
Monstrous Hero (Fan-fic with same name will be my future upload source

Re-uploaded to the Fanfiction side of the website. Sorry for the inconvenience. While watching anime, Nathan Cross is pulled into the world of the MCU, with powers derived from Tokyo ghoul. Coming to grips with his hunger was bad before, but now...it's monstrous. Can Nathan survive in a world of mutants, heroes, and gods, or has he bitten off more than he can chew. Crossover MCUx Some aspects of Mutants Patreon- patreon.com/Ravven for more content and advanced chapters. Sorry guys but I need money too

Ravven2769 · Acción
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31 Chs

Talk, and First day back

Sipping at my rather excellent coffee, I look over at Peter, whose confusion and excitement seem to be fighting for dominance in his head.

"So who's starting this, the spider or the totally normal guy?" The question startles him back to the present as he takes his cup. "Because I already know you've been dressing up in that ridiculous hoodie and track pant combo for the past few months, and could probably guess what you've been up to recently."

"I guess missing the youtube videos and daily bugle would be difficult, wouldn't it," he said with a small laugh as he sank his eyes into the cup. "I got bitten by a spider and I mutated, giving me superhuman strength, speed, reflexes climbing abilities, which as you know, I use in conjunction with my web shooters. I've been dealing with petty criminals so far, mostly people without guns in hand, as although I could dodge it, I'm still unsure about actually getting shot." Looking up at me he begins his interrogation, "Why can't you eat normal food?"

"Because I'm no longer human, nor am I a vampire you nerd." I start thinking about whether to tell him the truth or not, but Peter in the films was always such a goody-two-shoes until he tried to kill Norman Osbourne with his own glider of course, but that was for May. But as I look into his eyes I see something I hadn't expected, concern and worry. 'He's worried about me? I just said I wasn't human after returning home smelling like blood, and I'm who he's worried for. It seems Peter's more selfish than I had assumed. "Do you want the whole truth or a summary?"

"Well I'm not getting you a freezer for a summary, he bites back."

"pfft. sure sure." Settling down and downing the rest of the coffee, I explain what a ghoul is, what we eat and what we can do. "It's not a choice Pete. I have to eat to survive, just like everyone else."

"And the blood from before? Who'd you kill tonight?" His voice was getting louder as he began to think up scenarios of me eating children and grannies I'm sure.

"The man I killed and ate, well partly anyway, was a predator about to force himself on his own son, so when I heard him talking about what he was going to do, I stopped him. I didn't kill anyone innocent, and we both know he was less human than I am." Pete's shoulders sagged a bit, both in relief and shame. Noticing this I smack his arm, "Just because you're doing the superhero gig doesn't mean you can save everyone, no one can. No matter how fast the light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first."

Sighing he stands up, looks at me and raises a valid question, "So what're you going to do now?"

"Hmm, I'd like to continue living like usual, maybe do the vigilante thing, you know, helping people and doing groceries at the same time." Seeing the smile on Pete's face I know he trusts me, and a huge burden falls off my shoulders. "So, I guess I can prepare my lunch now, seeing as neither of us is getting any sleep? Maybe I can just start gnawing on a leg in class? No one would think it's real anyway."

"Haha very funny," Pete said in possibly the most sarcastic tone I've heard in either life. "Don't become the weird kid and screw things up for me and Liz."

"Screw what up, you're too much of a coward to talk to her and she won't make the first move anyway? Also, she's so boring, I don't get what you see in her. Michelle on the other hand is kinda cute, but her personality is trash, so maybe find someone else?" 'Thinking on this I remember the characters from phase 4 of the MCU, Shuri, Kate bishop, Yelena. All of them are baddies and close to my age.'

"Shut up man, Liz is super nice to me, despite Flash turning everyone on me."

"Do you want your big bro to beat the crap out of him? I ask, pulling on a band t-shirt and jeans, putting in 8 of the piercings I have across my ears and eyebrow, and finishing my look by tying up the top half of my hair, letting the bottom section glide over my shoulders.

"You can't use your powers to beat up people."

Groaning and rolling my eyes I look at him harshly, "I never said I'd use my powers. Flash is a pathetic dweeb both too dumb to be academically impressive like you, and too weak to be an athlete, so he uses money to buy people's attention. I'd pity him if he wasn't such as asshat."

"But you'll get punished for it."

"Yeah, with like a detention. I'm top of our year in history and English Literature, and a model student, despite the piercings and tattoos. Flash is a dunce, a failure at every single thing he tries. Yup, that's decided, I'm gonna deck him."

Heading to the basement with a food container I've marked with a permanent marker, "Nate" I begin to cut up sections of the calf into small little cubes, completely disguising what type of meat it is, though if someone asks for some I'm gonna have to decline. 'Not gonna pull a Hannibal and expose people to the wondrous tastes of man.' Showing Pete I ask his opinion, "Hey, reckon that's good enough Pete?"

"Is that... You know?"

"Hunted game? Yup, nice and discrete, oh and btw, don't use this container labelled with my name okay?" Though I seriously doubt he would take it anymore, or touch it for that matter. The disgust fades from his face as he calms his breathing, and as he stands in front of me I realise just how short that Tom Holland actor is. '5'8 inches and he makes himself smaller still by slouching. His confidence needs work, as does his taste in women, after all, who would pick MJ over black cat?'

The bus ride to school was calming. I never understood why people hated high school, seeing as in my past life, they were the happiest years of my life, and in this one I have Pete and his weird friend Ned to distract me. "Hey Cross," I hear, turning towards the happy-go-lucky nerd that Peter calls his friend. "Glad you're back dude, the group was looking kinda small without you." By the group, he meant himself, Peter, Michelle, who sat near us, and myself, so yes removing both the tallest and most normal, sociable member of a group would have a drastic effect on one with so few members. Not that MJ was particularly friendly with me after last week when I interrupted her mid-lecture as she talked about slavery and pointed out that most of her clothes were branded clothes made in sweatshops in Asia where there are no child labour laws. Why would I piss off MJ? Because I find her arrogant, and to be honest, annoying, just like Ned. But knowing that Pete needs friends like Ned who are loyal and supportive gives him some leeway.

"What did I say about calling me that? I'm not some supervillain. Yet, anyway. And I'm glad to be back, hospital food did not agree with me."

Walking into class I take a seat and zone out a little. Who can blame me, I've died, met a god-like being, been reincarnated, turned into an undead monster, killed and eaten someone and then convinced my pseudo-brother not to stake me all within 24 hours. The rest of the day passed much the same, as while the work was easy, it was also incredibly boring. The first reprieve came at lunch in the form of a pathetic wimp called Flash. "Penis Parker, did you hear about the new car I'm being given for my 16th? Can your family even afford a car?" 'Penis Parker,' I laugh, avoiding responding with some form of, 'parks it in your mom,' and instead simply getting up and grabbing him by his collar, dragging him across the food court and slamming him into the waste bin, knowing full well that it's being filmed, and his popularity and social power will dwindle drastically after this. As he wiggled and squirms his way out of it, he turns at me and charged, fist pulled back like we were in some anime where we were legally obligated to let ourselves get hit. Stepping back to avoid the punch, I raise my front leg, slamming it into his stomach as he folds around it, then sinks to the floor coughing as the air in his lungs tries to escape from the blow.

"Can Nathaniel Cross please come to the office, Nathaniel Cross please come to the office." The announcement carried across the room as I put my 'food,' back in my locker.

"Damn, I only had one class left, oh well."

That evening...

"Two weeks detention?! For what, defending another student? Aunt May, still carried on, having been in disbelief for the past 45 mins after being told about it over dinner. 'Thank the gods she's too distracted to realise I've been scraping food onto Peter's plate all meal.'

"Don't worry about it, it's not like I have anything better to do. Besides the guy who takes it is super chill, so I can just sleep for the 2 hours. Looking at Peter's face I can see him questioning if he could somehow get the same treatment to help make up for our late-night hero activities. "Anyhow, the dipshit deserved it, now he'll be the one getting laughed at for a while." The frown on May's gorgeous face alerted me to an upcoming lecture, which I would no doubt ignore, daydream through, probably about May, and then have to sit through awkwardly.

Later that night, I pulled Peter aside, "How did you make your mask? Because I need to make one or I'll put your secret identity at risk and May's life too." 25 minutes and 3 instantly regenerated cuts later I had a mask designed somewhat like Venom's face, but with a zip across my mouth, for if I need to eat for a temporary boost to my healing. Wearing the mask under a deep, hooded jacket with jeans and my bloodied sneakers I go out, not looking to hunt for food, but simply to remove prevent some of the minor atrocities that the MCU provides. The low-level thugs and individual crooks who enjoy tormenting good people are my targets today, as my freezer won't come for another 4 days according to Pete.

"Hehehe, look what we have here boys, some rich-looking prick walking down the street all by himself." 'Honestly, why are these people so damn dumb. Not a single concern of being watched, or him having powers. Fine, I guess I'll have to stop them from bashing the rich sod, if I'm lucky he might reward me. Not sure why he is here seeing as he was important enough to be driven here, getting out of the back seat. Shame I can't see their face, I could end up saving Jeffery Epstein.' *Sigh* Jumping off the building and waiting for them to attack, after all, if he isn't scared or injured I can't have 'saved' him right? The man is shocked for a moment, but then tries to reason with them, offering his wallet and watch. The group take it but sees something, beginning to beat the man with fists, kicks and a bat, aiming solely for the chest, which I recognise is weird behaviour. "It's Tony Fucking Stark, we're gonna have to kill him." 'Excuse me, fucking what?' I stab the one that just drew a knife, my kagune piercing right through his chest and flinging him further into the alley, before I simply drop onto another, crushing his face into the pavement, and rotating my supporting foot in order to provide power into a roundhouse kick that carries another into the brick wall behind him. The rush of exhaled air and slumped body notifying me of his unconsciousness. The remaining 2 were grabbed by the kagune, and promptly flung into the concrete until they stopped trying to escape.

"Are you okay? Any serious Injuries?" I ask, offering my hand to the downed genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist.

"Don't think so. Thanks for saving me Mr...?" The implied question is apparent on his face and in the dragged-out Mr, so I sigh, resigned to becoming the 'Leviathan.'

"Leviathan. And I'm new to this whole thing Mr Stark, so please don't call me mister." He looked over my outfit, nodding in agreement, before focusing on the kagune.

"And what on earth are those? Wait are you another alien?"

"Kagune, which are manifestations of bio-energy or blood, and no I was definitely born here."

Seemingly comforted by the fact he looks down at the one I had simply pierced with the Kagune. "Technically you're a murderer and I'm supposed to arrest you."

"I really wish you wouldn't, I'm not sure I'd do great in prison. I'm too pretty." This brings an amused smirk back to his face as he collects his wallet and watch. "Besides, he was their leader and was the one with a weapon. And also, didn't you kill like loads in the middle east after you were kidnapped?" A flash of recognition goes through his face as I speak, and I'm suddenly nervous. 'What did he notice about me when I was talking, because he's not wearing EDITH, so it can't be recognition software.'

"Anyway, I have to go," I say, having taken all the cash from the thieves' wallets, despite how little there was in there

"Wait, do you know where 462 is?" I pause, trying desperately to calm myself and slowly turn towards him.

"Yeah should be like 3 mins up the street just after the sandwich shop." As I turn around the corner of the alley I whip out my phone and text Peter telling him to get home immediately and don't get caught wearing his 'birthday' suit. A code I used solely to prevent any mishaps of someone glancing at his phone at the wrong time or someone hacking a random number and identifying him as Spiderman.