
Moon Touched Child of the Sea

Born of the Sea. Connected to the Dream. Fear the Old Blood. Fear the mad Titan. Don't expect too much from me I am not a great author. This idea has been in my head for a while, and I figure this will get it out of my system.

HangerBaby · Derivados de obras
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21 Chs


We were on day four of our cross country trip when we finally ran into Ares, I knew we would eventually but I'd honestly expected it to be sooner. Before that though we hadn't really had any problems, the few monster attacks we did have was because often times Percy couldn't hold his piss. So at the rest stops monster would just come out of no where, honestly though they were weak. Cyclops and other small guys, I let Percy handle them to let him get practice.

When Ares showed up though we were in Oklahoma city, we only had a day or two left on the trip and he caught us in a McDonalds.

All around us, families were eating burgers and drinking malts and sodas. I was getting ready to order us food when a rumble shook the whole building; a motorcycle the size of a baby elephant had pulled up to the curb.

All conversation in the diner stopped. The motorcycle's headlight glared red. Its gas tank had flames painted on it, and a shotgun holster riveted to either side, complete with shotguns. The seat was leather—but leather that looked like ... well, Caucasian human skin.

The guy on the bike would've made pro wrestlers run for Mama. He was dressed in a red muscle shirt and black jeans and a black leather duster, with a hunting knife strapped to his thigh. He wore red wraparound shades, and he had the cruelest, most brutal face I'd ever seen— handsome, I guess, but wicked—with an oily black crew cut and cheeks that were scarred from many, many fights. The thing was, I felt like I'd seen his face somewhere before, and I had cabin number five, the Ares kids.

As he walked into the diner, a hot, dry wind blew through the place. All the people rose, as if they were hypnotized, but the biker waved his hand dismissively and they all sat down again. Everybody went back to their conversations. The cashier blinked, as if somebody had just pressed the rewind button on her brain.

He sat at a table for four and waved us over.

"Damnit, I bet what I want won't be ordered," I muttered as I walked over to him with Grover and Percy.

"Lord Ares, what brings you to a place like this?" I asked.

That's when Grover started eating napkins, and Percy looked angry. For some reason though his aura didn't influence me.

He gave me a wicked grin. "So you're old Seaweed's kids, huh?"

"Yes we are, but I don't think our father will take to kindly to being called that," I said with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh what do I care? Don't worry though I'm just here two for giving my kids a life lesson."

"Beating their asses?" Percy responded.

Ares grinned and took off his shades. Where his eyes should've been, there was only fire,

empty sockets glowing with miniature nuclear explosions. "That's right, punk. I heard you broke Clarisse's spear."

"She was asking for it."

"I'm sure she was," Ares responded with a laugh.

That's when someone brought us our food, which is weird cause that's not what McDonalds does. I was right though as they brought us six Big Macs, I wanted the classic; two single cheese burgers. Sighing I grabbed three and gave one to Percy and Grover.

"What is this reward you're talking about?" I asked after taking a bit of my burger.

"Excited aren't you? It's nothing big, just a backpack with some money and food in it."

"That sounds good and all but doesn't feel like a reward, you wouldn't happen to know anything about our quest would you?" I asked.

"You should know gods are forbidden from helping in a quest, but I guess answering the question of my nephew isn't helping per say." Ares said with a smirk, "I know all about your quest, kid. When that item was first stolen, Zeus sent his best out looking for it: Apollo, Athena, Artemis, and me, naturally. If I couldn't sniff out a weapon that powerful ..." He licked his lips, as if the very thought of the master bolt made him hungry. "Well ... if I couldn't find it, you got no hope. Nevertheless, I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. Your dad and I go way back. After all, I'm the one who told him my suspicions about old Corpse Breath."

"You told him Hades stole the bolt?" Percy asked.

"Sure. Framing somebody to start a war. Oldest trick in the book. I recognized it immediately. In a way, you got me to thank for your little quest."

"Thanks," Percy grumbled.

After that I must have fainted, or fallen into a trance, because when I opened my eyes again, Ares was gone.

"Not good," Grover said. "Ares sought you guys out. This is not good."

I looked out the window. The motorcycle had disappeared. When I looked back at the table I found a note that said I find a way to save my mom in the ocean next to L.A.

"Look Percy," I said while showing him the note. "Looks like we got our next destination, maybe we can find out where to go after."

"Let's go, you said we can make it in one day right?"

That's only if I don't sleep tonight Purse."

~Percy Pov~

I had trouble falling asleep, with Grover snoring and Adrian playing rock music to himself awake, but eventually I closed my eyes.

My nightmare started out as something I'd dreamed a million times before: I was being forced to take a standardized test while wearing a straitjacket. All the other kids were going out to recess, and the teacher kept saying, Come on, Percy. You're not stupid, are you? Pick up your pencil.

Then the dream strayed from the usual.

I looked over at the next desk and saw a girl sitting there, also wearing a straitjacket. She was my age, with unruly black, punk-style hair, dark eyeliner around her stormy green eyes, and freckles across her nose. Somehow, I knew who she was. She was Thalia, daughter of Zeus. She was cute but honestly more Adrians speed.

She struggled against the straitjacket, glared at me in frustration, and snapped, Well, Seaweed Brain? One of us has to get out of here.

She's right, my dream-self thought. I'm going back to that cavern. I'm going to give Hades a

piece of my mind.

The straitjacket melted off me. I fell through the classroom floor. The teacher's voice changed until it was cold and evil, echoing from the depths of a great chasm.

Percy and Adrian Jackson, it said. Yes, the exchange went well, I see.

I was back in the dark cavern, spirits of the dead drifting around me. Unseen in the pit, the

monstrous thing was speaking, but this time it wasn't addressing me. The numbing power of its voice seemed directed somewhere else.

And they suspects nothing? it asked.

Another voice, one I almost recognized, answered at my shoulder. Nothing, my lord. They are as ignorant as the rest.

I looked over, but no one was there. The speaker was invisible.

Deception upon deception, the thing in the pit mused aloud. Excellent.

Truly, my lord, said the voice next to me, you are well-named the Crooked One. But was it

really necessary? I could have brought you what I stole directly —

You? the monster said in scorn. You have already shown your limits. You would have failed me completely had I not intervened.

But, my lord—

Peace, little servant. Our six months have bought us much. Zeus's anger has grown. Poseidon has played his most desperate card. Now we shall use it against him. Shortly you shall have the reward you wish, and your revenge. As soon as both items are delivered into my hands ... but wait. One is here.

What? The invisible servant suddenly sounded tense. You summoned him, my lord?

No. The full force of the monsters attention was now pouring over me, freezing me in place. Blast his father's blood—he is too changeable, too unpredictable. The boy brought himself hither.

Impossible! the servant cried.

For a weakling such as you, perhaps, the voice snarled. Then its cold power turned back on me. So ... you wish to dream of your quest, young half-blood? Then I will oblige.

The scene changed

I was standing in a vast throne room with black marble walls and bronze floors. The empty, horrid throne was made from human bones fused together. Standing at the foot of the dais was my mother, frozen in shimmering golden light, her arms outstretched.

I tried to step toward her, but my legs wouldn't move. I reached for her, only to realize that

my hands were withering to bones. Grinning skeletons in Greek armor crowded around me,

draping me with silk robes, wreathing my head with laurels that smoked with Chimera poison, burning into my scalp.

The evil voice began to laugh. Hail, the conquering hero!

I woke with a start.

Grover was shaking my shoulder. "You were screaming," he said.


A new chap, tell me what you think.

TheFakeSloth, what you said was true though I hope to have rectified that a bit in this chapter. It will take a while though as I'm not a good writer to be honest.

So I didn't want to go the classic route of them going to the water park as... that's in Denver in the book. Our story does not take us through denver so I felt this was a better approach, plus doesn't this sound good? Ares loves fighting and I wouldn't be surprised if he liked when his kids lost a fight, not dying obviously but losing. That way they can learn, in this story his kids got trashed by the MC and Percy so Ares felt that they deserved an award, that's bull as you all should know and if you don't then I wont spoil it.

Have a nice day guys.