
Moon and Back

How far are you willing to go for the ones you love? And how far are they willing to go for you in return? Is love a delusion, a fairytale or a lie? Let's ask Lisa.

Lorelaii_ii · Ciudad
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23 Chs

Chapter 8

Lisa cried tight to Thaddeus' shirt not knowing she was an inch close to a murderer. Atleast a murderer she loved, or she thought she loved.

Everyone's parents hurried to camp fearing the fact that their child  might be next. The next to be killed, slaughtered, or even assassinated.

Unknowing that it wasn't the camp that was unsafe but their children's lives and the  relationships they had been involved in that needed security.

Lisa's mother was hardly at ease when she heard the news, but she knew with Natasha around , her child was safe. Lisa had cried enough to fill an ocean ; that is what Thaddeus' shirt suggested.

Thaddeus on the other hand, hugged tightly to Lisa knowing that if anyone especially Thomas revealed his secret to her,it would be the last time he would ever hug her.

However,Thaddeus didn't know that Thomas wasn't the one to fear. It was Natasha.

Easy though Natasha was, she had already joined the dots. She was intelligent and she knew better about Thaddeus than Lisa ever would.

Thaddeus never liked not having what he wanted. Whether it was sports or academics. He was a perfectionist. This made him really aggressive, but no one really noticed, because it was Thadeus Calwell.

It was evident at the Michigan state spelling bee finals in the fifth grade, when Thaddeus lost to Veronica: a simple Amish girl.

"Veronica you are the winner of the Michigan state spelling bee.You are now heading to the nationals." The adjudicator disclosed in extreme excitement.

These disappointing words awakened the beast that had hidden in Thaddeus.A beast untamable but yet amiable at pleasure.

At the impulse of this, Thaddeus couldn't help but strangle the spelling out of Veronica.He was disappointed in himself.

It had caused a  scene especially to the huge audience that had attended the  spelling bee.

Later on the spectators had understood that he was only seven years old,but this time it was incomprehensible.

But Natasha had kept it in her that her best friend was dating a possible killer.She didn't want to spoil her friends first love partner.

"Can we stop by the coffee shop,"Lisa disturbed Natasha's deep reminisce

"Yes,I was also thinking of grabbing a drink,"she responded awake from her childhood recall.

"I'll text you later,"Carl said as he watched Natasha get in her car.

The ride had been silent for a while until Lisa decided to turn up to the  radio's pop FM.It was her favourite song:Golden hour; but with the grief she had stored it sounded unusual.

At the primary sound of it,the song was a bit off.But after some time she restored her love for it.

It played harmoniously until they reached the cafe. It's harmony almost made her forget what had happened.

Almost! who would forget an incident as such especially to a friend like Christopher.

Lisa was definitely not that one.

"Chirp!"the car sounded when Natasha locked  it.

"What are you getting?"Natasha asked as she pushed the coffee bar.

"Just a cup of cappuccino,"Lisa said in a sorrowful tone walking to an empty table.

She sat at it and indulged a deep ponder one that reminded her that the world was as cruel as television portrayed it maybe even worse.

"Order 45," the waiter shouted bringing one cappuccino and a Coke zero to the table they sat at.

"Thank you,"Natasha said.

"Anything else,"the waiter said in

a generous tone.He was gorgeous but this wasn't the time to adore and adorn.

"How's Thaddeus holding up,"Natasha asked hoping she could investigate further on the matter.

"I really don't know,he looked okay to me,"Lisa said sipping her cappuccino.

This was break point for Natasha's investigation.She felt like it was one of those tennis games where the umpire would say "Game point for Natasha."

She thought intensively drawing maps in her head all leading to Thaddeus.

"Why do you ask?" Lisa asked.

This question was unanticipated when Natasha threw hers at Lisa and so her response was indefinite.

She was either going to lie and save both their friendships and the reputation of Thaddeus or tell the truth and put Thaddeus in trouble and Lisa in a coma.

"Nothing much,"She said saving Lisa from a coma.

"Thaddeus is a keeper,I don't know where I would be without him,"Lisa suggested to Natasha not knowing what she was uttering.

A killer was a keeper?Is that what she meant.

Natasha wondered holding tight to her freezing coke zero.

"I'll be heading home now,"Roxy said to Thaddeus to stop her.

"I'll catch you later," Thaddeus said leaving her sight. He headed for Carl's car and was leaving with him.

As he walked to the car. He received a shocking message on his phone one that he never thought he would ever receive from a strange unknown number.

A message if anyone had read would destroy him and maybe even take him to jail.This message was capable of cancelling all his scholarship programs at a blink of an eye:

" I know you killed him.And Lisa knows too."

He read it in fear.

If Thomas wasn't sending the messages and Cole wasn't either, who in the world liked Lisa and knew Thaddeus' secret. If this message was sent to Lisa what would she think of it and Thaddeus.