
Moonlight Happiness

Abigail Morgana Potter always believed she was destined to die young without experiencing any love or happiness. Yet in a blink, everything changed. Abby got the only chance to save herself from her horrid childhood, and with her freedom to come, a chance to find her destiny of love, hope, happiness, and acceptance. #FemHarry #Femslash #MonsterHarry #CrossPosted #Fanfiction.com #Wattpad.

BlazingFoxDragon · Derivados de obras
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters, etc. Are the property of JK. Rowling and Rick Riordan. The OC characters and storyline are purely my imagination running wild. My story is for entertainment only and is not part of any official storylines. I do not have any association with J. K. Rowling or Rick Riordan, even though I wish I had. No copyright infringement is intended.


It has been two months since Abby disappeared into the shadows, away from the fallen form of her uncle. Abby Potter sat on the cliffside with her beautiful snowy owl perched on her shoulder. She was gazing up into the night sky while reminiscing about everything that had happened since her disappearance and reappearance in the middle of the forest in Northern Canada.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~Flash Back ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Abby was startled awake the morning after her change with her snowy owl looming over her. Taking stock, Abby soon found herself next to a beautiful black longbow that was the same size as she was, with it a black and silver quiver filled with all distinct kinds of arrows. Furthermore, she found a small bag with unlimited space, some food and hunting clothes, and some sort of grimoire. Opening the book, Abby found a small letter attached, which had the following to say:


Ms. Potter,

Thank you for bringing to my attention the issue of one Tom Marvolo Riddle, and for your part in rectifying this matter. For thanks, I give you this grimoire that you would find quite illuminating and as well as a weapon that was based on your magical essence.

Good luck and until we meet again.



Abby felt perplexed. Why would anyone give her all these supplies? Yet this was something she wouldn't turn down. This was such a wonderful gift, even if Abby believed she didn't deserve it.

Looking up, Abby found her owl perched on the tree near her, with three letters tied to her talons. With some trepidation, Abby moved and removed the letters from Hedwig, only to find that the letters were from Dumbledore, Sirius, and finally Gringotts. Abby took hold of the first letter and pulled it out from its envelope to read it:


Dear Miss Potter,

Please accept my deepest apologies for my mistake regarding your placement at the Dursleys. Your parents' wishes remained unfulfilled and for that, I am deeply sorry. I let you down, which was the last thing I wanted to do. I can now see how upsetting this whole situation has been for you and understand that you are now dealing with the consequence that will haunt you forever and for that, I am terribly sorry.

It was my error, and I take full responsibility for this. This mistake was due to my belief that the Dursleys would be safe and that they would love you. But I see now how terribly wrong I have been. I never wanted you growing up being hurt and hoping to live long enough to see another day. This should never have happened.

I have taken all the necessary measures to ensure that your aunt will receive punishment. You do not need to worry, for they will not punish you for the death of your uncle. I have taken care of clearing your name and ensured that you are free to live your life as you should have.

It is imperative to me that you find love and happiness; I have asked the goblins to send you all your belongings that were left at the Dursleys. You should travel and stay safe. I do not think you should return just yet. You need to find your inner self first.

This is my first step to regaining your trust. I would like you to forget about Voldemort and everything he stands for. You need to think only about yourself for now. You need to be selfish occasionally.

I once again would like to apologize for everything that happened, and I hope that one day you would find it in your heart to forgive this old man.


Albus Percival Brian Dumbledore


Reading this letter, Abby could only think of one thing: 'He knew… he knew what sort of people they were, and yet he didn't offer any help. He alongside the Ministry deliberately ignored my parents' wishes.'

Abby was angry and very much hurt because of this, but she also believes that she would one day come to forgive the old headmaster. She has always forgiven those who harmed her in the past. Even if she should have never forgiven them in the first place, it is just the sort of person she is.

Taking a calming breath as well as calming her emotions, Abby quickly moved on to the next letter that read:


Greetings Lady Potter-Black,

We at Gringotts congratulate you on achieving your Creature Inheritance earlier.

According to the Potter Family's bylaws, you are now considered an adult in the eyes of magic and the ministry. You now have full access to your Family Vaults and any other vaults linked to your bloodline. You are now permitted to use your magic fully and without any legal problems.

The headmaster requested that we send you all your belongings enclosed, and he will take a fee from his vaults for this request.

I have attached a list of all known Gringotts Bank Locations nationwide. Please ensure to visit one of the locations as soon as possible to ensure your inheritance does not fall into the wrong hands.

Good luck and may your enemies fall by your blade.

King Ragnarök

Head of the British Isles


Setting the letter aside, Abby removed the miniature trunk from the envelope and the list of locations of all the different Gringotts Banks. Setting the list of locations aside, Abby decided to push some of her magic into the miniature trunk to return it to its original size. She needed to see if everything important to her was there.

Abby opened the trunk before seeing a shocking sight. Within the trunk was a whole new wardrobe, as well as her most prized possessions. 'Maybe I should read my godfather's letter first. It might give me an idea of why I received an entirely new wardrobe.'

Opening the letter, Abby began to read:


My beloved pup,

If you are reading this, then something terrible has happened, and do not worry, I am still alive and well. I was worried when I heard that the Goblins told you that you went through your creature inheritance earlier than you should have because that would mean you were close to death.

I will discuss with Dumbledore the life you have lived and all the dangers his influence has placed you in. But know this: I am truly happy that you are still very much alive.

Do me one favor, pup, please stay alive, little one. I cannot lose you too.

Now, I know you are somewhere in America. James did tell me something along that line that you will most likely find yourself in America for training and to find who you truly are without all the pressure that the British Wizarding World has placed upon your shoulders.

I know you will need some time alone but know this: I will not forsake my godfather's oath again; not like I did on the night your parents died. I promised to look after you and I will not disappoint James and Lily or you again.

Now, you must be wondering why your trunk content differs from your time at Hogwarts, right? Well, I had some of my house elves fill your trunk with a brand-new wardrobe, both muggle and magical. You will also find your father's magical communication mirror, which he used frequently in detentions with me and the other Marauders. You just need to say Padfoot if you want to speak to me or Mooney if you want to speak to Remus. Know this: I will always answer, day or night, rain, or shine. Finally, I have instructed the Goblins to add the family grimoires for the Blacks and the Potters into your trunk as well. I want you to be able to learn as much as possible about your heritage and your history in the magical world.

My sweet girl, be safe, be happy, and be loved.

Your loving Godfather

Sirius Orion Black

PS. I will visit you once every month to test your magic skills and help you train in things you find difficult. Just use the mirror to give me the locations once you want me to come. I will not stay longer than a week each time as this journey is yours to complete, but I will always be there if you ever need me.


Abby went back to her trunk shortly after; she folded her letters and set them aside. Within her trunk were the new clothes that Sirius wrote about, the mirror, and finally both grimoires. She also found her invisibility cloak, the marauder's map, and lastly, her prized photo album. Sighing in relief, Abby slowly calmed her anxiety, for everything important to her was finally in her grabs once again. She was truly afraid that her aunt would have destroyed her belongings as a sort of revenge for what she had done to her uncle.

Removing her wand from her holster, Abby quickly used it to shrink her trunk before placing it safely inside the bag she received from Thanatos.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End of Flash Back ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Abby never stayed long in one place; her constant moving allowed her to forget the night that Vernon died and what truly happened between them. Not only that, but now her friends have been ignoring her ever since the end of the school year, which unfortunately has caused Abby to fall into a depression which caused her PTSD to worsen.

Hedwig was the only being that kept her sane these past few months. Hedwig was always there as Abby started to learn how to hunt and survive in the wild. The two companions finally decided to complete their familiar bond, which allowed communication between the two to be clearer and easier.

Much has changed in the last 2 months. First was her appearance. For starters, Abby no longer looked like a perfect mixture between her mom and dad. Second, Abby had shot up, and she also gained much-needed weight and muscle—she no longer resembled a starved teen. Abby quickly adapted to living in the wild, growing up in constant fear of her relatives caused her to be on constant alert. This passive ability would be something she would never be able to switch off. This luckily helped her to become a well-rounded huntress.

Sirius arrived two weeks after Abby disappeared from the British Isles, but as he stated in his letter, he never stayed longer than a week at a time. So far, he only appeared twice, every second week of the month. Sirius made the best of his time when he visited Abby. He helped her train in her magic and increase her knowledge in all areas of magic, be it light, dark, or grey. He also helped her understand her creature inheritance fully, this included showing her that she had more than one form.

The first form Sirius had Abby master was her human form - this would help her blend in when she needed to visit a town - yet her human form still looked different from what she looked like before the change, you would find it difficult to see her as the famous girl who lived. Abby no longer had to worry about being recognized in the British Wizarding World. Her second form would be her current base form, this form Sirius called her hybrid form. This form would be the one she would be the most comfortable in - this is the base form she changed on the night of her uncle's death. Lastly, was her wolf form - in this form, Abby had a beautiful, sleek black coat with small specks of red. Sirius believed that black represents her father, and red represents her mother - this was a small way to keep her parents close to her heart. Accordingly, Abby's wolf's form is slightly bigger than a dire wolf's but smaller than Remus Lupin's werewolf form.

The Potter Black duo quickly learned of Abby's change; she received a few new active abilities that are linked to her creature side. For one, she could now travel through the shadows to just about anywhere in the world. She could sense when someone or some animals are near death, something genuinely surprising as this was not a gift from the Black or the Potters bloodline. Sirius had to dig deep to find the connection to the death magic, as he so likes to call it. Sirius declared that the Peverell bloodline, to which Abby is related too, was well-versed in death magic.

On the second visit, the duo concentrated on the history of the Gods and what to look out for. Finding out that these legends are true only shocked Abby ever so slightly. She was used to all the weird things by now. However, Sirius did caution her to be careful around the demigods and, of course, the hunters of Lady Artemis when Abby is in her hybrid or wolf form. The likely hood that they will see her as a Demi monster is quite high and they would rather attack first before asking any questions. Sirius does not want his only goddaughter to be killed.

One week after Sirius returned to Britain, Abby thought that it was a perfect time to move on once again. She decided to move on from the northern Canadian woods and start her journey to the south, towards Maine. Abby stayed mostly in her wolf form as she traveled through the wilderness. She somehow sensed the next part of her journey would be the beginning of a wild, yet rewarding adventure. This will be the point where her true destiny begins.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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