
Moonlit Temptations: The Divine Ascendance

Yue Wang Zhi (Yue Xuan), blessed with ethereal beauty and the legacy of his renowned parents, embarks on a treacherous journey in a realm where desire and cultivation intertwine. Transported to a mysterious realm, he finds himself in the embrace of the Forbidden Lotus Sect, where dual cultivation reigns supreme. Armed with a special system and a sword prowess honed in the Moon Palace, Yue Xuan must navigate the intricate web of seduction, power, and spiritual ascent. As he ascends the ladder of cultivation, Yue Xuan encounters alluring elders and disciples who are both captivated and envious of his divine aura. Yet, haunted by the shadows of his parents' reputations, he must tread carefully, balancing the pursuit of pleasure with the pursuit of true power. With his mother's wisdom guiding his steps and his father's legacy shaping his desires, Yue Xuan faces trials and temptations that threaten to consume him. In this world of swirling desires, can Yue Xuan harness his unique beauty, unlock the secrets of dual cultivation, and carve his own path to greatness? Join him on a mesmerizing journey where he must conquer both the realm's challenges and the depths of his own heart to rise above all, becoming a legend in the realm of Moonlit Temptations. _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Cover art disclaimer: The cover art used in this book is for illustrative purposes only. The copyright and ownership of the cover art belong to the respective artist(s) and/or copyright holder(s). The author of this novel does not claim ownership of the cover art and acknowledges that if the artist or copyright holder wishes for the cover art to be removed or replaced, they will comply with their request promptly. Were my novel to garner more popularity, I will make an effort to get my own cover art made. As I would have other illustrations made.

TheLast_AshenOne · Oriental
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30 Chs

17 Luck

The woman's gaze shifted from the lifeless body of her would-be assailant to Yue Xuan, her savior, who stood before her, his presence commanding and enigmatic. The sight of blood splatters on his face did little to diminish the allure that emanated from his captivating features. As his eyes met hers, she felt a warmth spreading through her body, a mixture of gratitude and curiosity.

With a gentle flicker of a smile, Yue Xuan broke the tension that lingered in the air. His voice, soothing yet tinged with a hint of playfulness, reached her ears. "My apologies, it took so long. Here, take this."

In one fluid motion, he tossed a small green pill towards her, its trajectory precise and purposeful. The woman's reflexes kicked in, and she swiftly caught the pill in her hand, her eyes widening with recognition. It was a vitality restoring pill, a precious elixir known for its potent healing properties.

Her gratitude welled up within her as she held the pill, a lifeline gifted by a man whose motives remained a mystery. She glanced at Yue Xuan, his expression hinting at a depth of knowledge and experience beyond her comprehension.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice laced with sincerity and awe. The gravity of the situation began to sink in as she realized the magnitude of his intervention, the danger he had faced to come to her aid.

Yue Xuan inclined his head, acknowledging her gratitude, before his gaze shifted back to the darkened woods, his eyes scanning the surroundings, ever vigilant. Though his face bore the remnants of a fierce battle, his demeanor remained composed and focused.

"Stay close to me," he said, his tone firm yet reassuring. "There may be more dangers lurking in these woods."

The woman nodded, her trust in him solidifying with each passing moment.

As they walked together through the dense woods, her heart raced with a mix of uncertainty and anticipation. She couldn't help but steal glances at Yue Xuan, captivated by his commanding presence and the air of mystery that surrounded him. His every movement exuded confidence and purpose, making her feel both safe and intrigued.

When they reached the desolate main road, he turned to face her, his eyes piercing into her soul. The moonlight bathed him in an ethereal glow, accentuating his chiseled features and accenting the bloodstains on his face. It was a stark contrast, the beauty of his appearance juxtaposed with the brutal reality of their encounter.

Yue Xuan looked deeply into her eyes, his voice resonating with authority as he spoke his instructions out loud. "I will continue my journey, so our paths will split here," he began, his tone steady yet filled with concern. "I did not sense anyone else, so you should be safe for a while. If you seek refuge, make your way to the Forbidden Lotus sect. Ask for entrance and say that Elder Yue Xuan has sent you. The matriarch will want to speak with you. Tell her everything you can, and let her decide whether you can stay or not. Do not worry, she can be trusted."

His words lingered in the air, and she nodded, her voice steady yet filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Yue Xuan, for your guidance and assistance. My name is Li Meiying, and I will follow your instructions. The Forbidden Lotus sect shall be my sanctuary, and I will trust in their judgment."

Yue Xuan nodded in acknowledgement, his gaze unwavering. "Li Meiying... I'll remember that name. As I would remember your beauty."

His parting words echoed in her mind, fueling her determination as they said their farewells. Li Meiying watched as he turned to continue his solitary journey, his figure gradually fading into the darkness. A mix of emotions swirled within her, a sense of longing and gratitude intermingled with the anticipation of what lay ahead.

As Yue Xuan ventured further on his journey, he emerged from the dense forest and entered a new landscape that resembled the revered Lianhua Peaks. The atmosphere shifted, carrying an air of ancient wisdom and profound spiritual energy that permeated the surroundings.

Before him lay a vast expanse of rolling hills and lush valleys, adorned with blooming lotus flowers of various colors. The petals swayed gently in the breeze, casting mesmerizing reflections on the tranquil ponds scattered throughout the landscape. The scent of the lotus blossoms filled the air, carrying a delicate and soothing fragrance.

The Lianhua Peaks region was known for its sacred connection to the natural world, and Yue Xuan could feel the subtle vibrations of Qi that flowed through the land. It resonated with his own inner cultivation, invigorating his spirit and heightening his senses.

Majestic waterfalls cascaded down the mountainsides, their rushing waters creating a symphony of sound that echoed through the valleys. The mist that rose from the waterfalls created an ethereal atmosphere, shrouding the peaks in an enchanting veil.

Ancient pine trees stood tall and proud, their branches reaching towards the heavens. Their presence exuded a sense of wisdom and resilience, as if they were the guardians of this sacred land. The sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor, creating a serene and mystical ambiance.

As Yue Xuan walked along the winding paths, he encountered small shrines and meditation spots nestled amidst the serene surroundings. These sacred places seemed to radiate with spiritual energy, inviting practitioners to pause and find solace in their peaceful embrace.

The Lianhua Peaks landscape held a profound connection to the cultivation arts, evoking the spirit of martial prowess and inner enlightenment. It served as a constant reminder of the harmony between man and nature, the delicate balance required to unlock the full potential of one's Qi.

With reverence and determination, Yue Xuan continued his journey, absorbing the energy of the Lianhua Peaks and channeling it into his own cultivation.

Yue Xuan finally arrived at the concealed entrance of the first tomb, hidden deep within the secluded depths of a mystical forest. The landscape itself seemed to bow in reverence, as if acknowledging the ancient power that lay dormant within.

The entrance revealed itself as an unassuming stone archway adorned with intricate carvings depicting mythical beasts and celestial symbols. Its weathered surface bore the marks of time, hinting at the countless years it had stood as a sentinel of hidden knowledge and profound cultivation.

Yue Xuan approached the entrance, his senses attuned to the subtle energy emanating from within. As he drew closer, a surge of anticipation filled his being, a resonance between his own cultivation and the mysterious forces that awaited him.

With a graceful sweep of his hand, Yue Xuan traced the engraved patterns on the stone surface. The ancient symbols seemed to come alive under his touch, responding to his innate connection with the cultivation arts. A ripple of energy coursed through the archway, parting the air like an invisible veil, granting him passage.

Beyond the threshold, a hidden path meandered through a breathtaking landscape. Towering cliffs enveloped the area, their moss-covered surfaces exuding an air of timeless wisdom. Waterfalls cascaded down their rocky faces, their gentle murmurs echoing through the tranquil atmosphere.

The path itself was a mosaic of verdant moss, interwoven with delicate flowers of vibrant hues. As Yue Xuan walked, his footsteps seemed to harmonize with the natural melody of the surroundings, blending seamlessly with the rhythmic flow of the forest.

Shafts of soft sunlight pierced through the foliage above, casting ethereal beams that danced upon the ground. The air was infused with the sweet scent of wildflowers and the soothing whispers of nature. The tranquility of the setting belied the immense power and secrets that lay in wait.

'This place looks quite nice, one wouldn't think this a tomb. the flowers certainly work well to mask the smell of death.' Yue Xuan mused. The training he had received in the Moon Palace had enhanced his senses by leagues and bounds. To the point he could discern smells, one couldn't normally sense unless they had a profound cultivation.

As Yue Xuan ventured deeper into the forested labyrinth, he encountered moments of enchantment and challenge. Hidden springs with rejuvenating waters, ancient trees adorned with mystical talismans, and tests of strength and wisdom designed to assess the worthiness of those who sought enlightenment.

The closer he approached the heart of the tomb, the more the landscape transformed. Vibrant colors gave way to a monochromatic palette, and the air grew heavy with an aura of solemnity. The path narrowed, leading him through a series of dimly lit corridors, their walls adorned with inscriptions that spoke of forgotten legends and esoteric teachings.

With every step, Yue Xuan felt the weight of the tomb's history and the anticipation of the trials that awaited him. He was aware that he stood on the threshold of an extraordinary realm, ready to unravel the mysteries of cultivation and unlock the vast potential within himself.

The first tomb stood as a testament to the enduring legacy of ancient cultivators, a sanctuary of enlightenment awaiting those deemed worthy.

As Yue Xuan stood in awe of the ancient crypt room, his eyes swept across the majestic chamber, taking in the grandeur of the surroundings. The room was vast, its walls adorned with intricate carvings depicting celestial beings and profound cultivation techniques. The air was thick with an otherworldly energy, the remnants of the countless cultivators who had once sought solace within these sacred walls. "So where is the treasure? I can't sense anything. Don't tell me someone's luck allowed them to stumble upon this place and it treasures" he thought to himself, getting a little annoyed at the lack of loot.

He then sighed before returning his thoughts to the teachings of his mother. She had not only thaught him in the way of the sword, but in honor and respect as well.

With utmost reverence, Yue Xuan approached the central altar, where the remains of the deceased were likely interred. He bowed deeply, paying his respects to the spirits of the past, acknowledging their wisdom and contributions to the cultivation world. His sincere gesture was a testament to his humility and gratitude for the opportunity bestowed upon him.

As he rose from his bow, a faint shimmer filled the room, and a spectral figure materialized before him. The phantom took the form of an elderly man, his countenance serene and wise. The ethereal presence exuded an aura of ancient knowledge, resonating with the accumulated wisdom of generations.

"Young man," the phantom spoke, his voice carrying a timbre that seemed to echo from distant realms, "you are the first to pay his respects to me in a long... long time. I thank you, and I will impart on you my legacy. May you use it well." With those words, the phantom dissipated, leaving Yue Xuan in a state of astonishment and gratitude.

He marveled at the unexpected encounter, his mind racing with questions. Had his sincerity and reverence unlocked a hidden connection to the spirits of the tomb? Or was it a predetermined encounter, a reward for his arrival? Whatever the case, Yue Xuan felt a surge of anticipation, eager to discover the treasures that lay hidden behind the veiled stone platforms.

As if in response to his unspoken desires, the ground rumbled, and the massive stone platforms that adorned the chamber began to shift and roll away. With a series of resounding echoes, they revealed a breathtaking array of treasures, each radiating a brilliant aura of power and refinement.

Golden artifacts adorned with intricate engravings gleamed under the chamber's ambient light. Ancient scrolls, their pages infused with profound cultivation techniques, awaited the discerning eyes of the worthy. Crystals pulsated with vibrant energy, emanating a mesmerizing glow that hinted at their potent abilities.

Yue Xuan's heart pounded with excitement as he approached the treasure trove, his gaze lingering over the wealth of knowledge and artifacts before him. He knew that these treasures were not merely material possessions, but keys to unlocking new realms of cultivation and expanding his own potential.

With a deep breath, Yue Xuan stepped forward.