
Chapter 3: Disaster

I awoke to intense heat and dread filling me. I bolted up right, sweat dripping down my forehead. I glanced at the clock, which blared 4:55, I scoffed. I woke up a good five minutes before my alarm because of a random nightmare that I didn't see. Since I was already up and awake I thought it pointless to go back to sleep.

I went on with my usual routine, nothing interesting just that I got to leave the door ten minutes early. How I got ready faster for another five minutes to spare? I have no clue, I had even less of an idea as to why I felt I needed to reach the school immediately.

I was in so much of a rush to get out the door that I didn't notice the man until it was too late. I bumped into him hard, just barely enough to knock off my sunglasses. I didn't register that as I turned rapidly to see if the man was alright.

As soon as we made eye contact he didn't say anything. I was a bit confused at that, but almost instantly my heart dropped. Out of pure panic I rushed to my car and drove away quickly. Completely forgetting about the glasses.

Right when I entered the classroom, I put my stuff down and layed my head on the desk with a groan. I stayed there for God knows how long. Apparently I was like that until Annie came in.

"Miss Holt, are you ok?" She sounded so concerned that I had to smile. I was just about to raise my head when I realised I didn't have my glasses on. 'Shit I left it!' I thought. This is not good.

I couldn't stay like this so, I closed my eyes and brought my head up, "I'm alright Annie, just that I bumped into a man and he saw my eyes. I was in a state of panic and rushed out of there without picking up my sunglasses."

I couldn't see her face, but according to her whine, she was either pouting or thinking. She huffed before replying, "Why can't you show me now? Aren't you going to show us today?"

I chuckled lightly, they really wanted to see my eyes, didn't they, "I'll wait till everybody gets here, I want to show all of you at once." She sighed, but agreed, taking her seat as more students started filling in.

They were curious as to why I had my eyes closed, but Annie ushered them to their seats. Damn, I really owe that girl. The bell finally rings to indicate the start of class, anticipation flooded the room.

I called to Sam Tenor, asking him to close the door for me. As he did so, I smiled at my students and spoke,

"Before I show my eyes, I want to warn that my eye color is not normal, per to say. It could shock, or possibly scare you. Even though I can't control the way you feel about me, I just want to say that my eyes don't define me. I'm the same person from yesterday and today."

I took a deep breath, collecting my nerves and I opened my eyes. Some students gasped softly, but remained quiet, their faces showed pure shock. Their silence wavered me and I started to feel doubt. Maybe this was a bad idea after all. I'm so stupid, they're kids, of coarse they'll be scared by this!

I was considering leaving when I heard a student whisper,

"That's so goddamn cool." and with that, the class erupted into chaos. All of the students started talking at once,

"Does that hurt?" 'The hell? No!'

"How is that even possible!" 'As if I know'

"Oh my God you look so cool!" 'Why thank you'

"Do you have any superpowers with those eyes?" '. . .How old are these kids?'

I stared at them, bewildered. I couldn't even form any words to tell them to calm down. All I could do was raise my hand, thank God they understood what that meant and quieted down.

"I guess that you all have questions about my eyes, correct?" They nodded, "Well I can't really say how, or why I got them, but I can tell you about my parents. This won't be go into too much detail because of. . . reasons.

"Once my grandparents on my mother's side found out about me, they got really mad and demanded that my mother get an abortion. She was pressured relentlessly, but she never caved. My father was a close friend of hers and he stayed by her side at all times, even when she was giving birth.

"After I was born, my grandparents rejected my mother completely and she was left to depend on my father and his family. Unlike the other half of my family, my father's parents were there for my mother. They accepted her and me with open arms. They are the ones I stayed with after their deaths" I smiled sadly, remembering their compassionate words of comfort when they hugged me tightly. I breathed deeply before continuing

"They were teachers, my parents, that's the main reason why I studied academics. They were loved by their students, they loved them. But. . .there was an accident at school and they died protecting their students. I remember them running towards the danger fearlessly and kept the students safe."

I remained quiet after finishing, it was dead silent, until I heard sniffling. I raised my head to see several of my students crying. It pulled at my heart strings as I watched them cry for me. I was about to asked them what was wrong teasingly, when I was interrupted by a loud explosion.

All eyes went to the door and window, because we were positioned at the front right corner of the H, we were able to see the front entrance completely blown off. I let out a gasp and the students started to panic. There was an announcement from the principal saying to evacuate the building immediately.

I led the students out and calmed them down to the best of my abilities. Only after I made sure every student of mine was out of the classroom, I ran back inside and straight to the entrance.

It didn't take long to reach the source and I was greeted by wicked laughter. I glanced around, there were five men with heavy artillery and knives in their pockets. They were joking around, laughing at the destruction they made and danger.

My blood boiled with intense anger, and one of the guys saw me. He quickly got the attention of the other four and they all stalked towards me like predator would a prey,

"Well, ain't this a lovely saprise" One of them chuckled, licking his lips. I shook with both anger and disgust, wanting nothing more than to rip their heads right off their bodies. They got closer to me, almost touching me. I shot each of them a glare,

"Leave this school at once, or you will face deadly consequences!" I growled like an animal. They were intrigued by my boldness, but that was when they noticed my eyes for the first time. Just like everyone else, they were shocked with a bit of disgust.

I held my ground firmly as they continued to stare. Finally, one of them started laughing and got even closer—if that's even possible—to begin stroking my hair. My stomach churned with bile as I tried to calm my breathing, but the longer he touched, the more angrier I got.

I snapped. I slapped his hand away and held his hair with an iron grip. Before he could react, I threw my body weight along with my strength and pushed his head to the floor. His head met the hard tiled floor with a satisfying crunch.

His buddies were in shock but they moved to aimed at me. I dodged as best I could, but a couple grazed my sides and arms. Fresh crimson water poured out relentlessly out of the open wounds. I winced in pain but continued on, I lunged at the next guy, grabbing his middle to drag him down.

He punched, kicked, yelled but he could not get him off me. The other guys tried to aim at me but they could hit their comrade so they hesitated. Apparently, either they didn't care his friend might die, or that it would be worth it, they pulled their guns at us and started shooting.

I pulled the man and made him my personal shield. Each bullet embedded him and sometimes went through him to graze and open even more skin. One even got lodged in my side, it hurt more than I could say and cried out of pain.

I throw the lifeless body at the three men shooting. They got knocked down, it took a second for them to regain balance, but once they did, I was gone. I wasn't stupid, I knew I had to use the element of surprise to win.

I was so lucky this school had large lockers near the entrance for the tools. I popped in one, it was big, but not enough to be comfortable. I waited in the dark space, waiting for one of them to pass. I heard voices and soon after one appeared in my view of sight. I waited until his back was towards me when I got out, grabbed his and stabbed his neck.

Something inside me broke free as excitement and happiness overwhelmed me with this kill. A part of me I never knew came out and showed it's ugly face. Why was I so happy? What's happening to me?!

I was distracted and forgot about the two left, I felt a bulled go through my shoulder. I yelled in pain and clutched it as if it would stop the it. I growled deep in my chest, scaring the two men. I turned with greater speed than I thought I had and went for both.

My mind went blank and so did my vision, the only thing I could register was the screams of agony coming from the men. When I was able to see and think clearly I was greeted by the sight of bloodied bodies and limps completely torn off.

What the hell?! Was that me?! I looked down at my hands and saw them covered with blood, I notice my body was as well. It was a combination of their blood and mine. A part of me felt sick to their stomach, but another was in pure ecstacy for their deaths. What is happening to my mind?!

The place now flooded with their blood, looked like a haven to me. I quickly put down that thought as I thought it cruel to think such things. Beyond exhausted and pained, I sat down somewhere that didn't have too much blood. I closed my eyes, mind shrouded with pain and regret. Is this how I die? Will I die without making a difference in a student's life?

In the silence, I hear footsteps coming towards me. Too exhausted to care about death, I don't even open my eyes. The footsteps came closer and closer, until they stopped right in front of me. I heard shuffling and felt the person's eyes on me.

Fed up with all of this, I decided to at least take a small look at who was going to end my life. I opened my eyes slowly and turned my head towards them. I let my eyes adjust and focus on the person in front of me.

Finding their face rather familiar, I open my eyes completely. With a start I realise he was the guy from this morning. His face went through the same expression as he recognized me as well. He stared for a while before speaking,

"You did me a favor, you killed these bastards for me. I gotta hand it to ya girlie, never thought you could do something like this. So, are you gonna tell me your name sweet cheeks?" His voice was so damn deep and rich, I though I was dead and woke up to an angel. His facial features gave me evidence as well. He looked like a damn model, but his eyes, they were so Amber they were almost golden.

They were cold and hard, barely giving any emotion at all. I realised that I never answered back and he was waiting, I took a deep breath to work through the nausea, "Esphera Holt, yours?"

My voice was strained and husky, it sounded like I hadn't drank anything all day. After hearing my voice, he seemed to finally notice the state I was in. He did a one over before blurting out his name grufly, "Thorn Everson"

I just nodded, not wanting to talk anymore, but clearly. . .he had other ideas. He stared at me again then glanced over the other bodies, he sighed then asked, "How do you feel about working for my clan?"

I stare at him blankly, still processing what he's just asked. He wants me to work for his clan?

"Which clan?"

"Moon Clan." I arched an eyebrow at this. The Moon Clan was notorious for it's violent and awful behavior, and he excpected her to. . .join them?

"Tell me a good reason why I should do that." I say with a challenging tone, he smirks a little, but it's so small I almost missed it.

"You have little to no choice, you're going to die if you just sit here, so what's there to loose? You'll still have your job as a teacher and no one will know you work for us." He shows slight amusement in his voice, but not much.

Guy has a point, if I accept, then I'll still be with my students. All I need to do is work for them, he also said nobody would know. Decision made, I look at him straight in the eye and nod. He seemed pleased with my decision and got close to me.

I glare at him, dating him to do something. He glances at me when he feels my gaze on his and he chuckled, "don't worry I won't hurt ya, sweet cheeks, just getting you to the Clan doctor so that she can patch you up."

I look at him warily, if he was lying and was going to kill me, it didn't matter because I didn't have the strength to fight back and was dying already. I sighed and nodded again. He picked me up effortlessly, careful of my wounds.

I didn't realize how cold I was until I felt his warm body on mine. Exhaustion taking over me, I drifted off into sleep. His face still shining in my mind as my consciousness slipped away.