
MOON KISSED (The Rebirth of the moon goddess)

The moon goddess is seen as the mother of all supernatural beings that had ever walked on earth. Over the year she has graced her children with peace and beauty. Many years passed and there was no visit from her , her children became desperate and hungered for power destroying the earth and everything in their part. In the mist of chaos spring is forced to face a world she knew ever existed , thrown into hiding after the death of the only family she knew she seek refuge in the territory of the most feared of all supernatural beings, the master at the food chain.

Rejoice_seth · Fantasía
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9 Chs

family trip

Unable to sleep grandma pim pim walks out of her room to the parlour only to be met with Emma sitting on the couch.

" I guess this night is going to be a long night" grandma pim pim said drawing Emma's attention.

"Hey , your are up too" Emma said 

Grandma pim pim walks to the couch opposite to where Emma was sitted.

"Hmm " she sighs ," I have a lot on my mind " 

"I know, we all"

Sitting quietly, minding their own thoughts. Grandma pim pim observed as Emma's face changes, she was seriously having conversations with herself.

"You both have to leave" grandma pim pim said out of the blue

"Huh" shocked by her sudden outburst Emma asked"what do you mean " 

"For spring safety , you have to take her far away from here" she said "if it was really gad's men that attacked , it could only mean they are coming back for her" 

"But... But, you could cast another spell to cologne her " Emma said stammering.

"When I first activated, spring aura it took alot from me ,I couldnt really practice magic after that" 

"I never really connected with our ancestoral magic, since I never came out to let the elders know about the presence of the elements in me" grandma pim pim further explained, smiling weakly.

"Okay, if that's the case, I would book a flight tickets for us,we will need to go to another country, we will be safe there." Emma said.

Smiling at her"I will not be coming with you honey" grandma pim pim said.

More surprised by what she had said Emma panicked" why"

"I can feel the dark cloud over us already,I will need to stay back and help distract them"

Grandma pim pim said.

It took alot of convincing for Emma to finally agree to leave her behind, she made her promise to follow after as soon as everything is cleared.

As soon as they were done talking , Emma hurried to go and prepare for the journey ahead of them. She first went into spring to inform her of the new development.

Spring unsure of what to take with her on this trip, not like she wanted to go , she had just lost her best friend how can she be going on a vacation.

"Is everything okay" grandma pim pim asked peeping through the door opening .

Spring turns to face her , she sighs then sit on the bed a signal for her to come in.

"What is it my child"

"Can I miss out on this family trip" spring asked.

"But you have always wanted to go on one , why the change of mindset " 

" I just lost my best friend, how can I be going on a vacation " spring said nearly tearing up.

Grandma pim pim knew how much Elizabeth meant to spring, she wasn't even sure if she was dead, a night walker never dies from loss of blood but her body was colder than usual when she felt her plus she didn't want to raise spring hopes up, if she had the slightest clue that her friend was alive she would go in search of her, exposing herself to dangers.

Unsure of how to comfort her she hugs her" see baby, everything will be alright" 

When they were done talking grandma pim pim helped her bag down stairs, it was time to leave.

"Grandma, where is your bag" spring asked as she noticed the bags on the floor only belongs to her and her mother.

Grandma pim pim smiles sadly" I will not be coming with you guys" 

"Grandma, needs to stay back and sort out something" Emma said.

"Wait do you mean, I mean this is supposed to be a family trip right"spring complained"what could be more important " 

Grandma places her finger on her lips, singal for them to keep quiet "they are here" she said

"Who is here" spring said , obviously the only one who has no idea of what grandma pim pim talking about.

Emma bends to pick up her bag"let's go"

"No , I am not going anywhere without grandma" spring rejected

Emma tries to pull her hands but she hits it away and rushes to grandma pim pim side"grandma what's going on " 

Sadly she said " I wish it didn't have to come to this but listen to me you have to listen to your mother from now on okay" 

"What is going on " spring asked still confused.

Grandma pim pim walks her to the back door "it will be safer if you guys leave this way ".

Emma places the remaining bags in the car trunk and then enters the driver seat just after she hug grandma pim pim goodbye.

"Grandma, I still don't get why you are not coming with us" spring whines again as she hugged her grandma.

Pulling away from her embrace grandma pim pim stares into spring eyes , she was just a little baby in her hands few year back and now she is all grown up and is about becoming what she was meant to be .

It was only sad , that she might be around very long to see it, she was beginning to feel the uninvited guest presence and it was getting stronger by the minute.

"I promise to fall after you " she lied.

Spring finally gets into the car and they drove off. 

When she was sure they were out of the vicinity grandma pim pim returned back into the house and takes her sit on the couch.

"Hello sister"grandma pim pim said as she senses the presence behind her 

"Look who we have here,if it isn't the black sheep of our family" the stranger who grandma pim pim had just referred to as her sis.

Grandma pim pim walks over to the counter in the kitchen holding a cup in her hands.

"You do know casting an anti ageing spell doesn't really stop you from ageing right"grandma pim pim says sarcastically. "I see you run errands for the dogs now "she said again causing the two men behind the female stranger to growl.

" Well pim , I wish I came here for chit chat be I have other things to do, where is she " the stranger said to grandma pim pim.

"You never had time to play with me when we were kids , why will you have time to do so now that we are grown"

"It's wasn't my fault you never got your elements, enough of you, where is she " 

She chants a spell throwing grandma pim pim across the room."she is mine" she tells the men behind her 

Grandma pim pim stands up and chants a fire spell , her right wrist was covered with fire . This act shocked everyone in the room.

"Shocked that I got my element right" grand ma pim pim laughed she threw the fire towards them but they dogde and the fire hit the walls and it started to burn. 

The two siblings continued to launch at each other untill the stranger was able to over power grandma pim pim.

She pinned her against the wall.

"we have been decieved , scout the areas , am very sure the girl isn't here" the stranger tells the men around her . They hurry out to search for her.

"You lied" the stranger said " you hid the fact that you had the elements"

Grandma pim pim smiles

"Is that why you made brother take you to the meeting with him" 

Grandma pim pim smiles Even brighter. 

Getting irritated with the silence the stranger tighten her grips around grandma pim pim neck making her to choke for air.

"Is she the one , father spoke off" the stranger asked "is she the one father feared will return, is that why you stayed by her side to protect her " 

This time grandma pim pim didn't smile as brightly as she did before, because she wasn't sure of the answer herself, over the years, she had tried to see her future but none of it worked.

"It doesn't matter anymore, cause by the time I find her , I will kill her and take her life source" the stranger said shocking grandma pim pim. She gapsed in fear, life source was something precious, when one dies his or her life source is transfered to the earth when they are buried , it was was ritual that helps keeps the earth in check and balanced .

The statranger laughs and release grandma pim pim neck, she falls to the floor" spells and magic , had gone beyond words and wand my beloved sis" the stranger said.

"That's a forbidden magic for a reason " grandma pim pim argued .

She laughs again" I see why father was always disappointed in you and brother , you both were weak" she spits to the floor.

"When all this is done and I have finally killed brother and taken his source like I am about to take yours, I would be made the highest of all priest " 

"I will never let that happen "grandma pim pim said , she stands and launch at her sisters, she places her palms on her sisters chest"you aren't the only one who practice the forbidden magic " she smiles , shocking her sister she began to chants spells to trap her soul in her sister head, there by giving her a double personalities.

When her sister noticed what she was doing she began to scream but it was late the spell was already in action.