
Chapter 4

We have never used this floor before and I don't know why she brought us here but I wasn't going to complain. We picked a seat and a bartender came to take our others. We both ordered tequila and the bartender came in no time with her order. He kept glancing at my cleavage shamelessly and that got me irritated.

" Is there anything else I can do for you?" he said as he placed the glass of tequila on the table. I shook my head and he left. I picked up the drink and noticed there was a serviette under it. I dropped the glass and took the serviette only for me to open it and see a number.

Yes, HIS NUMBER. What did he think I was? A booty call.

I looked at the bar and he was there, his eyes already on me. He winked and made a gesture with his hand telling me to call him. This guy must be insane.

" There you are," Lydia announced as she stood up and walked to a man, just as I was about to show her the serviette. She hugged him and brought him to our booth.

" Andrew meet my best friend, Evelyn. Evelyn met my friend Andrew. He is the reason why we are up here." she introduced.

" Thank you very much." I reached out my hand for a handshake.

" It is my pleasure," he said as he gingerly took my hand like it was an egg and kissed the back of my palm, his lip lingering for a bit. My eyes widened in shock and I looked at Lydia for an answer but she just wiggled her eyebrows at me.

Is she serious right now? I just broke up yesterday and have only been single for less than twenty-four hours and she is already hooking me up with someone. We just got here, I am not even drunk yet. Fuck! Can someone remind me how I got to be friends with this girl?

Oh, you don't know.

" Has anyone told you yet that you look beautiful? " I shook my head and smiled politely. " You are beautiful."

" Thank you"

He wasn't bad-looking himself he was very handsome. A bit too pale for my liken, but he looked healthy and very built. His muscles were visible through his short-sleeved shirt. Though his dress was simple, I could still tell he was rich from the original Rolex wristwatch saw on him.

" Give me a minute I will be back soon, I need to talk to him," Lydia said to me before she dragged him to the exit.

I kept sipping on my drink while I waited for her to come back. The hair on my hands and the back of my neck stood as I felt eyes on me. I looked around but there was no one, everyone was either drinking or talking with their partner. Maybe I was just imagining things but the feeling intensified.

I looked around again but still nothing. My eyes met the tinted glass on the upper floor, could someone be watching me from there? I shook the thought out of my head, I am just being paranoid.

I gulped down the remaining content in the glass and gestured for the bartender to come. He refilled my glass and before he could leave, I held out my hand to stop him and Frank the tequila in three gulps.

I winced as my throat burned and I motioned for him to put more. He did and before he could leave I stopped him again and yanked the bottle of tequila from him.

" You can go" he wanted to protest but when I threw him one of my death glares he scurried away.

Before Lydia came I was completely drunk and laughing unnecessarily as I watched couples in their booth faking romance. I saw a guy walk up to a girl and within minutes she started laughing.

And I laughed as well because she was very stupid to fall in love with a guy she just met in a club. I didn't even meet mine in a club yet he cheated on me.

"He is going to break your heart" I shouted. Everyone turned to look at me and I laughed. " what y'all lookin' at?" I asked in a slurry tone, laughing as I mimicked John, a black-American boy, back then in high school.

" Call the owner of this place. His waiters are all seated and that one is about to get her heart broken." I shouted pointing to the girl's booth. Her eyes widened when she realized I was the one she was talking to. She shot me an evil eye and I just laughed.

"Ssshhhh" Someone tried to shush me. The keyword was tried. I laughed at how funny they sounded.

" They will throw you out if you keep making noise," Lydia said as she came back to sit.

" Noise?" I asked in awe. " Did you just say they don't allow noise in a club?" I tried to stand up but I fell back on the chair. I wanted to dance and this place was dull, people were just drinking and chatting and I was getting irritated.

" You are drunk. Where do you think you are going?" she asked as I tried to stand up again which I did but I staggered and held the sofa.

" To dance," I said, laughing as she looked at me amused. She tried to push me back on the chair but I squealed and ran from her grasp.

" Will you shut up? Why did you even drink this much?"

" Madam please you need to leave. You are being a nuisance." the bartender said as he tried to lead me out. I was just about to leave. How dare he.

" Clubs are always filled with nuisance, but mind the word you use on me. I could kill you with a pill." I whispered in his here before sashaying out of the place. Well, as graceful as a blind drunkard. I had to pee so I went looking for the bathroom. It was hard but I found it after much disturbance from the people passing by.

If only I had been a melancholic drunk, then maybe I would have avoided what was coming next, or maybe not.