
Moon Bound: The Awakening

In the secluded village where Selena was raised, her destiny as the moon-touched princess begins to unfold. Abandoned by her mother, she finds solace in the guidance of the wise elder, Eldrick. He reveals that Selena's celestial birth has destined her for greatness and that her connection to the moon holds extraordinary power. Driven by a longing to uncover the truth of her past, Selena embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries of her origins. Guided by the whispers of the wind and the moon's ethereal glow, she delves deeper into her powers and discovers a hidden temple that holds the key to her true purpose. As Selena prepares to leave her beloved village behind, she bids farewell to the community that embraced her as their own. With determination and gratitude, she sets forth on her extraordinary journey, ready to embrace her destiny as the moon-touched princess. Through trials and revelations, Selena faces mythical creatures, confronts her fears, and hones her powers. Along the way, she learns of a prophecy that foretells the arrival of her destined mate, chosen by the moon goddess herself. A/N - I plan on dividing Selena's journey in to two books, which will be under Moonbound series. I hope you guys like my first try in writing...

BowsetteIRL · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: The Abandoned Princess

The secluded village was nestled deep within the heart of a dense forest, its hidden location shielding it from prying eyes and the chaos of the outside world. Surrounded by towering trees that seemed to whisper ancient secrets, it stood as a haven of tranquility, preserving age-old traditions and a way of life long forgotten by the rest of the world.

In this quiet corner of existence, Selena lived a life that was both familiar and yet tinged with an inexplicable longing. She had been abandoned by her mother as a baby, left on the doorstep of the village elders who took her in and raised her as their own. The villagers, a tight-knit community, showered her with love and care, but Selena couldn't shake the feeling that a part of her was missing.

With her striking silver hair, cascading down her back like a shimmering waterfall, Selena stood out among the villagers. Her eyes, deep blue like the sea on a calm summer's day, held a touch of mystery and longing. She had grown up hearing the whispered rumors of her peculiar appearance, often accompanied by hushed speculations about her true heritage.

As Selena reached her late teenage years, the village's whispers reached her ears more frequently. She learned of an ancient prophecy, passed down through generations, speaking of a Princess of the Moon. The prophecy foretold of a chosen one who would possess a connection to the moon itself, destined to bring balance and harmony to the world of werewolves.

In the solitude of her thoughts, Selena often found herself gazing at the moon, its ethereal glow illuminating her face. It was during those moments that she felt a strange pull within her, an inexplicable connection to something greater than herself. She yearned to uncover the truth behind her existence, to understand the meaning of her silver locks and the deep blue depths of her eyes.

It was in a hidden grove, known only to a select few, that Selena sought solace and a sense of belonging. In the heart of the grove, an ancient oak tree stood as a silent guardian, its branches reaching towards the heavens as if beckoning to the celestial bodies above. Under the tree's protective canopy, Selena often retreated, allowing herself to be enveloped by the stillness and wisdom of the forest.

One night, as Selena sat beneath the oak tree, her eyes closed in contemplation, a gentle breeze rustled through the leaves, carrying with it a whisper on the wind. It was a voice she had never heard before, soft and melodic, as if it carried the secrets of the universe itself. It was the voice of Eldrick.

Eldrick, an elder of the village known for his wisdom and connection to the supernatural, had sensed Selena's yearning and had been observing her from a distance. He believed that she held the key to fulfilling the ancient prophecy, and it was time for her to awaken to her true destiny.

Startled, Selena opened her eyes and saw Eldrick stepping into the clearing, his presence both commanding and reassuring. His silvery hair matched hers, a mirror of moonlight in the darkness, and his piercing blue eyes held a depth of knowledge that seemed to span centuries.

"Selena," Eldrick spoke, his voice carrying a sense of reverence and purpose. "I have watched you from afar, witnessing your journey of longing and searching. The time has come for you to uncover the truth of your identity and embrace the destiny that awaits you."

Selena's heart quickened at his words, a mix of excitement and trepidation coursing through her veins. She had often felt a deep connection to Eldrick, a resonance that went beyond mere chance encounters. Now, it seemed, the mysteries surrounding her life would finally be unveiled.

"I am here to guide you, Selena," Eldrick continued, his voice filled with a quiet strength. "You are no ordinary young woman. You are the Princess of the Moon, the one chosen to fulfill the prophecy and bring about a new era of harmony among our kind."

Selena's breath caught in her throat. The weight of her newfound destiny settled upon her shoulders, both exhilarating and daunting. She had longed for purpose, for a sense of belonging, and now, it seemed, the universe had chosen her for a purpose greater than she could have ever imagined.

Without hesitation, Selena took a step forward, leaving behind the safety of her secluded village and venturing into the unknown. The moon's gentle glow illuminated her path as she followed Eldrick, ready to embrace her true identity and the destiny that awaited her.

Little did she know that her journey would be fraught with challenges, revelations, and a love that transcended fate itself. As the moonlight guided her, Selena embarked on a path that would forever change the course of her life and the world of the werewolves.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

This is my first ever book and I have no idea what to do so please if you have any feed back I would appreciate it very much

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