possessed exceptional tactical acumen and martial prowess. They were adept at strategizing battles, inspiring troops, and leading forces into victories.

Special Guards: Elite warriors with unparalleled combat skills and unwavering loyalty. Trained in secret techniques and equipped with powerful artifacts, they served as personal protectors and defenders.

Courtesans: Elegant and charismatic individuals skilled in arts of entertainment and companionship. They could offer not only companionship but also subtle support and diplomatic leverage when needed.

Each category within the Servants section had its own hierarchy of ranks, denoting the skill, experience, and capabilities of the individuals available. From low-ranking foot soldiers to high-ranking generals, the options were abundant.

Yue Xuan's gaze traversed the list, considering the potential benefits and implications of each choice. While the allure of commanding an army or having a loyal general by his side enticed him, he also recognized the value of having discreet and persuasive courtesans to navigate social and political realms.

Yue Xuan's curiosity piqued as he considered the potential benefits of cultivating with the female courtesans available in the Cultivation Point Store. With a determined gaze, he directed his thoughts towards the system, posing his question:

"System, can the female courtesans become cultivation partners?"

In response, the system swiftly displayed a prompt on the screen, its concise message conveying the answer to his query:

"Yes, all female servants are willing to be Dual Cultivation partners."

'I'll have to really think what to spend my points on first then.' He thought while making his way out of the crypt. After he had put every single treasure into his storage rings.

Yue Xuan's eyes widened slightly, a mix of surprise and intrigue flashing across his face. The notion of cultivating alongside a skilled and willing partner presented new possibilities for his cultivation journey. It hinted at the potential for shared insights, heightened energy circulation, and a deeper connection on both physical and spiritual levels.