
Monsters are real

Before you paint me as the monster, I have no qualms about your accusations. That's right. I'm not denying any of my crimes and I full well know the extent of my savagery. That being said, I have no intention of stopping so if you can't stay by my side, I suggest you leave. Or, dive in, it's your choice. But if you're in, you're bound to give me your utmost attention. Sit tight, grab a corpse or two, my shadows are willing to keep you company so just be a good kid and wait for further instructions. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay, no matter how short it is. ~ Siocra Katz

niaxsh · Fantasía
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3 Chs

a summon

"Check their status," Mayun shrugged confidently. Meru ran his fingers along the long table, pressing down certain keys under it and projecting an enlarged hologram, displaying the Katz kids' submitted documents.

"Well this is quite interesting." Meru mumbled to himself, clearing his throat to read the next few lines aloud. Nicol only nodded along, but her eyes scanned the holograms thoroughly.

"Seventeen-year old twins, Siocra and Razun Katz. Adopted by Evian Katz five years ago from the streets. Before that, they spent years wandering about the Drozian streets and were part of a lowlife gang called Sewer Rats. They even spent some time in jail."

"Jeez, Evian chose a ragtag team of orphans to raise and here I thought they'd be some geniuses so he chose hid them from us so carefully." Rhen sighed, clearly disappointed at the report.

"But it is quite interesting to give such detailed forms out of their own accord." Meru their laid out information in more depth. "They're coming to the Altar tonight."

"I'm gonna visit the Altar then. Man but, I miss Evian," Rhen blabbered on, feigning a pained look which dissolved into a mischievous grin. "I hope the twins will be somewhat entertaining on his behalf."

"I hope so," Meru mumbled, continuing conversations still.

Amidst the discussion of the newbies, Mayun stayed quiet with an amusing grin etched on his face, eyeing Ayer in the corner.

[You guys have no idea what's waiting for you.]


"Good evening, this is Zorian Sythe from the Hollow Realm. Am I speaking with Razun Katz?" A silvery voice bled through the phone, one that Razu and Sio had heard countless times on the television.

[Jesus, so fucking formal though.]

Razu grimaced.

"Mr. Sythe, it is an honour to speak with you." Razu said, his childishness gone, replaced with a sense of respect owed to a renowned Monarch.

"Is your sister, Siocra Katz present with you?"

"Yes." Sio answered, her head lolling, waiting for the Vice President to get straight to the point already. Her fingers subconsciously skimming across the one-eyed tattoo on her left cheek.

Razun had the same mark under his right eye.

"My condolences to you both, I'm deeply grief stricken upon receiving the news of King Herain Katz's death. My apologies for intruding at such a time."

"We thank you for your concern." The twins said in unison.

Razun already wanted to throw himself off a cliff if Zorian took another second to reminisce someone as pitiful as Herain.

"I'm sure you're aware of the reason of this phone call."

"We are." Siocra let Razun carry on the conversation.

"So, then let me formally invite both of you as well. Razun Katz and Siocra Katz, being the next successors from the Katz family, are hereby summouned by the Hollow Realm to the Altar."

"We are grateful for this chance."

"Your presence is requested at the Altar by six in the evening. We'll also be sending an official invite by this afternoon."

"Sounds good." Razu huffed, his facade still intact despite growing excessively irritated with Zorian's civilised, tedious speech.

"Again, my condolences to the both of you. We'll be awaiting your arrival." With that the call ended and Razu groaned audibly bumping his head against the wall behind him while Sio remained impassive.

"At least they aren't ill mannered," Zorian shrugged on his side, reading their background searches that they had sent in themselves. He had expected them to be rash, much like their profile suggested but they seemed well-cultured.

The superiors were interested in the twins, mostly because their father, Evian Katz, an infamous Monarch despite being an important figurehead who heeded to keep those kids' hidden.

"Ah! these documents were submitted yesterday. They must have eliminated Herain." It wasn't necessarily a new thing, kids had grown to love the Game and didn't want to miss out on the chance to play. Most kids do it recklessly, but those two seemed to have found the loophole and used it quite well.

Legally being allowed to slaughter each other, only by the players below the twenty-six thousandth rank, gives the kids quite the thrill.

"Well," Zorian remained unimpressed by the details mentioned in their submitted forms. "I still have hope for you."

[ Zorian Sythe, 100

Current Status : Monarch (59%) ]