
Monsterous Evolution

Dylan Young was an outcast. A reject, seen as the lowest of the low and nothing but trash. Until the world turns upside down from everyone gaining a strange game like system, and Dylan is transformed into a Monster. Now he evolves with each victim he takes.

SmilesS · Fantasía
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2 Chs


It was another day for Dylan Young. Doing absolutely nothing in his room. He felt such little motivation in his heart to get up and try anything. His life at school was terrible currently. Everyone there had looked down upon him because of his family's background and his economic status.

Living in Sherwood Forest, Detroit had it's ups and downs for Dylan. His mother tolerated him at best, his father never hesitated to take his anger out upon him. Dylan was always pressured with so many standards in school and just about every part of his life.

"Always get an A Dylan! Or I'm getting that belt!"

"You need scholarships Dylan! You better not have less than 20!"

"Dylan you need to join a sport already!!!!"

Day by day, Dylan suffered from his family dumping so many expectations upon him. He could barely enjoy middle school, and all of high school. Currently he was an eighteen year old senior on the verge of graduation. But what would he do with himself? His parents just wanted him to go into a college, forget about everything else.

He didn't even have a job he wanted, a career. He never thought about any of those things, his parents spent all their time thinking about it for him instead. There was nothing in Dylan's life that he could control.

Even his friend groups were arranged for him by his parents. They didn't want their child snobbing it up with some low class people after all. Dylan's parents idealized him like some billionare's son, despite how poor they were.

He took a deep breath, and let it out. "Damn. My life sucks." He didn't have much faith that things could get better for him. He realized he was supposed to be studying right now, but didn't want to.

It was almost the end of the year, due to his parents constantly cracking the belt on him he never slacked off. Most of his grades were Perfect A's or A minuses. Despite how good these marks were, anything less than a perfect on the tests would get him some form of punishment.

He spent the day playing video games instead, the familiar click being alot more enjoyable than wasting his time studying. His spare hand reached into a nearby bag of potato chips, loudly crinkling the chips within the bag as it reached for one. The sound of them was as obnoxious as it could get, the chips just cracked so loudly once they were in your hands.

He brought one to his mouth, and then another while relaxing. But then came a loud stomping sound over to his bedroom. He knew what time it was then, his father was ready to throw another temper tantrum.

Dylan was already doing good, why punish him now? It just wasn't fair to the guy, but sadly his parents did not see it that way.

His father loudly banged his hand against the door of Dylan's bedroom. "Dylan! Young man you better be studying in there!!! If I see less than a 99 on that next test of yours I'm taking everything away!" His father had "generously" lowered the requirement to not get a beating by 1 point, but would probably still do it if he got a 99.

"Hmph." Dylan said to himself as he resumed what he was doing, it didn't matter if he studied anyway. He fully understood all of the remaining topics in school, all of his constant forced study having made him smarter than most of the other students.

But none of them liked him.

Many were either envious of his grades, or wanted to look down at him because of his family's status or out of jealousy. Even the little "friends" his parents arranged for him were just stringing him along like a dog.

"School is so messed up." Dylan said to himself in a depressed tone, he could never make himself sound motivated to do anything despite his efforts. Everything came mechanically to him. He paused the game he was playing, and moved to take off the bandage that was currently on his face. Dylan went to look in the mirror.

The bruise was fresh, he remembered the fight that caused it. A few of the other students had cheered for one of the tallest seniors to beat him the hell up.

"He must think he's better than us with those test grades!"

"Yeah! Kick his ass!"

The other students had cheered like animals to watch him get beaten. Dylan was pummeled endlessly into the hallway floor as they all watched. Nobody was sympathetic to him, not even the teachers in the school. "This is illegal." Was exactly what he thought as he got knocked out in front of everybody.

Illegal? Sure, but if nobody cared? That didn't matter.

This was the feeling of "trash".

He shuddered thinking back to the beating. But Dylan had always struggle to show his emotions outwardly. He was so used to repressing them within, just keeping it boiling within himself and not showing them to anything or anyone. Perpetually kept within a state of numbness.

Would he find release eventually?

He went to look out the window, at the sky. He had a habit of staring at the clouds. It was one of the few things that relaxed him.

Then, a series of strange letters began to appear in the sky.

"Mass Update Initializing...5%"

Hey guy's, new series I'm trying out for WPC. Hope you guys enjoy it, really appreciate any comments I get.

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